IT IS OFFICIAL...Romania STILL has LOTS of FURADAN....A pesticide - TopicsExpress


IT IS OFFICIAL...Romania STILL has LOTS of FURADAN....A pesticide BANNED in the ENTIRE EU !!!!!!!!!! Translation : VERDICT - FURADAN - tnes of dogs killed with the same substance used by Madalina Manole to commit suicide In the last ten days, tens of dogs died in horrifying pain after they ate food poisoned with FURADAN - extremely dangerous pesticide, BUT BANNED in the EU for more than 5 years. The Veterinarians from the DVS Timis, have established Friday Sept. 20, that it was FURADAN, the substance they found in the poisoned food use to KILL many dogs in the comunes around Timisoara. The dead animals have been found in Chisoda, Dumbravita and Giroc. ( many of these animals were in their owner yards !!!!!! ) Oby, a white 1-2 years old dog, has been rescued from the streets by the association ACT Timisoara, about to go home in Denmark, was one of the victims. " Vile people have placed food with Furadan in places accessible to dogs " said Carmen Stanescu from ACT Timisoara. The number is sinister. Only in Chisoda 20 dosg have been killed, but also cats and a hedgehog. Other animals died in Dumbravita. Dr. Adrain Popa, the Director of DVS Timis, confirmed the presence of poison, from the content of one dog " In its stomach we found CARBOFURAN - a substance from the FURADAN class - which is banned in the EU " . He also said that he will fill in a report with the Police, alsoe the Department of fire arms, explosives and toxic substances, to start an investigation in order to find out where from this substance was obtained and who are the perpetrators. " Being a BANNED substance, these people risk to go to prison from 3 to 15 years, based on the Romanian Penal Code, ART>312, Paragraphs 1 and 2, confirmed Ionut Bocancea, sokesperson from the Timis County Police. Dr. Adrian Popa, directorul DSV Timiș, a confirmat vineri prezența otrăvii din clasa Furadanului în trupul câinelui ucis. ”În stomacul acestuia a fost găsit Carbofuran, substanță din clasa Furadanului, otravă de altfel interzisă”, a declarat reprezentantul autorității sanitar-veterinare. Popa a precizat că va sesiza Poliția, respectiv Serviciul Arme, Explozivi, Substanțe Toxice, pentru a demara o anchetă care să stabilească proveniența Furadanului și să identifice persoanele care au folosit substanța. ”Fiind vorba de o substanță interzisă, aceste persoane riscă între 3 și 15 ani de închisoare, conform articolului 312 aliniatele 1 și 2 din Codul Penal”, a completat Ionuț Bocancea, ofițer de presă în cadrul Poliției Timiș. ( PLEASE READ the comments...many people report how dogs are killed by catchers in other counties and towns...)
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 18:01:57 +0000

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