# Insert 18 After ubhuti broke up the fight Sgqi walked out of - TopicsExpress


# Insert 18 After ubhuti broke up the fight Sgqi walked out of the kitchen wayohlala elounge. Billy wavele wathula wabuyela eroomin yakhe, I sat down pha ekitchen and I finished ukutya oko uSgqi ethetha ba ndamqhela and stuff mane ndimphendula ke nam. Sgqi: Mandinga phendulani nawe ke. Me: Noba awuziva ngumlomo wam lo tsh. Sgqi: Hee yandqhela uSiba, sapha izhlangu zam, ngaphinde uthathe nto zam ba uzaba ne attitude xa ndizfuna. He said gqiba waphakama wazthatha and he went to go and wash them ngokwakhe. I washed up the dishes then ndaya elounge ndahlala no Khaydo no Nazo. We sat in silence umntu wabe ecofa iphone yakhe yabe iyilonto. When uSgqi was done washing his shoes he came to join us equmbe ebswen. Ndambona ba ufuna iremote qha ebezxelele ba akazuthetha nam. I passed him the remote gqiba ndaya eroomin yam, I got there xa ndijonga buso bam bune bruise nxa yempama ka Sgqi. I headed downstairs and I showed him my face and I told him to stop being so damn emotional cause benzaz hlamba ezazhlangu. I told him I had my own shoes and if he wanted to he could take them and I wouldnt even care. Oko ndime pha ndishwaqa then uSgqi got up waya ekitchen wabuya ephethe I-ice. Sgqi: Ina fake nantsi ice gqiba kwakho uvale lomlomo yandbona bukele itv mos apha. Ina nawe sunqhela kakubi. He said then wahlala phantsi qonda andisancitheki but ndathula. I went up to my room and locked myself inside qonda yancapkisa uSgqibelo. I fixed up my face then ndahlala ndamamela umculo and I then switched off my data since I didnt feel like chatting. I finally fell asleep and I woke up seku late. I got up and I went to the kitchen ndazenzela nto yokutya. Khaydo: Khandenzele nam mntase kalok. Me: Shap ntwana yam. Sgqi: Nam bhabha. Me: Inoba ubatyiwe. He burst out laughing encediswa ngu Khaydo ndaske ndayihleka nam. I made food for the three of us then ndayohlala nabo elounge. Me: Uphi uNazo? Khaydo: Mxm nganbuzi ngalomntu mna, ndimncamile uSnazo ncamiyane. Andsena sister mna. Sgqi: Boy yancapkisa bonanje lento, kdala ndisithi masibethe lakaka gqiba bethe uSnazo mxelele ayeke la kaka. Rha awuva wena usezo kunya uSnazo. Me: Guys? Khaydo: Nazo unenye ikaka endala kuye noba imshiya nge 8 years. Ayimbethi fethu, ba ungambona umzimba ka Nazo unjani bra! Imbetha sogqiba imlale bra. La kaka uSive imane isisa uSnazo kla kaka kuba esoyika lamjita. Cinga ngaze ndithengise nge sister yam kuba ndisoyika umntu? Ncoske indbulale mna lokaka asoze mfethu na nini na. Ngaze wenze lento yenzwa ngu Sinazo fethu, worry yam uzocishwa yila kaka uSnazo, uzubone. Ndakhe ndathula nda speechless, I could tell ba imenzela umsindo lento. He put ukutya kwakhe aside waphakama wahamba. Sgqi: Khathathe no Nazo okanye zothetha naye ngokwam and anzoba nice uyandaz kamnandi. Me: Okay zozama. I said ndizazi phof ba nzophoxwa ndinye ngu Snazo, after a few minutes wafika uKhaydo segrand sahlala and we spoke about something else. Gqi uSive no Nazo, njengesqhelo baya eroomin. Khaydo: Uyabo? Hayke waphinda wavuka umsindo wakhe, he got up waya kla room and Sgqi followed. I sat alone for a while qonda andiyaz noba ndithini. Wathi gqi uSgqibelo and he told me ba mandiye eroomin yam no Nazo so that ubhut angajumpeli niks. Nyani we went to my room no Nazo ndakhe ndacinga ba nzoyingena njan lento kuye ngoba shes not an easy person. I locked the door and I put the key in my pocket, wandijonga and she said nothing. I asked her if she was okay and she said Phuma ezndaben zam Siba. I kept quiet. I asked her who was she dating and lied and said Lamla. I lay on my bed ndamncokolela njee nto ezimuncu, I reminded her of the day she first arrived apha and how nice and how funny she was at times. I reminded her of how beautiful she is and how important it is to maintain that beauty. I told her all the positive things about her trying to build up her self esteem. I then finally told her that I knew she was in an abusive relationship. Hayke wagixa uNazo and she asked me to comfort her. I hugged her and she told me it all started as a fling and she wasnt into him as much as he was into her. He then started being over protective engafuni noba abene guy friends and all. She told me ebemane emthreat(nisha) ba uzambetha ba umbonile ehamba nenye iguy and stuff. He then did nyan ngenye imin behleli at his house. It then became an everyday thing, like ba akayiphendulanga iphone or ba uthe mxm and stuff. She wants to dump him but he threatens to kill both himself no Nazo. So uyilonto ihleli nje iyoyika. She tried to get him arrested but she was scared. She showed me the scars on her back and her thighs. I couldnt help but cry, it felt like yonke lento yenzeka kum. I tried to convince her ba ambambe but she wouldnt hear any of it. We sat in my room for sometime then when she was done crying we went to the bathroom and washed up our faces. A few minutes later she got a call from the guy wabe esithi uphandle ufuna ayolala kuye. Sgqi: Hlala phantsi Snazo awuyi ndawo. Nazo waphakama waya eroomin and packed a few things. Wathi xa ezophakama uSgqi wathi uKhaydo makamyeke enze intando yakhe. Sgqi wahlala phantsi, I got up and I stood at the door ndakhe ndamjonga uSnazo. I asked myself ndisiva kabhlungu ba What if this is Nazos last day on this earth? I watched them drive away and I then locked the door. I went to the lounge and I cuddled with uKhaydo until it was bedtime. I went to bed ngoo2 eksen and I figured ba khange ndithethe no Lindo so I called him. I told him ba I love him and that I appreciate having him in my life. Ndaske ndakhala and uLindo listened patiently, I then told him Id never forgive him if he ever walked away and left me behind to suffer. When I was done talking I kept quiet. Lindo: Andkwaz kuthen unexhala ngoba you know I have never walked away and I never will. Youre the one whos constantly leaving me, you dont leave your friends or anyone else but you keep leaving me. I just want you to know Im in this as much as you are. Sulila ke ndakthanda. He said in a low voice and I could tell something was wrong but he denied it. We then ended the call, All I could think of was→ Noba wenza ntoni uSnazo....
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:35:26 +0000

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