♡Insert 36♡ I woke up the following day went to take a bath - TopicsExpress


♡Insert 36♡ I woke up the following day went to take a bath wore my gown and went back to my bed. I sat there listening to music with my headset on I was actually bored and I couldnt wait to go home mna phela I missed my bed yhuuu. Lunga walked in with a packet from McDonalds, he walked towards my bed Lunga:Good morning nana Me:Morning my buba bear He leaned over to me and gave me a soft peek on my lips Him:How are my 2 favourite angels? Me:Im good and my little nunu is doing just fine Him:Thats good babe.Are you ready to go home? I smiled Me:Awuna picture sana :) He chuckled Him:You dramatic kanene Me:Mxm wandiplita ndi dramatic nje Him:No you were a saint ngoku hayi Ill actually reserve my comment Me:Ohoo you better if you know what is good for you Him:#laughs hay kengoku.I miss you yazi :) Me:Umuncu saan ndilapha nawe mos He chuckled Him:I mean I miss whats mine I knew what he was talking about kodwa I wanted to act dumb Me:Nto leyo? He stood up and leaned over for a kiss I responded to the kiss and things were getting heated cause his hands were wondering around my boobs his hand then moved down to my cookie and rubbed it on top of my gown, he then put his hand under my gown and teased my clit (Mind you I was not wearing a underwear) he kept on teasing it and he stopped and looked at me. Flip I was so turned on and I wanted him so bad :( He looked at me with his tiny eyes and he smile. Him:I was talking about this Me:Arg dude why wenza kanje? He chuckled Him:I did nothing babe Me:Usile brah why on earth would you turn me on here ngoba you know I cant have you? Him:Yeah one of the reasons babe ;) I rolled my eyes and looked at him from head-to-toe then my eyes landed on Charlie who was rock hard. I smiled Me:Seems like Im not the only one who is horny He chuckled Him:Im not horny mna Me:#laughs I think you should look down there I said that pointing at Charlie He chuckled Him:Okay ke I am :) Me:You are weak sbotho Him:Hayi nje ngawe Me:You got that effect on me, you should be happy hey ;) He smiled showing me those dimples. We were disturbed by a nurse who actually came to give me breakfast Nurse:Morning Miss Nonkonyana here is your breakfast Me:No thanks sisi here is my breakfast Showing her the McDonalds packet Nurse:Thats not healthy nje sweety Me:Cravings :) Nurse:Wow uzoba nguGimba sana Lunga laughed Me:Hayi asoze yhuuu Nurse:#laughs uzobona wena nono The nurse left and Lunga went to sign some papers mna I was getting dressed while he was at the reception. Lunga and I left the hospital and headed to my house :D we got to the house and there were cars in the yard that was weird :/ The front door was opened :/ I got scared ngoba I didnt know whether kukho abantu or they broke in, Lunga yena was walking behind me xa ndingena ndava ngoWelcome Back Wow I didnt expect that :)
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:51:21 +0000

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