*** Important! :D *** Well... Nows the best time as any to - TopicsExpress


*** Important! :D *** Well... Nows the best time as any to open up. ;) Suppose you could call this my New Years Resolution for 2014, but... Well, let me just get started. And Ill start off easy. Ill begin by saying that Ive felt this way for most of my life, all the way since Valleyview Elementary School. Not many will have noticed, as not even Brenden has noticed until I told him. He told me Ive been quite feminine, which I agree with, and is completely understandable to notice. You can probably guess where Im going with this, so Ill cut ahead a bit-- A solid 5 or so years ago is when I absolutely began to take notice. I didnt quite research into it, but I knew a friend of mine who had been going through the experience, or rather, had gone through the experience. Not in real life, though, but rather an old internet friend I had chatted with, previously known as Jessica. ( No, not Ms. Baron. This Jessica Ive known way before her. :P ) He had gone through many things while I havent talked with him, and as I caught up with things, it became more and more obvious of what I was. During all of that, I had joined a Minecraft community, previously known as TheOnes, but currently known as Blocktopia. In this community, I had opened up to them while wearing a skin I had drawn for Minecraft, of a character named Mizore Shirayuki from Rosario+Vampire. Because of this, I had been mistaken for a girl... And because of that, I had actually accepted it, and continued to pretend as a girl from there. A year or so later, after becoming so close with said community, I then publicly created a thread explaining that I was actually a male, pretending to be a female. I was extremely shy of doing this, but in the end, was still accepted in the community. No one hated me for me, no one ditched me for it, no one betrayed me for it. I was honestly happy to be apart of this community. Now, a couple years later, closer to my graduation of High School... I finally did some research. I told some people online, close friends from the small community Ive been apart of that I trust, and I actually eventually came out publicly about this to them, too... Just a couple days ago, early Saturday/late Friday. Everyone was highly supportive, and very caring, and I was so overjoyed to see such a response... That I come here today, with this-- Massive essay I didnt expect to suddenly write. Holy cow. ... Anyway, if you properly ready all of that, you may know what Ive been hinting to you for the past couple of minutes or so now... My name is Darien Greene, and I am a Male to Female Transgender. I plan on going the full distance, completely changing my gender through operations, therapy--- Whatever it takes. I even plan on changing my name, considering Darien is a male Irish name... I was actually thinking about Duffie, as I made up that name, have been using it as a screen name for several years, and find it absolutely adorable... But, its still debatable. Whats not debatable, though, is that Im absolutely certain this is what I want to do. This may take months, perhaps even years, but... Im absolutely certain this is what I want. I know some people will be against it-- Its inevitable. Heck, Im sure some of my family here will be absolutely speechless, or completely against it! But, you know what? That doesnt matter to me. (And Id probably still love you, anyway. Even if you hate me. :P ) Now, I should probably end this essay of a monster before I drag it on far longer than it need to drag off on... Well, I guess Ill end off in... If you have any questions, feel free to ask! You can ask in a Private Message if youd prefer privacy, but Im still kinda shy about it in person. xD It took a lot of thought to put this together, and I poured all of my feelings into it... Hopefully everyone understands. :3 Thanks for reading! :D
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:49:01 +0000

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