India is, the cradle of human race, the birthplace of human - TopicsExpress


India is, the cradle of human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only ~ Mark Twain Though most people find it difficult to believe, but there are several references to flying object or Vimanas in the various Sanskrit epics. One example from the Rigveda : 47. kṛṣṇáṃ niyânaṃ hárayaḥ suparṇâ / apó vásānā dívam út patanti tá âvavṛtran sádanād ṛtásyâd / íd ghṛténa pṛthivî vy ùdyate 48. dvâdaśa pradháyaś cakrám ékaṃ / trîṇi nábhyāni ká u tác ciketa tásmin sākáṃ triśatâ ná śaṅkávo / rpitâḥ ṣaṣṭír ná calācalâsaḥ Swami Dayananda Saraswati interpreted these verses to mean: jumping into space speedily with a craft using fire and water, containing twelve stamghas (pillars), one wheel, three machines, 300 pivots, and 60 instruments. The Vaimānika Shāstra is an early 20th-century Sanskrit text on aeronautics, obtained allegedly by mental channeling, about the construction of vimānas, the chariots of the Gods. The existence of the text was revealed in 1952 by G. R. Josyer, according to whom it is due to Pandit Subbaraya Shastry, who dictated it in 1918–1923. A Hindi translation was published in 1959, the Sanskrit text with an English translation in 1973. It has 3000 shlokas in 8 chapters and was attributed by Shastry to Maharishi Bharadvaja,[14] which makes it of ancient origin. More research needs to be done in this field to understand this science better. In the recently concluded Indian Science congress, famous Indian scientist ( inventor of Indian supercomputer ) Dr Vijay Bhatkar pointed out that Indian scientists should start studying the Sanskrit texts before the US recognises the accuracy of ancient Indian sciences ! Poonam Patil Kalra https://youtube/watch?v=sJel87l4PR0
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 04:58:36 +0000

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