....In the end the lessons are stark; life most often is full of - TopicsExpress


....In the end the lessons are stark; life most often is full of jokes. People judge from afar, having heard just one side of the story; the edited, carefully choreographed well-chosen story. People respond to what they hear based on how they understand it, based on their own prejudices and sometimes in the folly of their minds. People encourage others when they can’t encourage themselves the same way people judge others when their own life is in a disillusioned mess. People say nice things to cool off others, sometimes just to get them to stop talking or when they find an avenue to exploit them for their own selfish interests. People pretend they understand, they pretend they are empathizing, they pretend they will die for others. In the end we fall for these pretences and cast our trust on these hollow grounds. We forget that when people are telling us about their hurts, they operate in the realms of emotions and whenever someone is in that realm, they are at their best, prejudiced and biased. We again forget that when people we are close to try to help us go through a situation, most often, their words are just to make us feel better and are not a true reflection of what they truly wish to tell us. Some may be honest, but biased in our favour. Not all the sympathies you may receive from people indicate you are right. The other party in the story also has their side of the story to tell. At the work place, in our social clubs, everything is controlled. You do not get to see people be themselves and not fear repercussions. That is what is reserved for the home. At work, everyone’s behavior is measured; every thought is calculated before it is given a voice. Everyone is keeping up appearance in order not to fall out with anyone. Everyone understands that it is just 8 hours of milking, so why not milk the most of it with your hands and leave your head and heart out. So people are fake most often. Views are swallowed when these views are supposed to be championed. If the boss says it, it is final, regardless. Attitudes are condoned so we can all have our peace of mind and not rock the boat. In the home, however, there are not pretenses, people don’t make the effort to please anyone and hence it is easier to hurt and be hurt. And because of the freestyle home experience, it is easier for us to fall for those in our workplaces or social circles…those we do not see sleep at night, see in their lazy fits or see extremely angry It is easy to fall for those outside because we do not hear them arguing with their partners; hear the painful words they utter - words in the worst of days your partner may never use against you. It is easier to fall for the calculated response, the calculated comments, and the generic words spoken to a thousand more people before you. It is easier to fall for the lie. Until you fall for it, hurt yourself and hear someone whisper in the most surreal voice…It is all the same everywhere…nothing is perfect. This is the “April fool” of your life.... CLick to continue reading pgpedia.org/2014/04/a-beautiful-april-fool-of-lifetime.html?m=1
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:55:18 +0000

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