“If man is an adaptive being, why then can he not adapt to - TopicsExpress


“If man is an adaptive being, why then can he not adapt to peace?” We live in a “Survival of the fittest” world. We are all fit to survive, and to thrive in this world! We should not confuse our existence with that of wild animals. Once we do, we will become as they are. Grazing, wandering, eyes glazed over in Cud chewing complacency. After all, if the Lion kills the Zebra, what effect does that have on us? We have become unconscious with our eyes wide open. Man’s perpetrations against his Brother and Sister have wreaked havoc in our societies. To the extent that we have instead, reverted to an animalistic survival mode. We take offense at the slightest intrusion, a car horn, a derogatory name called out. We feel slighted; feel that our pride and sense of self worth has been put upon. As a result, the existence of peace vanishes. Our sense of internal peace is disturbed and in some cases, this leads to breakdowns of societal harmony. People, governments, and races lash out. We create wars only to then win the existence of peace. This garden has been tended, and abandoned repeatedly. Vigilance must be the watchword when tending the garden of peace. I believe that in many aspects. Peace is still just a concept. Yes, we know what it is, what it means to have it, or experience it. This takes me back to my initial question however, why then can we not adapt ourselves to living in peace? How can one truly love another without peace? Therefore, like Love, we must evolve to a point where peace becomes an emotion, rather than just a state of existence. How sad that peace just exists, it might just as well be a lamp or a piece of carpet. Peace should be celebrated and nurtured. Why is it that we do not fathom the implications of peace and instead, seek war? Recently, I shared this thought with a friend and colleague, Mr. Richard Browne who is a journalist and was a war correspondent. Richard’s response was a clear insight to the subjectivity of truth. He stated, “Where would we be without contrasts? Cold needs hot in order to be understood. Left needs right. Without food, how would we know hunger? Without hate, how would we know love, without water, how would we know thirst? Without death, how would we know life? And without war, how could we ever know and appreciate peace.” Simply stated, it is these “contrasts” that allow us to make comparisons concerning such things as peace and war, love and hate, or hunger and sustenance. I am however, still stuck on the concept of peace as an emotion. If man openly practices the emotions of love and hate, we might then surmise that peace would be the precursor to love and the resolution to hate. Yes, it is all so simple for some, but this is not written for those that have an understanding of this subject. It is for those searching like myself for the answer to this question. I am a mere poet; I wager that there are more learned men than I, those who might render a better explanation of this subject. Therefore, our individual opinions to this subject or any subject for that matter rest in, and with our experiences in life. Those things that we have come to know as our individual truths, and convictions. I gaze upon a shattered mirror, My reflection tangled. I gaze upon my body, weary, Weary of blood and hate. I gaze upon bodies dreaming, That peace will hither to come, That the days of war and hate Will die, and finally be done. I gaze upon a shattered mirror, War torn coffins staring back, I gaze upon young faces, Silent now, Forever. O peace, Visit thine brethren in this, Their final repose. Let me wipe this shattered slate clean. And reflect upon brighter days.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:35:24 +0000

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