#Imagine I glance behind me as I run down the sidewalk. Seeing - TopicsExpress


#Imagine I glance behind me as I run down the sidewalk. Seeing no one, I slow my pace to a walk and look around the street. I must have lost him I think to myself, breathing out and looking down. Just as I look up I see a boy walk into me accidentally. The boy banged into me lightly, but my balance isnt very stable, so I wasnt able to stop us from falling over. Oww I say, closing my eyes for a moment. He had landed on top of me but he doesnt move, just stares at me, his cheeks flushing red. After a few seconds I look at him with a questioning glance. Can you please get off? I say, not trying to be rude about it. He stands up quickly and I follow. I-Im sorry He says, seeming unsure what to do. I look down at my stinging arm. It was just a graze, but I was gonna get shouted out by Umma when she sees it. Its fine I assure him, looking away from my arm. I look at the boy and see he has a round face and a sort of light brown colour hair. I smile at him and he smiles back before I see a flash behind me. Is that Mr ___s daughter? With an idol? I freeze. Umma will be furious if reporters find me out here, let alone with a boy. I need to get out of here I say, my eyes widening. He notices and grabs my hand, pulling me down the street quickly before jumping into an alleyway. Reports walk past quickly, trying to follow us without causing a commotion. He presses me against a wall, his hands on either side on me against the wall. The reporters walk away, doubting we would be in the dark alley. Even though the reporters are gone he doesnt move. I wanted to tell him to get off again but he motions for me to stay quiet. One lone reporter was left, still scanning the alleyway suspiciously. He walks over dangerously close to where we were standing, before giving up and leaving the alley. Thank you I say quietly, breathing out. He moves away from me slightly so that we werent pressed together anymore, but we were still close together. Thats fine, Ive had to do that quite a bit He says. I look at him curiously. Im ______ He says, holding out his hand. Oh, the dude in that band right? _____? I say. I really have a terrible memory and mother never approved of music unless it was classical or opera. Um yea thats me He says, awkwardly waiting for me to introduce myself. Oh! sorry, Im ______! I say, taking his hand and shaking it. So why were the media after you? he asks, looking at me confused. Um, Ive always been a target of the media, my Appa, hes important I guess I say. And teamed with an Idol, the media will have a field day ______ adds, smiling at me. Yea they would, but Umma will be furious I laugh. He looks at me fully for the first time. The media will be back soon, we should probably go somewhere else He says, indicating for me to walk beside him. We leave the alley and walk the opposite direction to where the others went and _____ leads the way. Are we going somewhere? I ask and he smiles. Nae, just wait He plays. I roll me eyes and smile, following him down the street. So if your the daughter of someone important, why are you all alone in a big city? He asks. I may have run away from my guard... I trail off, swinging my arms by my side. He just laughs at my response. Dont worry, Ive run away from my manager and Members before He tells me, smiling warmly. I follow him, not really knowing where we are going. Were here He says, looking at the door to a house. Where is here exactly? This is where me and my friends live, Im sure the media wont see you He says, opening the door and walking inside. I follow him and we go into a lounge. Anyone home? _______ calls out but is met with silence. I guess no ones home. Oh well, at least its quiet He smiles, falling onto one of the couches. I sit on the couch with him, and look around the room curiously. It is very different to my home, but much more comfortable. Thanks for helping me earlier, Ive never had good luck with reporters Its fine. If youre ever in trouble or something just come here, If Im not here someone else will be here most of the time I think Ill take you up on that ~ #LillyJay ~
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 08:19:04 +0000

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