#Insert 51 yhoo :/ so we woke up the followin day heeh, with - TopicsExpress


#Insert 51 yhoo :/ so we woke up the followin day heeh, with errbodys mood on another level. I was pissed cos a total unknown masqurade insulted me in my own house, Pee was still confused as ever nd as for Lerato he was also pissed as I was... Anywy I made breakfast while Pee nd Lavas cleaned the house...afta tht we freshened up nd settled down to eat breakfast... Me: so Lavas, care to talk bout ysterdys situation? O.o Lavas: uhmm Im sorry bout tht ey, I ddnt mean for such to hppen. Me: nah its fine, kana no one can predict the future. Pee: so nele mang o.o? Lavas: My boyfriend :/ Me: hehehe :v so u neva mentioned tht ure taken...hao ntse kere ke tlile go dira wame yana... Lavas: lol as if I wuld harv agreed. Me: :v ouch that hurts, mara nna kao batla mos.. Lavas: lol askies maku pain mahn.. Pee: yea go ahead preten like Im not here.. Me: ohh keo lebetse weitsi, mara aker ke nyaka main le side. Pee: hahaha oh really now? Yho Il do the dishes bfre I get a heart attack. Me: lol mara aker kao rata baby.. Lavas: gathwe tombstone ke boss Pee: mxm tsek.. So Pee went to do the dishes while we cleared the table... Me: so how cme ur man is soo fly nd yet wena ure chilled? Lavas: well I guess one of us has to bend the rules aker.. Me: yeah ey, mara anong problem yahae keng? Lavas: ai mahn hes too insecure mahn, he wnts me to tell him bout my where abouts all the tym, hes controlin. Hes jus too much mahn, I cn no longer keep up wth him. Me: thats hectic ey, so y don u leave him? Lavas: u know wen you love someone its hard to jus pack up nd leave nd then hope tht ul forget all bout tht person. So its not easy. Me: i understnd ey, mara u need to sit down lene nd tlk thngs out thers prolly a reason y hes actin like tht... Lavas: Il do tht, I gatta go ey bfre ke blelwa gore Ill eat you Me: lol don remind me tuu.. Lavas: :v chck yew later neh nd give Pee a kiss for me. Me: will do, sharp. So Lavas had left nd Pee le yena had to get back to school the followin day so I sugestted tht she go spend the day with her books. Nna I was only returnin to school afta a week nd I ddnt wnt to be alone in the house so I thot tht Id go stay with my mom until I go bck to school. I packed a few things tht Id be needin nd headed home but I frst dropped off Pee, said our goodbyes nd then I drove off... . . , . . . . . . I got home nd found Bkay all alone, I mean I usually find them altogether, may not be in the same rooms mara tleast in the same house.. :/ anywy I jus went to put my bag down in my room nd got bck to the lounge... Me: mtase.. Bkay: sesi... Me: ho jwang mfanaka? Her: naah ke shap, wena? Hw r u feelin? Me: a bit better ey, so wers errone? Her: church.. Me: le Amo :o Her: lol tht ws my reaction too.. Me: yho :v thngs change...so wena why ddnt u go? Her: i jus felt like stayin home today.. Me: yho nna kane ke tlhatlhetse :p Her: lol mxm wena eseng nna.. Wers my sister inlaw? Me: with her side chick :D wers my sister inlaw? Her: with her side chick :v Me: mxm mmao san Her: lwena :/ ...
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 08:52:29 +0000

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