If this disgraceful scene had occurred under NPP, we would not - TopicsExpress


If this disgraceful scene had occurred under NPP, we would not have heard the last of it from talkative J J Rawlings and his Fiaffittor NDC scumbags. But now look at a Film about the shameful exposure of NDC thieves. The heroic Ghanaian Footballer have done for us what our NPP Parliamentarians with all their pontificating words could not do. We come from a country of many Judges, Doctors, Academicians, Bishops, Chiefs and politicians of every persuasion but cannot act, even when $20Billion Oil Revenue is being shared among NDC Thieves to build palatial mansions and send their ugly children to schools overseas. In a period where Ghanaian Journalists have been conscripted to work for the Presidency, no one could confront these ndc thieving bullies as I lay on my bed waiting for a miracle to descend. And by Jesus and Mohammed, it came through the ever famous and popular Ghanaian Footballer. What heroes. How brave. Real Men at work, buddy. May God shower his blessings on these courageous fighters of real truth. In fact, as soon as it was announced that President Mahama has taken charge of the Black Stars World Cup Bonaza, my heart went cold. I smelt fish! How can an incorrigible cat be asked to look after a fish? A man who collapses banks for his Brother to buy a plane to ferry stolen monies away from Ghana. A man who has supervised the dissipation of Ghanas monies; a man who shares saloon cars, lap computers, outboard motors, motor bikes... as if he is Nebuchadenezer. The Chief Bribe Master, who took Ghanas GH 8 Billion cedis to bribe Chiefs, Imams, Electoral Commissioner and Bishops and said to be worse than the Kalabule King, Kutu. A President at the heart of serious financial sleaze and scandals such as SADA, GYEEDA, Woyomisation, Judgment Debts and has single handedly turned politics into Wonnkye Di. What was he on about? I kept spying... I fasted and prayed to Almighty God to show his face, even as the NDC crooks and monsters gathered around the FIFA $9 Million dollars to feast on it - Amissah Arthur, Horace Ankrah, Buabeng, an Ahwoi, Ofosu Ampofo, Kojo Bonso, Yammin, Adu Asare, Buah Armah, Sabah Quaye and the rest of the NDC parasites and Leeches. Committees of ndc apparatchiks took over the Travel and Tours, as they began to eat yanfu yanfu like gorrilas on nuts. Undoubtedly, the greedy President, born in Ghana than Gold Coast, had already taken his lion share of a cool $1 Million Dollarrs stacked away in Switzerland in physical dollars by his slimy Flying Machinist, Ibrahim Mahama gangster. The rest were for the hoodlums to feast on and they were poised to make a killing, with the huge numbers involved - 145 delegates of concubines, celebrity junkies, political apparatchiks and Horace Ankrah of NDC-UK himself. They have no fear of such things, having liquidated Ghanas hotels, factories, ships, gold mines, bauxite and Manganese mines, Timber, Cocoa and every resource God gave Ghana. These ndc untouchables can chop bofun proper and the $9 Million Dollars was cold chop. Our Footballers are just mere puppets who can be bamboozled and shunted to a side. Can they dare make a whimper of a complaint? But I always have hope in these cool and collected guys! But every Napoleon has his Waterloo, and John Mahama and his thieving brigade had theirs in the form of gallant Black Stars of Ghana. Of course, NDC people were not brought up properly to respect achievers and distinguished men and women. They are used to murdering High Court judges and dumping them in mass graves. They even chase rich successful people into exile and take over their confiscation...but they were so wrong: I had observed the rejection of Black Star Players in wearing Mahama T Shirts when they qualified in Cairo and had a lot of hope in these fiercely independent successful unbribable men. They were the same footballers who refused to collect cedis for NDC people to share their dollars in South Africa. They knew Mahama was only trying to use them for his wretched politics, but were focussed on these ndc Tayeisi thieving their hard sweat. And how can you disrespect honourable people who had taken Ghana to three successive World Cups? They even deserve First Class seats but no: They were not from Bole-Bamboi or Anyako nor went to Achimota! That is when the plot got thickened as the Black Star camp was downgraded and 23 players were suffocated by smelly pot bellied Ghanaian parasites in their Camp. Then the Players began to ask questions. Their counterparts in other National Teams had told them the $9Million dollars had been fairly shared. Wow...And we have not got a penny? Hey Kwesi Appiah...where is our money? But interfering Armah put his smelly nose into it and lucky to escape with few Muntari slaps. Kevin, Essien, and the rest of them all then laid down their tools: We would never play unless our legitimate Dollars are given to us. Instead of $9 million, the Big Cat has led his chums to fleece off $6Million. Abai, ampem annso wo dzi a, 9 million beye den. This is the result of the Film, with commentary in Brazillian Portuguese. Of course, CPP gave us Krobo Edusei and John Mahamas Father as number one thieves: Acheampong gave us JLS Abbey and J O T Agyeman as his certified thieves. P/NDC has given us P V Obeng and the Dramani man himself as byzantine thieves. Now, please return the rest of the $9 Million to its rightful owners. S H A M E! Such people did a revolution in Ghana...hahaha...ewifo brigade. Fiaffitor Julor NDC people are exposed to the whole wide world as common thieves, who steal monies belonging to ordinary footballers! The evidence is below for everyman to see and bow their heads in total humiliation...Caught in the very act!!! Thank you, Lord Almighty!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 23:06:49 +0000

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