(Im not sure if Agent K. (blogger of gangstersout) will approve of - TopicsExpress


(Im not sure if Agent K. (blogger of gangstersout) will approve of my comment but here it is for all of you that will or have seen his Oct 25th article regarding myself: Hello, My name is Andreas Terezakis. I am the somewhat handsome fellow in your screenshot :P lol I feel not only compelled but now obliged to write this because you have taken something of mine that is important to me and not just poorly but ultimately sadly covered it in a twisted manner :( I think I speak for many here - You are not a very good reporter, in fact you are not a reporter at all. And without lowering myself to your level of juvenile name calling and hateful remarks, Id rather speak in truth and with my heart. For years Ive had people come to me with articles you have written on my father, and I cant stress how troubling its been for me being a young man, trying to break the mold and patterns from being born into a criminal family to always having to correct them from your wrong information. You are single handedly affecting my emotional recovery. You might say, well its your dads fault for being a criminal. Well actually in reality, he has done his time in prison, and you and your circle of people that spread untrue statements only truly hurt those in his family that are innocent. If you reported the truth I would have no issue whatsoever. See, what bothers me the most is you have something so special here, you have actually found an opportunity to finally cover something positive in light of all the chaos and turmoil that flourishes throughout the criminal world in BC. Yet you have completely neglected it and turned into into a chance to promote your ebook and make sick connections that carry no validation or purpose aside from a hateful agenda. So since you havent, Id like to maybe help you with some facts. I dont know who you are but here is who I am. Ive never done a drug in my life. Im a student, father, son, brother, kick boxer, poet, recording artist, and youth worker - that is currently going on board with the odd squad for lecturing and teaching troubled youth in schools and martial art gyms across the lower mainland. With this being said, I can assure you my father didnt nor has ever capped anyone. And if he did, Id be the only one whod know. I have no reason to defend him, because unlike what youd think being raised the way I was, I have zero allegiance to any side in the criminal realm. I gave those tapes at 14 to my mother. Thered be no story here if it wasnt for that action...So dont even try to slander me or my intentions. All my rolemodels and elders have been gunned down or died of drug use. I have no time for lies or falsehood, I write only in fact. This connection you have made through reading newspapers or creating them in your existence is absolutely sad. My father was charged for assaults and drug trafficking over a decade ago, did 7 years time served for it, and your connecting him to one of the most heinous serial killers in Canadian history based on what? Without getting into the specifics and only to clarify for the people that I care about that read this, An ill informed lawyer brought up my dad to Attorney Wally Oppal in some hearing asking wasnt tony a doorman for pickton? He was immediately shut down by the judge so moral of this story is...lawyers dont always get it right as Im sure their agenda is a lot of the time sided with whatever their intentions maybe and there are many drug dealers named tony... My dad was never a doorman or associated to Robert pickton. I would put my life on that...I think being his son and once being involved in his criminal endeavors, Id know a bit more than a person who writes on the basis of hate and slander...with a lack of information and convoluted way of making connections. In all honesty, coming from someone who was there and witnessed beatings, sadly but truthfully Id be the first to say that most of these people were guys like pickton - rapists, murders but I still dont agree in anyway shape or form that my father had a right to do what he did. A fact is that unfortunately things are very different in the downtown eastside, its a very different world. There are rules and the underworld does a lot of its own policing, its not like the outside world that we so easily compare it to. Police have been known to partake in some very corrupt and unworthy behaviors as criminals have, as Im sure Agent K here can agree with. Just like these cops have succumbed to becoming that in which they were meant to police (criminals), I believe you agent k have done the same - by attacking families and people through hate and lies. Its pretty unlikely the old big tones would be hanging out with pickton and his bible - Itd be more like pickton with a every bone in his bloody body broken - this I can assure you along with anybody that actually knows him. So please do yourself and a young man who has done everything in his power to change his path - a service of either deleting this article or changing it to something as to what it deserves. - Andreas Terezakis gangstersout.blogspot.ca/2014/10/tony-terezakis-son-makes-movie.html
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 08:15:20 +0000

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