+Insert 124 I stopped and paused for a while,trying to calm down - TopicsExpress


+Insert 124 I stopped and paused for a while,trying to calm down everything was a little too much for me! A man can only handle so much but his own blood betraying him? Thats something that no man should ever experience! I took a deep breath and I walked to the car,to the passengers side though I opened the car door and I pulled Nhlanhla out Nhlaiks:Huh? Uyenzani?? I pushed his body against the car Me:Ohhh are you too blind to see? Nhlaiks:Cu.. Cu.. Cuz(he stammered) Me:U flirt with other peoples chicks these days neh? Nhlaiks:Ah.. I.. I.. I wasnt flirting I.. Me:U said that she deserved better! Nhlaiks:I was.. I was singing cuzi.. Plz! I held him by the collar Me:U dare touch Pamie! U make a single move on her! I swear Ill pack your bags so fast that u wont even have time to blink! Nhlaiks:But cuz I.. I held his collar a little tighter,he started gasping for air and squirming,trying to escape from my grasp! I eventually let go and walked to the drivers side,I sat in and tied my seatbelt,Nhlanhla was still outside,coughing and regaining his breath Me:I dont have all day you know!(i placed my hands on the starring wheel) He quickly walked in and tied his seatbelt I drove back home,I noticed that Nhlanhla was staring at me but I kept my eyes on the road,no way I was going to allow him to get into my system! When we got home I immediately rushed out,I threw the keys to Nhlanhla Me:Lock the car! That is if you can manage to do that! I pushed the door handle down,realising that they had locked the door so I knocked a number of times and waited for them to open up.. Nhlanhla joined me on the stoep,I could see sadness in his eyes,he looked pathetic! Dad finally opened up for us Me:Took you long enough! I barged in,Nhlanhla following Aunt Zan was sitting,curled up on the couch indulging in a bowl of ice cream... Zan:And then? You two? Me:Its nothing Nhlaiks:Your car keys(he handed them to her) Zan:My car is still in one piece right? Nhlaiks:Yes! It has to be! Zan:Andrew?(she looked at me,awaiting an answer) Me:Its Fine! Zan:I was only checking! No need to snap at me!! Me:If u had doubts in my ability to drive u shouldnt have borrowed me your car in the first place! Zan:U know how much I love my car! I worked hard for it! Me:That would explain why it was the 1st time I drove it! Zan:With that attitude? It might just be your last! Me:Like I care Dad:Anele!!! I walked to my room Dad:Anele! Come here! This instant I turned around to look at him,annoyed by the way that he was shouting at me like I was some deaf kid.. Dad:Apologise! Me:Apologise for what? Dad:You cant talk to your aunt like that! Me:Ehe I didnt do anything wrong! Dad:Anele(he shouted,even louder than ever this time) Me:What Dad:Dont you dare what me!!!(he banged on the table) Zan:No Vuyo!! That isnt necessary... Dad:Why u gotta act like some spoilt brat! Nhlaiks:Thats because he is one(he mumbled) Me:Why are you all ganging up on me! Im sorry Okay! Im sorry! I stormed to my room and jumped into my bed I was completely angry,could feel the veins in my head as if they were about to pop! I dialled Pamie,over and over but she didnt answer,I guess she was nowhere near her phone.. I heard Nhlanhla walk into the room I turned away from him.. I could hear his swift movements as he got ready for bed He finally got into bed and it was dead quiet.. Nhlaiks:I didnt mean to flirt with your girl Anele I sat up Me:I know... I just.. Cuz u cant do that! Now uve got her thinking that ure better than me Nhlaiks:She loves you,no one could ever compare to you in her eyes... Me:Are u crazy! Did u not see how she was looking at you?( i held my head with my hands) Nhlaiks:Mfethu why do u get so angry so quickly? Me:What are you talking about? Nhlaiks:U almost killed me Me:No I didnt.. I was just scaring you.. Nhlaiks:U need help Anele. A lot of it! Me:Shut up wena! Im going to bed! I knew he was right but I didnt want to admit it,were my anger issues really that bad? They are getting worse but Ill fix it,one day.. Hopefully... Early the next morning I was already up and running I cleaned up the kitchen,top to bottom,placed the leftovers in containers and then I made breakfast,I was going for a healthy breakfast this time,I made fruit salad with some crackers as an accompaniment.. It was my way of apologising to dad and Aunt Zan,sometimes the word sorry aint enough! As I added some syrup to the salad I saw Aunt Zan walk out of dads room while she adjusted her clothing,I couldnt hide the look of disgust of my face,how could they? I know what youre thinking She said as she tied her hair into a ponytail and walked towards the kitchen Me:Oh really? U can read minds now? Zan:NO.. Actually I can.. I didnt sleep with your dad.. Me:Oh? Zan:He slept on the couch.. See?(she pointed at the blanket and pillow that lay visibly on the couch) Me:Ohhh Zan:Yeah... She sat down and started serving the salad into one of the bowls on the table.. Zan:Your way of apologising? I nodded Zan:Too bad that hes too busy to see this... Me:Too busy? Zan:Hes out at the restaurant. Day 1 of preparations for friday.. Me:Hauw? So soon? Zan:Yeah! Hes been planning this for months...Im going for iuniform fittings today.. Me:Ure working there?? Zan:NO! Hell!!NO im the one that designed the outfits Me:Hope they arent too trashy! she laughed and nudged me,trying to get me to laugh,I eventually gave in.. Shes just that one person whos laugh is funnier than the joke Zan:Mhmm(she looked at her watch) Me:Gotta be somewhere? Zan:I need time to dress up and see the waiters so yeah.. But this looks okay! Me:The salad okay? Zan:The syrup is watery.. Why? Me:Its just the way it is.. Zan:Mxm! Id love to finish this but my diet doesnt allow me to... She got up Me:Thanks anyway Zan:Maybe Nhlanhla will eat it.. Me:Hes a zulu remember? Full on meat! Zan:And full on stubborn-ness! Me:Hauw! Im the one thats stubborn! Zan:Thats because u got it from your zulu mama! Her phone rang,funny how her ringtone was Taylor Swifts We are never getting back together,I smiled and nodded at her,urging her to answer her all so important call Zan:Zanny here... Vuyo(she blushed) She looked a teenager girl,her eyes lighting up and her smile so wide,I couldnt help but laugh Zan:Im eating breakfast(she took a bite of her salad) Mhmmmmm Its delicious Andrew made it Oooohwww Okayyyy! Anele made it!! An Apology breakfast,but the person he really wanted to apologise to wasnt there.. I thought so.. Ill tell him No Im on my way! I promise ! I Promise! Mwah! Zan:Your dad says he forgave you long before u said sorry Me:But I didnt say it Zan:In your heart Me:Yeah right! And wena? Your ringtone? Zan:Its a catchy tune neh? Me:Hauw! I thought u were gona be sophisticated now tht u going out with Mr Sophistication.. Zan:Eish... Me:U and.. Richard is it? Zan:Were done.. Dusted! Finito! Hes the reason yall dont have a tv! I giggled Me:I havent even had time to sit down and realise it.. Zan:Mxm! Im done with him! I hope he gets sent to jail for the maximum sentence! Me:He hasnt even stood trial! Zan:Ehe! Hes pleading guilty! Me:He is? Zan:Yeah.. Atleast there is a little good left in him.. Me:I guess so... Zan:But your dad is still the best man.. Ever! Me:He tries.. Zan:Youre so lucky to have him! Me:Id be luckier to have a mother as well.. She smiled.. Zan:U do have a mother! She placed her phone in her breast area,right between her boobs.. Me:Hauw! That ish aint good for you! Neither your boobs! Zan:Who says so! Me:Doctors! Zan:Well they lied to you!! Why do u think my boobs are so big? Me:Hauw Aunt Zan! Please dont make me look there! Zan:U dont have to! U already felt them the day we showered together! Me:Correction! The day u washed my back! Zan:Sounds the same to me! She grabbed her handbag Zan:Ill see you around ! Me:When? On Friday? Zan:Nah!Actually! Tonight! When I come to babysit! Me:Babysit? What do u mean babysit? She chuckled Zan:Bye Ndrew!!! She blew kisses as she walked out I was rather puzzled about what she said Babysitting? I aint no baby!! And there aint no baby in the house... Okay maybe Nhlanhla is a bit of a baby! I sat down and enjoyed my fruit salad as I hummed to a tune in my head... Nhlanhla walked out of the bedroom looking rather sleepy but the only thing that was standing out was his uhmm....his erection.. I stared at IT for a while and then back at him and then at IT and then.. Nhlaiks:Oh stop it! What is it! Me:Err I.. U.. U have a little something..(i pointed at the area) Nhlaiks:Ohh! Eish!!(he covered it with his hands) Admiring my package I see.. I giggled Me:Which package(i pretended as if I was looking around) Nhlaiks:Eish sorry cuz! These things seem to happen more now that Im single Me:Tell me about it! U need to take a bath cuz! That thing is just sticking out... Nhlaiks:It will slow down as soon as I have breakfast! Speaking of breakfast(he rubbed his hands together) Heh! Whats this?(he pointed at the bowl of fruit salad) Me:Hauw! Cant u see? Nhlaiks:Food for whites? I dont eat this mna! Me:How else are u gonna get that down then? Nhlaiks:U have a point.. I dont have a choice anyway!(he ate out of the bowl with a spoon) I wanted to scold him but I just kept quiet,it would be like teaching an elephant how to hunt for meat,teaching a lesbian how to suck dick.. It just wont turn out right! Nhlaiks:Yazi theres been a question lurking around in my head.. Me:U know what lurking is? Nhlaiks:Mxm! Me:Im only kidding! What is it? Nhlaiks:U were so nice about me flirting with Pamie.. Me:So you were flirting?? Nhlaiks:Aaaah NO Cuz! Ah? Me:U better remember that! You owe me! Nhlaiks:So thats why u were so nice? Me:Ah! I just know that Pamie would never go for you! (i shrugged) Nhlaiks:Ohhhh! Explain then!! Me:Mfethu Im sure u noticed Pamies big bruise.. Nhlaiks:U didnt do that to her.. Did you? Me:Hell NO Cuz!! Nhlaiks:And then? Me:She says she fell down the stairs Nhlaiks:Fell down the stairs! The stairs must be really picky neh? They only hit the shoulder? Me:Tell me about it!!! Im not stupid!! I mean like she fell down the stairs! Shes supposed to have bruises everywhere! On her hands and legs nyana! Nhlaiks:Even head! How does that happen huh? Only her shoulder gets hurt! Me:Thats what were going to find out cuz! Nhlaiks:Ohhh! This is where the payback comes in.. Me:All I want us to do is go over to her crib,and see her Nhlaiks:U can do that alone! Me:Her dad probably grounded her! So well send Cindy to her crib.. Nhlaiks:U think hell let his daughter see Cindy? Me:Akiri Cindy is a member of his church! He doesnt want people to get the wrong idea of him.. Nhlaiks:Mhm! I see! And then? Me:We tell Cindy to ask Pamie if shes okay and we watch Pamies reaction.. Nhlaiks:Seriously now! All that trouble to see a persons reaction! Me:Once I see her reaction,Ill be able to tell whether shes hurt. And if shes hurt,I cn call the cops or something to rescue her! Nhlaiks:Doesnt she a have a sibling or something? Me:ahh! Hes barely at their house in Menlyn! Always here! Nhlaiks:Then ask him to go there and check.. Me:Only one prob.. Nhlaiks:Yeah? Me:Yeah...Its Sbu.. And he hates my guts.. Nhlaiks:Since when? Me:Since Im dating his sis... Nhlaiks:Aaaha! So were going over to Pamies crib? I nodded Nhlaiks:Cool! I needed a little of adventure anyway! Lemme go take a shower! Me:Good! And get rid of that thing! I cleaned up the kitchen and packed the blankie and pillow in the living room while Nhlanhla bathed As soon as I finished I took a quick shower in dads bathroom,hed kill me for this but I had no choice! I finished showering even before Nhlanhla did! I wore my black tracksuit and I took a pair of shades.. Nhlaiks:And then wena? He walked into the room,wearing his towel Me:Wow were getting more intimate by the second! Nhlaiks:Aah mfethu!(he lifted his hands) His towel dropped to the floor I just turned around immediately Me:Put your towel on! Nhlaiks:Whats with you cuz! Weve been naked together tons of times!!! Me:Ehe! Dont do that with me! Nhlaiks:Ud swear that u didnt go to initiation! Me:I did but this is NOT initiation Nhlaiks! Nhlaiks:My towel is on! Relax! Me:Good! I turned around,turns out he was lying Me:Damnnit Nhlanhla! I practically ran out of his room,jeesh I dont know what was up with him that day! As I sat and waited for Nhlanhla in the kitchen,I heard a light knock on the door Excited,I thought it was Pamie,here to tell me that everything is alright! I opened the door ,not being able to contain my excitement.. Surprised I saw Bukelwa baby mama standing at the door,only this time she wasnt alone.. She was with Buki:Hi Anele. Anelwas here to see you(she leaned forward,showing me the baby) I stepped back Me:What are you doing here?
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 19:59:21 +0000

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