[...]If we know that the real PROBLEM is one of “energy usage” - TopicsExpress


[...]If we know that the real PROBLEM is one of “energy usage” and distribution and the delegation of each human being as a battery-of-sorts to RUN THEIR SYSTEM, the SOLUTION NOW BECOMES OBVIOUS! WE as human beings have to begin to think in terms of our daily “energy expenditures” as OUR VALUE and to “starve” their system of our energy! Because WE did not know HOW they were controlling us , we had no way to put a stop to it! They entire system is based upon our “WORK” our “SPENDING” and our “ENERGETIC” support of what they have given us as a society. The way to defeat this is to STARVE IT, or REMOVE OUR CONSENT FROM IT. This can be done without any damage to ones own self. It is simply mathematical! Each and every human being must become a miser with their own energy in the sense that they will SPEND IT ONLY ON THAT WHICH WILL SET THEM FREE! The list of things and sequences of events and daily activities, which support the system ARE ENDLESS. Sadly, we must become accountants and watch every ounce of energy we spend and how we spend it. We do not have to starve ourselves, but we do need to change what types of activities we engage in because so many of those things FEED THE SYSTEM THAT WAS SET UP TO ENSLAVE US ALL. For instance: Watching TV – has been proven to feed their control system. Therefore no money – time – or energy should be spent in watching TV, Buying TVs, or supporting TV’s! This is called ‘redirection’ of energy and is NOT SOMETHING THEY EXPECT. Video games are mindless and we also should not spend any of our energy playing them, buying them, or allowing our children to play or buy them! This also is REDIRECTION OF ENERGY BACK TO SELF – and that energy needs to be used in such a way as to contribute to the FREEDOM OF SELF AND OTHERS. This messes with their control system. The list is endless and I am going to make a general example of ways we expend “money energy” in support of their system of ENSLAVEMENT and also place ourselves in their prison. For ladies: Sorry ladies COSMETICS are not necessary, and feed them billions (if not trillions) of dollars a year to enslave us all. DESIGNER CLOTHES: are not necessary — and feed the control system. Handbags made by GUCCI and COACH, in matter of fact, are useless spending of your energy that could be spent differently on helping the planet get free. The system survives because WE STILL SUPPORT IT, in energetic terms. For men: Endless watching of sports, and the buying of BEER is a complete and total waste of your energy and supports the enslavement system. The buying of Fine Wines and eating out at expensive restaurants is only adding to our enslavement because we are using our “energy” to support those things. ESPN should NEVER BE WATCHED! Games shows need to die from lack of support worldwide – as well as reality TV. Family energy should be spent together doing things that teach children self-sufficiency! Like camping and fire building and the planting and cultivation of food. Children need to LEARN HOW TO COOK and to eat properly, NOT PLAY VIDEO GAMES. These are SOLUTIONS TO GET US OUT OF OUR ENSLAVEMENT! We do NOT NEED TO STOP BUYING NECESSITIES like food, water, and clothes (non designer). We simply need to correct where we expend our energy, which is how they are controlling us. Money is their method, but if WE CHOOSE WHERE TO SPEND, they then get starved of energy they are counting on. If you must eat out – never go to fast food restaurants! The list of them is endless, and every one of them is putting very bad things into the foods they sell. STARVE those businesses! Choose where to spend your energy money. Stop buying brand new cars! The automakers are in league with the secret government and are hiding advanced technology from us, which could have taken us away from gasoline in the 1960s. They do not deserve your respect. Stop buying new homes; instead, fix the one you have — and employ real workers who can use the wages to survive. Real Estate agents regularly take three percent of the cost of a new home as a fee for selling it, for maybe 20 to 30 hours of work, when that three percent is far more money than ten people actually earned in six months of eight-hour days, while building that same home – with their own blood, sweat, and tears. HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT FAIR? Those men and women who BUILT the home should be compensated each and every time that home gets sold. THEY BUILT IT. Yet we give the money to “agents” of the bank. Never go to strip clubs: They are Satanic and siphon off your energy! No one who cares about the planet should spend a DIME of their money in places like LAS VEGAS because ALL OF THAT MONEY IS USED TO SUPPORT THE SYSTEM. Now is it starting to make more sense? REMOVE YOUR CONSENT TO THE SYSTEM and simply stop supporting it with your money, time, and effort! DO the things you have to do to survive, but starve the enslavement system.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 02:39:21 +0000

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