*** Important new translation available!**** Thank you to those - TopicsExpress


*** Important new translation available!**** Thank you to those who worked to translate and edit this piece! At the hearing for functional disorders that was held in Denmark on March 19th 2014, Stig Gerdes was not allowed to talk about Karina and was forced to change his presentation. After the hearing he posted his original presentation. This translation was taken from this post. https://facebook/IKlemmeIDetKommunaleSystem/posts/514884105287652 We would like to add an important note about the term functional disorders as translated. Please keep this in mind when reading information from Denmark about functional disorders. The original Danish term used by Per Fink and his clinic is funktionelle lidelser. In English, this is translated to functional disorders, but this is a bad translation as it changes the meaning. A functional disorder means a disorder where function is impaired by a poorly understood physical cause. Whereas the Danish term of funktionelle lidelser implies a psychiatric cause to the illness. When patients at Per Fink’s clinic get the diagnosis of funktionelle lidelser, it is written in their charts as the psychiatric illness somatization disorder, which has a mental health code of F45. Translation begins here: Stig Gerdes presentation Dear Citizens, The following is my presentation from the hearing at Christiansborg (Danish pariliament building) on March 19, 2014. Im puzzled over the fact that Per Fink was allowed to show an individual case. I was just about to tell him that if it was the Karina Hansen case, he did not need to show it, because I will briefly mention it in my presentation. There is no doubt that Karen Klint has an agenda, as I was not allowed to present an individual case. Its very scary how Per Fink can manipulate and ingratiate himself everywhere. I think we should put functional disorders (funktionelle lidesler) on ice by having everyone refuse to consult doctors that are followers of functional disorders/the TERM model. This will cause them to not have any patients to consult, which will result in this concept dying out. It sounds easy, but I dont think it will be. Functional disorders (funktionelle lidelser) - The Emperors New Clothes Presentation on March 19, 2014, 9:00 a.m. Health Committee, Christiansborg. For starters, I want to say that functional disorders are the Emperors New Clothes. The state, regions, counties and the national healthcare system are the emperor who is deceived by the crafty tailors represented by Per Fink and his cronies, and the boy shouting: He has no clothes on are the opponents of functional disorders. My 35 years of experience in general practice has taught me that in almost 90% of the cases I see, the patient will bring the diagnosis themselves provided that I know how to listen to the patient, which is hard. The remaining approximately 10% should be diagnosed by very good doctors from various specialties. There is no need for functional disorders. Functional disorders are without substance, without scientific evidence, and are a cancerous growth in our healthcare system that slowly spreads and strangles sick people. The Region of Mid Jutland wrote on 29.10.2010 this quote: There is solid evidence that cognitive behavioral therapy and graded excerise therapy are effective treatments for CFS and other functional syndromes. When this solid evidence was requested, the Region of Mid Jutland stated on 02.26.2013, that is 2 ½ years later, that no documents with the requested information exist. Therefore, functional disorders have no place in the Danish healthcare system, and neither are they recognized by the WHO. Functional disorders should therefore be abolished now! Slide 1 shows the magnitude of the problem. Per Fink claims that: Functional disorders include conditions wherein the patient is afflicted with physical symptoms, where there can not be detected any known medical or surgical disease. Comment: We are just not good enough. Per Fink claims that: The more the physically-ill patients object to getting a psychiatric diagnosis, the more mentally ill they are . Comment: So, thereby, they can be sectioned and forcibly treated. Per Fink even recommends that the sick should not be given a thorough examination! These three statements from Per Fink show how hopeless his concept is. BDS (Bodily Distress Syndrome) is the flagship of functional disorders, which you can see on slide 2 The slide shows that these symptoms may be side effects of medication, but they can also certainly be the first symptoms of a serious illness that can cost the patients life if not diagnosed and treated. BDS is a bad bargain, unscientific and too simplistic, yet despite this it can have profound implications on the patients economy, viability and longevity. 1. It is problematic that the psychiatrists at the research clinic steal physical illnesses and convert them into mental illnesses - BDS. Slide 3 shows which diseases it affects. As can be seen, there are 26 diseases that are already hijacked, and 7 that they would like to hijack. 2. It is problematic that the monetary support comes from the Tryg Foundation, which has supported it with more than 100 million Danish kroner, and from the Lundbeck Foundation that has given more than 50 million DKK over the last 4-5 years. 3. It is problematic that physicians using the diagnosis of functional disorders think they are giving a 100% correct diagnosis. 4. It is problematic that the (state mandated) diagnosis guarantee is upheld by using the diagnosis of functional disorders. 5. It is a problem that people are dying because of an incorrect diagnosis. 6. It is problematic that psychiatric patients are only compensated in 5% of health insurance and workers compensation cases. This is also an issue for politicians. Psyche (mind) and soma (body) are undeniably connected. But to convert physical ailments to mental disorders, which Fink and his cronies do at the research clinic, is a big mistake. They are trying to change a number of physical illnesses recognized by the WHO, into mental disorders - functional disorders - BDS - which are not recognized by the WHO. A few comments: No. 7, Fibromyalgia, is now scientifically proven to be a somatic disorder (Rheumatology News, December, 2013), and WHO has announced that Fibromyalgia is not BDS. No. 17, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, and nr. 3, under still not hijacked diseases, HPV vaccination damages, are the same illness concept. HPV vaccination damages have been a big debate during the last 8 months and the status per 28.02.2014 shows that the total reported HPV side effetcs are 4199, whereof 1120 are serious. As of 30.11.2013, the numbers were 970 and 220, so there has been a big increase in 3 months. At the world conference for immunology next week in Nice, scientific work about the HPV vaccine will be presented which hopefully will reveal groundbreaking news that will radically change the vaccination and the medicinal industry so that the pharmaceutical industry and their accomplices will be forced to ensure that their products DO NOT harm the worlds population. Furthermore, as you can see, the list shows how many different diagnoses are already involved and with the brash behaviour functional disorders uses to push itself forward, it will not be long before the entire spectrum of somatic diagnoses will be functional disorders for the benefit of the research clinic, the insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the state, the regions, the counties and healthcare systems. But at the cost of irreversible harm to the patients. We in the healthcare system arent good enough to diagnose all diseases, and in order to appear infallible we send these disease entities over to functional disorders and then we suddenly have 100% accurate diagnoses. BUT, BUT, BUT the treatment is lacking, and so also, to a great extent,are the diagnoses which are given incorrectly. Serious symptoms are overlooked with possible fatal consequences. Functional disorders have infiltrated the National Board of Health, the Ministry of Health, the Legal Council, university medical education, the counties, insurance and pharmaceutical industries and are therefore extremely difficult to stop. But this abomination must be stopped now if we shall not harm the countrys population! Therefore, I strongly encourage the patient associations to work together in resolving this difficult task, regardless if they are funded by the Tryg Foundation, Lundbeck Foundation or other foundations and regardless of if they feel they are bigger, better and stronger than other patient associations. Solidarity strengthens. The somatic and psychiatric diagnoses fulfill our needs 100% and there is no need for an extra classification such as functional disorders in our healthcare system. The money that is used on functional disorders should instead be used on strengthening psychiatry. The reasoning for functional disorders is as follows: First and foremost, the insurance companies save money when citizens are given a psychiatric diagnosis instead of a somatic diagnosis because psychiatric diagnoses, unlike somatic ones, result in insurance benefits in only 5% of cases. Secondly, the pharmaceutical companies increase the sale of psychiatric medicines. Thirdly, the doctors are assured a diagnostic accuracy of 100%. I assume that the diagnoses that doctors give are correct in a maximum of 30-50% of cases, and the diagnoses which doctors can not figure out are sent over to functional disorders and suddenly the doctors have a 100% diagnostic accuracy rate - arent we competent and omniscient! For example, a young girl has HPV vaccination damage, which is a physical disorder (ME), but the hospital doctors tell her: There is nothing physically wrong with you. All your tests are normal, so it must be psychiatric, and I can see that youre crying now which confirms it is psychiatric, so I will send a referral to a psychiatrist. The young girl cries not because she is mentally ill, but out of frustration and anger over the fact that the doctor, without a second thought, gives her a psychiatric diagnosis because he is not competent enough to diagnose her disorder. Fourthly, counties are shoving somaticaly-ill patients into functional disorders, because there are treatment options within psychiatry and the citizens are then stuck with the lowest level of social welfare so the counties save money on expensive flex-jobs and early disability pensions. Fifthly, the psychiatrists at the Research Clinic for Functional Disorders think that citizens with an undiagnoseable disease will be satisfied just to get a diagnosis, and preferably their diagnosis, BDS, but this diagnosis is a hindrance for the citizens case in the counties because, among other things, it is not a stationary diagnosis and thereby involves treatment options in the citizens continuing trip through the system - the citizen will therefore be continually pushed around in an endless circle. Sixthly, the diagnostic guarantee is easy to comply with when the patient is diagnosed with functional disorders. The thing that made me get involved against functional disorders is the excessive abuse that has happened to an unlucky 24-year-old woman, Karina Hansen, who is incarcerated at Hammel Neurocenter, and who has been diagnosed with ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) by 3 competent doctors. She has been incarcerated, forcibly treated, forcefully detained and has been forced to have a legal guardian appointed to her by the psychiatrists at the research clinic, and they have given her the psychiatric diagnosis of Pervasive Arousal Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). It should be mentioned that Karina is so sick that she can not move or speak, and she has extreme pain from skin and muscles. Karina is not allowed visits from her family. The parents have written down the course of events which I have sent to the Health Committee members. The treatment Karina is given at the Neurocenter is contraindicative to the WHO guidelines and to human rights. Her fate is known all over the country and has resulted in the fact that no one with the diagnosis of ME dares to let themselves be hospitalized out of fear of being detained by the research clinic as lab rats. The Board of Health and The Ministry Of Health have given the rights to the disease ME to the research clinic so that the patients can become reseach material there. Yet again, the health authorities have made a mess of things. The parents letter to the Health Committee members, along with this manuscript, will be posted on the facebook-site Squeezed by the Municipal System within the next couple of days. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Slide 1 - In 2012, the health authorities registered 1200 patients with the diagnosis functional disorder. - the research clinic has about 200 patients a year in treatment, but writes that there are 300,000 Danes that suffer from a functional disorder. Comment: There are zero Danes that suffer from a functional disorder. Slide 2 The diagnosis BDS (Bodily Distress Syndrome) is given after the following criteria: The pattern of symptoms is characterized by the presence of at least three simultaneous symptoms from at least one of the following groups of symptoms. · Heart palpitations + tightness / pain in the chest + breathlessness without exertion = BDS · Abdominal pain + diarrhea + bloating = BDS · Pain in the arms or legs + joint pain + pain = BDS · Difficulty concentrating + memory impairment + fatigue = BDS Comment: 1. Note how easily all people fulfill those criteria during some period of their lives and note also how these symptoms can mask serious diseases. 2 BDS is considered a psychiatric disorder which means that health insurance and workers compensation insurance is paid in only approximately 5% of cases which is an insult to the population. Slide 3 - List of diseases that are hijacked by functional disorders: Atypical facial pain Atypical chest pain - Syndrome X Pelvic Girdle Pain Irritable Bowel Syndrome Dyspepsia Electric Hypersensitivity Fibromyalgia Functional Dyspepsia Globus Hystericus Hyperventilation Syndrome Infrasound Hypersensitivity Conversion Disorder Chronic Pain Syndrome Chronic lower back pain Chronic pelvic pain Joint Dysfunction Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Neurasthenia Pseudo Epileptic seizures PreMenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Tension Headache Somatoform disorders Tinnitus Whiplash lesions Vertigo In addition, functional disorders are interested in hijacking the following conditions: Work injuries Brain Injuries HPV vaccination damages Cancer Migraines Multiple Sclerosis Accident Injuries comment: If the cancerous growth of functional disorders continue, the list will soon include all diseases - to incalculable damage to the countrys citizens.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 20:59:54 +0000

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