♡Insert 43♡ Lunga instantly put me down and fixed himself - TopicsExpress


♡Insert 43♡ Lunga instantly put me down and fixed himself #Lmao uyagula lona shame. I looked at the door only to find my aunt standing there all smiles sana :/ Me:Hey auntie :) Auntie Phumla:Molo nono unjani? Me:Ndaphila mna wena? Auntie Phumla:Ndiright girl...Xolo for disturbing your little romance aneh bhabha I smiled Me:Akho smoko ;) ...Auntie this is Lunga and babe this is my aunt Phumla Auntie Phumla:Nice to meet you sanalwam Lunga:Likewise ma Me:#laughs you dont need to be so formal about this babe hawu loosen up He chuckled and shyly looked away Lunga:#laughs okay nana I hear you (Mind you my aunt is way too cool and I pretty much love her for that) Auntie Phumla:You getting big sthandwa sam that baby is making you eat a lot neh Me:#laughs ewe plus hayi sendidikwe mna yile pregnancy She laughed Auntie Phumla:You not going to give birth anytime soon Me:Story of my life I went to my room and changed into a simple short dress and slippers and tied my hair into a neat bun since I had braided twist. I left and went to the lounge to chill with my aunt and Lunga and they were getting along very well. Later on that day Lunga and I left and went to his house I was gonna sleepover and my aunt didnt have a problem with that since she was babysitting me cause my rents werent around. We got to Lungas house and I was welcomed with love, care last but not least I felt part of the family. Lungisani was home and apparently he was gonna be introducing his girlfriend kokwabo since he was telling me about settling in #I_wonder :/ We chilled in the lounge and started catching up, MamHlomla excused herself so that she can start on dinner. After sometime I followed her to the kitchen Me:Can I help you with anything mama? MamHlomla:No nana Ill be fine She smiled Me:I insist ma MamHlomla:Okay angel you can help me chop the vegetables...And wena you need them kaloku I want a healthy grandchild I smiled Me:#laughs haibo mama you know how much I hate them njena MamHlomla:Andikhathali ke tana I started chopping the vegetables and I got done with them MamHlomla:What do you want me to cook? Me:Lasagna would be great MamHlomla:#laughs I knew youd want that Me:Haibo dont blame me mna I love it :) MamHlomla:I know my angel I helped her with the preparations, this woman was going all out sana she finally got done and we went to lay the dining table and placed the food there. The doorbell rang and I went to open the door as I stood by the door I saw a beautiful girl, a bit tall, chubby and she was a bit light skin colour. Me:Hello :) Her:Hi how are you? Me:Im good and you? Her:Im good. Me:Where are my manners please come in She walked in and stood behind me, I held her hand and led the way to the lounge were everyone was seated as soon as we walked in Lungisani stood up Lungisani:Sethu uyaphapha why ubamba intombi yam? Me:#laughs you know Im sweet so duh...Mhle friend ugirl wakho Lungisani blushed Girl:Enkosi babe Me:Its a pleasure munchie Lungisani than introduced his girlfriend to his parents and I must say they really liked her because she was very sweet and she looked like a well-mannered being and her smile mayne was to die for. We went to the dining table, said grace then ate while getting to know Buhle. After dinner Buhle helped me with the dishes and yhuuu they were a lot of them. Buhle and I were getting along really well and it almost seemed like we were old buddies, we had a strong connection. We later went to the swimming pool outside and just chilled nje it was Lunga, Lungisani, Buhle and I just having fun sizicouple. While Lunga and Lungisani were going to get us drinks Buhle and I talked nje Me:How long have you been with Lungisani? Buhle:Its been 2 years now Me:Wow :) yall are keeping each other happy moes Buhle:Yeah but its not easy Me:What matters is that yall love each other Buhle:Yeah :) ...So how old are you? Me:Im 14 :/ you? Buhle:Im 18 :) Me:Now I feel so small :/ Buhle:#laughs dont babe...So I see you expecting uLunga omncane :) Me:Yeah I am :) Buhle:Thats cute :) so Im gonna be an aunt soon :D :D Me:Pretty much yeah :) Lunga and Lungisani came we chilled for while and called it a night. Lunga and I walked into his room and got under the covers naked, we watched a movie then I eventually slept in Lungas arms :) :) Why does this guy drive me insane mara :)
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:50:06 +0000

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