..Im a 3rd generation Livingstonite ,family going back to 1921...I - TopicsExpress


..Im a 3rd generation Livingstonite ,family going back to 1921...I havent lived in Livingston since 1973...havent visited town in 10 yrs, due to the fact...You really can never go back,... to much time and change...and yet I treasure my Memories growing up there...and enjoy sharing those memories and finding so much feedback and discussion by others who feel the same....( and every pic I have posted ever, are all from extensive searches through the Public Domain) .....................So Remember Back When. . . things were so much simpler. ...five and dime stores like Silvermans ,the Colony 5&10 ,and the Sugar Bowl were popular. They almost had anything you could want to buy plus they had a Fountain counter which served shakes, malts, cherry cokes, pies and so much more…....all the homes I lived in and actually visited back in the 60s had only one bathroom. How did we survive? I had a sister and a brother, mom and dad fighting over one bathroom…..cars had a stick shift on the column Actually drivers training in high school was taught with a stick shift on the column. Our instructor who also was the football coach, (Al Jacobson) who would always take us up the steepest hill...Belmont Dr. up to Hillside Ave which had a traffic light and we had to take off while stopped going up a hill…....pizzas werent delivered... but milk was. The milkmen were the kings of 4am delivery. I remember the glass milk bottles that were delivered to your side or front door before you were even out of bed. The only person that heard the milkman arrive was the dog. You left your empty bottles on the front porch with a note inside the bottle telling the milkman what you wanted that day. I also remember that the milkmen wore white uniforms and drove those funny looking trucks….....newspapers were delivered by boys. Most boys had paper routes Star Ledger in the am/ Newark News in the pm. I think the most I ever made was $8.00 a week but that was great money for a young boy back then. What I hated most was the inclement weather. I always liked the customers who tipped me and detested the customers who werent home on collection days which was normally Friday night or Saturday morning….....having a telephone in the home, there was only one and probably it was located in the living room and it was a rotary dial WYman 2-5736 please..and on a party line. Before you could dial, you had to listen and make sure some person you didnt know wasnt already using the phone line.....automobile headlight dimmer switches were on the floor and the ignition switch was on the dashboard and the older cars without turn signals resulted in using hand signals to make a turn….....everybody had to have a pair of Keds or PF Flyers from Jays Shoebox, to run faster than anybody else…....the old black and white Motorola TV took forever to warm up before you saw the picture and every house had an outside antenna on the roof or chimney for channels 2,4,5,7,9,or11….....we always had our meals together sitting around our large kitchen table. We talked, laughed, joked and complimented my mother on her cooking, I still remember those special Sunday dinners around the dining room table…....girls use to roll their hair before a date or before bed. How did they sleep with those curlers. You ladies care to comment?…....Old Spice or Jade East and English Leather were the most popular after shave and colognes for men, Butch Wax was used to make your flat top stand up….I can ever forget those great times of my youth....
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:12:36 +0000

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