+Insert 138 I was still enjoying my sleep when dad woke me up the - TopicsExpress


+Insert 138 I was still enjoying my sleep when dad woke me up the next morning Dad:Wake up!! The early bed gets the fattest worm! Me:And the early snake gets the fattest bird I pulled the bed covers over my head Dad:Haibo Anele! Wake up! You have to go to work! Me:Work? I dont have a job! Dad:So Swiss Twist aint your workplace anymore? Me:I just want to rest dad! Dad:He-eh! Youre going to work today! Now wake up and stop acting like a spoilt brat! He pulled my blanket off and opened up the curtain,no way Id sleep now! Dad:Thirty minutes tops! Ill be making breakfast in the kitchen! I took a quick shower and wore a pair of jeans,a white tee and black chucks In a few minutes I was seated with dad in the kitchen,eating some porridge Me:Wheres Aunt Zan? Dad:Does she live here? Me:Uhmmm.. I- Dad:NO!! So how am I supposed to know! Am I her bodyguard? Me:No.. Im sorry Dad:Good! Im your father,respect me! He placed his bowl in the sink Dad:Lets go Me:But Im not finished Dad:Anele!!(he raised his voice) I put my bowl quickly in the sink and we sped off Swiss Twist was quite busy,I hardly had time to sit down until lunchtime I sat down to enjoy my lunch when Aunt Zan walked in Zan:Ndrew(she leaned on the counter) Me:Hi Aunt Zan.. Thanks for saving me last night Zan:U should really stop calling me your aunt Me:Okay Aunt Zan,thanks hey Zan:Always a pleasure! Wheres your dad? Me:Im not his bodyguard am I! Zan:And then wena? Why are u being so rude? Me:Thats what my dad said when I asked about you Zan:He must be really mad neh My phone rang,I stared at the screen Private number Me:Im sorry I Zan:Its fine! I have to face your dad sometime I wiped my hands on the serviette and I answered Me:Anele Mkhabela hello Caller:Changed your surname already? Me:Max? Max:Im not even your father anymore Me:Eh Max:I know you know about your mothers attorney I cleared my throat,surprised by the way in which he was so bold Me:Oh and? Max:I want to talk to you about it. Soon as Im back from- Me:Mauritious! With the money from my mothers attorney I suppose Max:I havent touched a cent! Me:Then why are you doing it? You expect me to believe that youre doing it because you want to,you dont get something out of it? Max:No I chuckled Me:Oh come on! You dont expect me to believe that too right! Max:I work there because... I feel like I owe it to your mother.. She died for me.. Me:You better not forget that! Max:Shell forever be a part of me. Shes literally the reason why I breathe Me:I dont need to hear this Max:Listen Anele.. Lets meet my son,talk about this,let me explain before you report me to the authorities Me:So you do know my plans with you? And I am NOT your son! Max:I know them very well... Ive never stolen a cent,i havent even taken the profit it made this year,if you dont believe me Ill show you the Income Statements and the Balance Sheet- Me:Save it Max! With all due respect,I dont wanna hear it. Enjoy your day! Max:Anele I- I hung up He couldnt even apologise,he just wants to explain,how do u explain robbing your step son of his inheritance, what kind of a sick- Dad:Lunch break is almost over Me:Jeesh dad since when are you such a snitch Dad:Ure not talking to me right? My son that respects me would never talk to me like that Me:Exactly! Im your son! Five minutes nyana wouldnt hurt Dad:I know for sure tht you dont expect special treatment! And allowing you to speak on the phone with your girlfriend is only a privilege too Me:Who said it was my girlfriend Dad:Who was it? Me:Max He looked at me in total disbelief,to be honest I couldnt believe it too!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:47:16 +0000

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