+Insert 131 After a succesful session with Thuli,I felt so - TopicsExpress


+Insert 131 After a succesful session with Thuli,I felt so relieved although all she did was give me a stress ball and a rubber band to slap my wrist against when I felt verbal diarrhea coming on! The smaller the better I guess! After two busy weeks of helping out at the restaurant and making our house feel more like a home I was ignoring Pamie,no way I could talk to her after her outburst. My mom once said If u feel like strangling someone to death,rather dont say anything at all Nhlanhla and Zanele were like lovebirds,spending every second they could together and of course Anele had to hold a candle once again! Everything was getting a little too depressing for me,my first Christmas without mah not to forget Max I shouldnt even be thinking about the bastard tht stole my shares,I still hadnt figured out what to do! I was a lost sheep,only going where the road lead me to On a busy monday morning,I was fixing my outfit in the mirror,although I was late,I still needed to look good! Dad:Good to know that u still look after yourself He said as he patted my back Me:Morning Tata He giggled Dad:So official these days! Youre becoming a man! Me:I guess so(i said,barely smiling) He poured some milk into a bowl of cereal Dad:U want some? Me:Ill make myself some thanks.. My phone rang,I stared at the screen Pamie and I slowly waited for her to hang up,my ringtone:Drake,Trust Issues kept playing Dad:And then? Me:Just people selling some Insurance policies Dad:Looks like its more than that to me! Me:Ure imagining things My phone rang again,this time it was a private number,I dont get how dumb people think we are? I knew very well that it was Pamie! This time I didnt waste time,I hung up and I slammed my phone against the counter... Dad:Uve been so depressed these days,Im worried about you. Are u still seeing Thuli? Me:Im just too busy with the restaurant- Dad:There should be no excuses! First youre too angry,now youre too sad. I dont understand what- Me:Its my first Christmas without mah Dad:Oh.. Its that Me:Yeah.. I never thought Id miss her this much. It just gets too hard sometimes,I feel like- Dad hugged me,surprised,I hugged him back Struggling to hold in my tears,I just broke down into a flood of tears I dont know why but tears just came easily to me these days Dad rubbed my back,trying to ease the pain that I was feeling but theres no cure for this pain! I broke the hug and I reached for a glass of water,trying to drown my tears I wiped my tears with my arm and I sat down,opposite dad-indulging in a bowl of cereal Dad:This isnt good for you Me:What? Dad:I bet everything reminds you of her Me:Good guess Dad:I guess well help you out.. I hope you dont mind if we pack your bags Me:My bags? Why? Dad:Trust me! His watch buzzed Dad:We should go! Me:True! We gathered our things and went to work,or should I say the restaurant Being a waiter was awesome,the tips I made really helped out with some wants of mine! The day was more busy than any other,I guess the fact that it was almost Christmas really got people to be all excited! Lunchtime came-my favourite meal of the day! Grabbed my things and I drove home as usual Only this time,home was different,Dad,Aunt Zan and Nhlanhla were carrying bags to Aunt Zans car,looked like roadtrip madness! I walked over to them,my apron in hand Me:Whats going on? Zan:About time you arrived! We were about to leave without you Me:Leave? To where? Dad:Its December! Me:I know. Its been December for 23 days now! Nhlaiks:And u havent spanked ass yet They all giggled like a bunch of schoolkids Is it just me or was that joke just NOT funny! Me:So.. Whats going on? Zan:We already told you! Were leaving! Me:To...?? Dad:Now that is a surprise! Me:U coming with? Nhlaiks:Dont be crazy! Im staying behind Me:You are? What! Dad:Father-son christmas Me:But they are family too Nhlaiks:Yes! Well spend New Years together.. Zan:He just wants to bond with you! Thats all Me:Im going to drive? Dad:Youre going to kick back and relax for a change! Zan:You two need to get going! Dad:Shes right! Say your goodbyes!! I have an awesome Christmas planned We hugged and bid our farewells In a matter of minutes we were on our journey to freedom Our long drive to freedom.. Lol Tis a mini but Ive got a few more coming up
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:26:35 +0000

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