“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is - TopicsExpress


“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” Every now and then we get ask to do things for others. When this happens there may be this inner conflict of should I do it, however I really far from want to ask. Maybe its just something that far from appeals to us to do. So we get caught up in our thoughts and possibility questioning out instinct and trying to change our minds. We do this because we think we SHOULD to this for this other people because other people do it for us. Because if we far from do it we think we are a bad person, because we are challenged what the other person will think of us. We end up creating a mental drama just to avoiding take a stand of our own convictions and accepting there is far from anything unproductive with them. We end up missing on what we ACTUALLY want to do when we challenge ourself about what we might be missing by far from doing that something. We push ourselves to do things we far from find appealing because we THINK we should. When it come to the big decisions about where we are going professionally or how we spend our time, we owe it to ourselves to recognise what we genuinely find inspires or enhances our lives. Every time we act against our own instincts, we reinforce to ourselves that there’s something wrong with them—and there far from is. There is far from any right or wrong choices when it comes to how we want to spend our time. There’s just what’s right for YOU, what’s right for me, and the possibility of us each experiencing true joy by identifying and honoring those things. My “right” path may look nothing like yours, and both are completely valid. With this in mind YOU have to finally acknowledge and respect YOUR own interests and preferences allowing YOU to be drawn to what genuinely feels right.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:17:58 +0000

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