#IamanambassadorofHope. A time like this last year the same month - TopicsExpress


#IamanambassadorofHope. A time like this last year the same month if I was to write a book the title of the book would have been ......WHEN EVERYONE ELSE WALKS AWAY DOES GOD WALK AWAY TOO......but one year down the line If I was to write the book now the title would change n be THE LORD STICKS AROUND WHEN ALL WALK AWAY. This a living testimony....darkness hovered in my life,confusion n I was so lost,I was in a very hopeless situation because I did not know what was to happen next,My life looked like it had stopped n taken another direction,It is at this time my ears heard things I have never dreamt off,my walk of faith was tried heavily,it had been sifted like wheat....I had no shoulder to cry on,nobody understood what I was going through,I faced rejection,I was mocked,I had wars from all over because I had opened a door in my life.......it is at this point in life I woke up like david in psalms 120:6 which says....too long have I lived among those who hate peace.I am a man of peace,but when I speak they are for war.....it is this psalm that led to psalms 121 which is a national anthem for us ......and I followed david suit.I forgot my parents,my friends,all around me n chose to tell the Lord ouria kuhana nii ngutira maitho makwa ndimarorerie na iguru,uteithio WAKWA wa miena yothe umaga kuri we we wombire iguru na thi...The Lord became my help and aroused His compassion,He changed his heart within Him,He refused to GIVE UP on me,He refused to HAND ME OVER to the other side,He refused to TREAT me like Admah and MAKE me like Zeboiim,He refused to carry out His fierce anger on me,He refused to devastate me just because of the fact that He is GOD and not MAN. ......Hosea 11:8-9.I owe it all to the Lord. I have come to know beyond doubt: 1. people only talk about your mess and watch you from a distance but the Lord goes an extra mile factors in your mistake, embraces you with love and gives you a MESSAGE from the MESS. 2.People give up on us but it is not OVER until the Lord says IT is over. 3.Just like the way a house grows old and the owner decides I will give it a new look,or how a shoe wears out n you take it to the shoe maker n it is worked on , the Lord knows very well where we need to be polished,where we need to be repaired and packages us in a way the change He has brought in our lives is irresistible.He places a notice board on you with words......UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4.The Lord punishes us for our wrong doings only with an intention that you will come back to your senses the prodigal sons way but human beings punish you,discipline you by painting you badly in public and showing you that the stage you are in you cannot find help from God. 5.People do their judgment but God is the FINAL JUDGE... and He doesnt employ hearsay He employs JUSTICE. 6.People say n they have a right but God has the final say. 7.People see challenges as the end of you the Lord allows the challenges in your life for a purpose. 8.People are advised what to do,where to go,what not to do,where not to go but as for the Lord He does not take orders concerning His sons..Isaiah 46 9.People endorse others but the best endorsement comes from God. 10.People can only demolish a work they have started but a work that the Lord has started cannot be stopped by anyone or be demolished by anyone. 11.The Lord can allow you to go through pain,mockery and ridicule but makes sure you come out GLORIFIED#gloryinpain ...magerio mothe ti ngoma tiga kuga ishindwe.......romans 8:18 12.It is while in pain and suffering we understand God better n we are able to define Him according to how He has revealed Himself to us not how others know Him. He is a faithful God,compared to none,awesome in glory,majestic in Holiness ,working wonders. I was scrapped of because that was YESTERDAY n they only knew the happenings of yesterday.Yesterday is gone n the Lord has made my today better and beautiful by crowning it with songs of joy,sounds of singing,joy and laughter and I can comfortably face tomorrow. #itissuchaturnaround #thankyouGod #Riurirariira #NiwihotaniirethiiniwangoroyakwaNgai #Iamanambassadorofhopewithexperience.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:16:33 +0000

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