(( Im the oboe player. I need the flute player, and probably some - TopicsExpress


(( Im the oboe player. I need the flute player, and probably some other instrument players! Post a bio and what your character plays if you want to join after the floutist is taken! )) Stop correcting my embouchure! Your lips are always too loose, thats why you cant hit your overtones! Lilah sneered at her twin, her fingers clutched tightly around her oboe in fury. Youre always condescending me, telling me to do this, or do that! She stood up and began to mock her sister. Oh, look at me! Im a flouncy froufy flute player, Im better than all of you because I play the most retarded and useless instrument of all! Hehehe, look how girly and feminine I am with my flute! The younger twin laughed, but it wasnt quite in humour. Stop correcting me. Im sick of it. I dont want to hear about how my spit /occasionally/ comes out of the corners of my mouth, when youre over there with an embouchure thats so loose that you look like you had a damned stroke! Lilah was panting now, her face flushed red with her sudden outburst. Im not sorry this time. Fix yourself before you try to fix me. The aggravated oboe player stormed from the practice room, and slammed the door behind her. This wasnt good. Solo and Ensamble was in a week, but the duo hadnt gotten anything accomplished, and Lilah didnt know if she could find another partner in time. Lilah and her sister were the rare type of twins who were... identical, but not. They came from the same egg, and looked totally opposite in hair and eye colour. They acted differently as well, in Lilahs opinion. Her sister was much more calm and patronizing than she, who was hot-headed and rash in her descisions.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 00:42:54 +0000

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