“If our God Whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning - TopicsExpress


“If our God Whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image which you have set up?” Daniel 3:17-18. When we find ourselves in a difficult situation we like to pray for God to deliver us from our troubles right then and there. However, oftentimes we have to endure for a while and deal with our trials and tribulations, not because God wants us to suffer but because He knows what is best for us and He knows that we will come out of those trials a stronger person. Don’t get discouraged when you don’t get delivered right away. Have faith and trust that even when things look bad, God makes all things work together for the good of those who love him (see Romans 8:28). And we don’t have to go through the trials and tribulations by ourselves. When the three men in Daniel 3 refused to bow down and worship the gods and golden image king Nebuchadnezzar had made, he threatened to throw them into a fiery furnace and burn them alive. They did not get intimidated though. They knew there was a chance that God would deliver them, but even if He didn’t, they refused to bow down to their circumstances. So when they were tossed into the furnace, guess what happened? A fourth person showed up, untied them and walked with them in the midst of the fire and none of them got hurt. “And the fourth is like a son of the gods?” Daniel 3:25. In the midst of their troubles, Jesus showed up and walked every step of the way with them. He saved them from the flames and their clothes didn’t even smell like smoke. In the end, Nebuchadnezzar even promoted the three men in the province of Babylon. When you walk through the fire of your trials and tribulations, you might feel the heat for a while. You may also be uncomfortable for a while. But rest assured that Jesus won’t leave your side. He will help you make it through this difficult time, if you put your faith in Him.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:06:27 +0000

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