#Illusory #Ceasefire in #Ukraine: #Conflict continues. #Peace is a - TopicsExpress


#Illusory #Ceasefire in #Ukraine: #Conflict continues. #Peace is a convenient #illusion. #Fascists dont wage #wars to #quit. #Washington manipulates events destructively. It uses its installed stooge government to solidify unchallenged control over Ukraine. Straightaway after assuming power, oligarch president Petro Poroshenko said: The first steps that we will take at the beginning of our presidential term should be focused on stopping the war, to put an end to this chaos and bring peace to a united Ukraine. Days later he promised to crush pro-Russian separatist war being waged against our country. We will end this terror, he said. The anti-terrorist operation has finally just truly begun. Washington offers support, encouragement and military aid. Poroshenko promised no civilian attacks. He willfully unleashed Kiev forces against them. He wrongfully blames Russia for Kiev crimes. He shamelessly accused Southeastern Ukrainian freedom fighters for earlier regime ceasefire violations. Previous articles called chances for durable peace virtually zero. One month after both sides accepted ceasefire terms, intermittent conflict persists daily. Shelling of Donetsk continues. Residents say it never stopped. A self-defense force web site statement said (t)he truce is worst than the battle action. Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) units are in place. According to preliminary records, there are casualties among the civilian population. Deaths and injuries were reported. An ICRC worker was killed when its office was shelled. A statement followed, saying: We are deeply shocked by this death. We know that (last Thursday) in Donetsk there were other casualties among civilians. Indiscriminate shelling of residential areas is unacceptable and violates the international humanitarian law. ICRC spokesman Ewan Watson confirmed (o)ne of our colleagues (Swiss national Laurent Etienne) was killed in Donetsk, Ukraine, when a shell hit close to our office. Were deeply distressed by this loss. Etienne was ICRCs deputy Donetsk mission head. Russias Foreign Ministry blamed Kiev for his death. Mortar fire killing him came from territory government forces control. Civilian areas are targeted. Its part of Kievs terror campaign. Swiss President Didier Burkhalter expressed shock when hearing what happened. He called ceasefire terms a real opportunity to de-escalate the situation in a stable way… The civilian population, which has been suffering from violence in the region for months, are looking forward to a return to normal life. Donetsk continues being shelled. City Council members confirm(ed) that a mortar hit a nine-story block of flats in Universitetskaya Street. A hospital and shopping area were struck. Casualties were reported. Public transport operations were suspended. Heavy fighting continues around Donetsk airport. According to Itar Tass on Friday, self-defense forces have it under full control. Ukrainian law enforcers remained in underground communications rooms, self-defense forces said. They were screened to establish if any explosive devices might have been planted. Last Wednesday, three civilians died at a school on the first day of classes. Six others were killed at a bus stop. Dozens were injured. Russias Foreign Ministry called ongoing conflict blatant and intolerable. Kievs dirty hands are to blame. So are Washingtons for unleashing its dogs lawlessly. Russia began criminal proceedings against Ukrainian military leaders. Charges include genocide and prohibited warfare methods. At OSCEs Parliamentary Assembly (PA) autumn meeting, Russia State Dumas Speaker Sergei Naryshkin accused key EU countries of choosing tactics of destruction for Ukraine. Throughout months of conflict, he said. From its very beginning. Kiev called Minsk protocol terms non-essential and can easily be disrupted. Naryshkin addressed mass graves found. Local self-defense forces discovered them. They responded to information provided by area residents. They said Ukrainian forces dug them to conceal murders. To cover up their high crimes. Victims were killed execution-style. Bodies were discovered about 35 kilometers northeast of Donetsk. Naryshkin demand(ed) an international tribunal for those involved in crimes against humanity. Ukrainian officials go all-out to conceal crimes, violations of human rights, violence and unlawful acts, he added. He called it obvious who is really aiming for restoration of peace in Ukraine and who opposes the process. Four sites were found so far. In areas Kiev forces and extremist National Guard Aidar battalion elements control. Total body counts are yet to be determined. New sites may be found. Lavrov believe hundreds were buried secretly. Maybe more than he imagines. Russias Investigative Committee head Vladimir Markin was clear and unequivocal saying: For those who have doubts regarding whos responsible for these murders, the Investigative Committee has irrefutable evidence - witness accounts and appropriate examinations - that directly indicates that this crime was committed by fighters from the National Guard and Right Sector. Mass graves are further eloquent testimony to the atrocities of the Ukrainian nationalists, he added. (A)ll of the victims were tortured before their murder. A Dnepr battalion soldier Sergey Litvinov explained what happened. He was arrested. Then transferred to Moscow for further questioning. According to Markin: He personally killed civilians not involved in the military conflict, including women and children residents of the villages Melovoye, Shiroky, Makarovo and Kamushnoye, guided by anonymous denunciations. What is more interesting that this fighter received a money reward for the killings from his leadership sponsored by Igor Kolomoisky. Hes a prominent oligarch. Hes Kiev-appointed Dnepropetrovsk governor. He has no legitimacy whatever. Earlier he threatened independent Ukrainian presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev. He demanded he leave Ukraine immediately. He wrongfully accused him of involvement in shooting a National Guard soldier. He said he and his family would be hunted down, found and killed. His dirty hands were involved in Odessas massacre last May. Hundreds were murdered in cold blood. Neo-Nazi Right Sector thugs were involved. Kievs report whitewashed what happened. Eyewitness testimonies were suppressed. Mass murder is official Kiev policy. Unaccountability persists. According to Markin: We know the names of many of the commanders of military units, the militants of the Right Sector and the National Guard, who carry out criminal orders of the military and political leadership of Ukraine. Eventually theyll have to answer not only before the law, but also to their own conscience. Markin said evidence is irrefutable. Eyewitnesses explained. Theyre mostly refugees. They fled for their safety. In addition to eyewitness accounts, many victims have provided evidence to the Russian Investigative Committee and evidence in the form of soil samples, genetic material, Markin explained. These samples were thoroughly examined, confirming the testimony of witnesses and victims themselves, he added. He criticized Ukraines general prosecutors office for failing to investigate what happened. What prevented and is preventing them now from conducting their own investigation into the massacres of the civilian population and to try to protect the innocent population of Donbass instead of making hysterical statements about the alleged interference in the affairs of a sovereign republic, he asked? Coverup and denial assures unaccountability. On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called on UN authorities and other international organization officials to investigate crimes of war and against humanity in Ukraine. Kiev investigations were whitewashed. Expect continued coverup and denial ahead. Washington wants no incriminating evidence revealed. Judging by the fact that no progress was made in investigating these incidents, it is possibly time for international organizations, such as the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the United Nations… to take the responsibility of ensuring an unbiased and fair investigation, Lavrov said. After speaking with his Finnish counterpart Erkki Tuomioja, he added: We spoke of the necessity to investigate in an unbiased manner all crimes that have been committed in Ukraine. This refers to events in Odessa, Mariupol, what happened with the Malaysian Boeing and reports on mass graves near Donetsk. All countries should soberly assess their position on the Ukrainian issue and realize that accusing militiamen and justifying all actions of the Ukrainian authorities is not the way forward. Clear evidence shows hardline Ukrainian forces bear full responsibility. Accountability is nowhere in sight. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland heads back to the scene of her crimes. She represents the worst of Americas dark side. She was caught red-handed urging regime change on tape. She was involved in manipulating Maidan violence. Viktor Yanukovychs ouster followed. Illegitimate fascist putschist governance replaced him. She lied claiming Washington stand(s) with the people of Ukraine. (Its) up to the Ukrainian people themselves to decide their future. Theyve had no say whatever. Nor will they going forward. On October 5, the State Department said shell travel to Kiev to discuss Washingtons commitment to assist ongoing reform efforts in Ukraine, the status of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, and US support for Ukraines territorial integrity with senior Ukrainian government leaders. Shell meet with a broad spectrum of political leaders, civil society groups, regional government officials, and student groups. Shell hold secret talks to plot war strategy ahead. Washington wants Southeastern Ukrainian freedom fighters eliminated. It wants Ukraines best and bravest slaughtered in cold blood. It wants challengers to its imperium crushed. It wants democracy prevented at all costs. Nulands job is incomplete. She botched things so far. She didnt count on fierce Southeast Ukrainian resistance. Too redoubtable to defeat. Able to batter Kievs military. Expect US efforts going forward to plot new strategies against it. Perhaps with no better luck. It remains to be seen. Longstanding plans call for pro-Western stooge regimes everywhere. Giving Washington unchallenged control. Taking full advantage gotten everywhere. Creating hellish conditions for ordinary people. Creating new profit centers for corporate predators. At the expense of rule of law principles and social justice. Ukraine is the crown jewel of Washingtons eastward expansion. Its key in its drive to incorporate all former Soviet republics and Warsaw pact countries into NATO. With Russias borders surrounded by US bases. With long range multiple warhead nuclear missiles targeting its heartland. Eventual plans call for regime change in Russia. Ousting Ukraines democratically elected government relates directly to it. Giving Ukraine EU and NATO memberships advances Americas imperium hugely. It risks East/West confrontation. Perhaps the unthinkable. Maybe global war. Given Washingtons rage for dominance, anything ahead is possible. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III. claritypress/LendmanIII.html
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:10:26 +0000

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