“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it - TopicsExpress


“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” James 1:5(NIV) I grew up in an age where academic competition drove many to ‘pretend’ that we had all the answers rather than to ‘ask boldly’ any questions we had, in regards to any given topic. I became very fearful of asking for help, and asking questions when I needed answers, in case it made me look silly, ridiculous, and really just stupid. I desperately didn’t want to be stupid. I began to attach my self-worth and value to my performance level and achievement at the end of the day. So asking questions and asking for help was something I seldom did. But, after many years of experiencing the draw backs of living like this (hello!!!!) I’m learning that not knowing something and needing help in an area does not mean that I am stupid, silly or ridiculous. And really, putting myself out there for help actually makes me the smart one. God is not waiting to see what you get right or wrong and score you on a test. He is with us every day, everywhere, in everything. If you need help, if you need guidance or wisdom, it’s simple – just ask. God is generous, not stingy. He will not judge you according to your own wisdom, knowledge, performance and achievement. He sees you through the blood of Jesus – restored, redeemed, highly valued, and loved. He won’t be mad that you asked for help… in fact He will be proud. Proud that you can say “no” to your own pride, lower your defenses and boldly come before the throne of grace bringing your requests to the Lord. Go ahead and ask for wisdom, ask for guidance and counsel from Jesus. I can’t think of anyone who could help us more… more willingly or lovingly. PocketFuel
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 00:35:53 +0000

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