[Insert 69] I stood on the other side, alone & waited for - TopicsExpress


[Insert 69] I stood on the other side, alone & waited for uZena who was talking to Quade! They both called me ndaya kubo_ Quade: Jongani nhe, just get errone to the cars cause were leaving now ikhona iG2G ekhoyo endifuna siye kuyo_ Me: Sure! We left noZena told errone we were leaving & we went to the cars.. Zena went to say bye toBuchule_ She lied & told him that were goin back to the BnB now cause sidikiwe! Zena came back then sayongena ezmotorweni.. Okay, kuzoba awkward ngoku emototweni case sixabene noChuma! I got inside first thing Chuma said was Im sorry ... Ive heard enough of these Im Sorrys_ -_- Me: Could you please stop apologizing cause it aint gonn make me feel better bout what you did & nor take back what you did.. So I suggest we leave what happened at the party at the party & we start over cause if sisa qumbelene Im sure the both of us aint gonn enjoy our time pha kula G2G.. Cause Im sure oy 1 wethu is surely gonn get hurt.. Him: Meaning? Me: Nothing. Him: So youre tryna tell me you were gonn cheat on me? Cmon babe. I said Im sorry. Me: I heard you at first & I said please stop apologizing.. I didnt say Im gonn cheat on you qha I was just saying_ Him: So bazikally youre implying that imma cheat on you again? Me: I dunno what youre thinkin right now so andiyazi.. Him: What? Cmo- Me: Chuma, lets just drop the topic & could you please start the engine drive! He started the engine then we drove off_ Aphe ndleleni bendimane ndisenza iSmall-talks.. & I could see he wasnt interested! Me: Im trying here Chuma, okay & wena ndak bona awukho interested. & the worst part is that youre the one who messed up kodwa awufuni nothetha nam? Bah bendiyeyeinye icherrie ngesi ngazo thetha at all nor ndikhwele kule motor so just be grateful.. Him: Im sorry but its just that what you said got me thinking_ Me: I was just saying & its not like its gonn happen anyway! Him: We never know! Me: Okay, okay! Cela und yeke ke Chuma cause I feel like ngok besinga thethi beku right! I shifted a lil and faced the window.. Him: Cmon you cant turn your back on me_ Me: Awufunu thetha moss.. Him: Okay, Im sorry! Me: Benditheni? Him: Yho, xolo! We laughed cause he said it in another language & akho mahluke cause hes still apologizing ekgqibeleni_ Me: Same difference. Just dont apologize_ Him: Okay but Im- ... You know! Me: Yeah, yeah. Him: so were cool? Me: Definitely.. Him: Ahww_ Can I kiss you? Me: Ha.a dont push it brother! Him: Ouch! I giggled... We got to the place_ We all got out & headed in... & guess who I saw? Luthando! My ex!!!!b -_- yey & lonto kthen ngathi everywhere I go hes there?.. :/ He came towards me, he greeted & hugged me_ I greeted back. Him: So, howve you been? Me: As you can see, Im fab! Masambe baby. *I said taking Chumas hand then savaya*.. I was in no mood for Luthando & hes stupid games.. Cause I knew he was gonn tell me he misses me, that hes changed & cela i2nd chance blah-blah! We got inside & twas packed mara not that packed like lesi vela kuyo iMbadla_ Usi, Zena, Nikky & I went to sit with the ladies bezipha.. Introduced ourselves & stuff_ They werent that bad shame. But I prefer them from Amava & her friends_ Usi: Ndakcela thixo bangafani noAmava *she said whispering* I giggled_ Me: I hope so nam_ Drinks were brought sasela, sahlala sancokola... Zena called me saya phandle_ Me: En nou? Her: Uthi uBuchule ufuna und bona. Me: Makaze alok! Her: I told him at the BnB, remember? Me: Ahhw shvvt! So uzothini? Her: I dunno.. Todays really not my day! :( Me: I know friend. You know what just tell him siphi, umxelele bah siye sazo kroba apha bah zkiphani mara sizoya eBnB then umxelele bah wena ufuna uhamba then nivaye noy2. Her: Thanks_ Me: Anytime.. She made the call & told Buchule then he said okay uyeza_ After that we went back inside iGirls zihleka_ Abosh: Hee yazi amadoda acinga simuncu thina_ Ohhh iyowba ngamadoda! -_- She carried on & said: Bacinga bayas dlala kodwa its actually the other way around_ Thuli: yiMistake yabo keleyo.. Abosh: Jonga for instance mna ndiSticka nale dude ehlala eAreaeni yam. Ndiphinde on the other hand ndino Sugar-Daddy ohlala on the next street_ & Ohh did I tell you ndino makhwapheni eSkolweni.. Nikky: Yhuu ha.a girl ungatsho nje bana uBusy *she said in a disgusted tone* Usi: Kazba uthi masithini *she said sippin on her cider* I elbowed her mara luckily no-one heard her_ :v Zena & I shared a few giggles.. Abosh: Ndithini fondin xa amadoda end thanda? They cant resist what they see.. Nikky: Hay vuleka mhlaba ndingene_ Uyawfa unye yiGcushuwa ulibele kuhamba utweza imilenze ingath uyazala.. We all laughed_ Thuli: *laughing* Yhuu hay friend ukgqibile_ Sahleka futh.. Abosh just rolled her eyes wathula... Zena said good-bye to errone since she was leaving cause Buchule was outside.. I accompanied her to the car.. Buchule: Ude waRight umqala? I laughed_ Me: Ja, ja Ta uGrand manje.. Ndikhe ndafumana nam tonight wancono. Buchule: Hay ndiyatsho ude wayeka noxweba! Bwoah ha.a aslarhi_ :v :/ We laughed_ Me: Hayne ndithule, andika funu gheza! Buchule: Oooh, ndyoyika! *he said in a sarcastic voice* Me: Ha-ha vayani ngoku nind dikile! They laughed_ I hugged Zena & she got in the car_ Me: Jonga kene umpathe kakhle lomntana. Yingane yase dlaleni lena. You hurt her & Ill break you! Buchule: Is that a threat? Me: No, its a warning.. Sahleka_ Buchule: Hayne nzamphatha kakhle ke mamakhe! Me: Awe Ta! Sharpini maarn.. Dont do anything I wouldnt do! Zena: Dont you mean, you would do? Me: Okay, vayani_ We laughed.. Buchule started the engine, hooted then left! I went back inside ndadibana noCooper_ Him: Usukaphi nha? Me: Bendi kaphe uZena. Him: Uyaphi? Me: Usando thathwa nguBuchule ngoku! Him: Ohh_ Awubaweli wena sihambe? *he bit his lower lip & came closer to me* Me: Dream on brother! Him: Cmon babe, please_ Me: I dont wanna leave my friends here. Him: Bazo buya noQuade noLethu.. Ndak cela sthandwa sam_ Me: We just got here. How about we have a few shots & Ciders ohh beers for you then sizohamba! *i winked* Him: Mhh_Okay! Just a few shots. Me: Sure! I left him ndabuyela kwiLadies mara bebenga phelelanga cause abanye bebengekho.. Me: What happened to the others? Usi: Dunno, dont care! Me: No wonder you dont care cause ubusy notywala.. Usi: Kengoku ingxaki yakho iphi apho? Me: Hay besend thetha nje! Usi: Jonga nhe mna andithethi kaka xawu busy noCooper wakho so leave me the fvck alone! She got up & left_ Me: En nou? Nikky: I have no idea brew! Thuli: Is she always like this? Me: How? Thuli: Like this man. Its like shes got a problem with us. I dunno man_ Me: Nha, I dont know whats got into her today otherwise shes a chilled person. Thuli: Oh! I hope she got nothing against us & I damn hope she dont say shii bout us or imma break her ass.. Nikky: Oooh.. Hold it right there girly. Nobody ever talk bout my hommie like that while Im around, okay. So you better take back what you just said.. Thuli: Or what? Nikky: Dont make me lose my temper young lady, dont make me.. Asa: Cmon guys yinton nanina nha? Yhuu! Cmon loosen up a lil & enjoy the party_ Hay todays seriously not our day caba kuzobanje cause uNikky was fuming with anger, dont ask why. & on the other hand Usi was nowhere to be found.. I think Ill go call Cooper & leave sana. I got up & went to look for Cooper_ I saw Usi by the balcony drinking her Cider & I decided to go up to her & apologize bout earlier cause bendinga funi beef phakath kwethu.. Me: Hey! Usi: Ja. Me: Look, Im sorry bout what I said. I shouldnt have said it. I understand why youre angry. Usi: Nha, its okay. Im the one who should be apologizing. I got a bit defensive about it even though ubudlala nam. Me: So were cool? Usi: Bvtch we was never cool. *she gave me the TF look* We laughed_ Me: Im leaving mna ngoku cause uZenas gone, theres too much drama going on & its just not our day. Yall wanna come with? Usi: Yeah_ Hayne akhoweii, you can go well follow noNikky! Me: Sure Ntwanaz_ I left her nayokhangela uCooper who was starting to get drunk! Me: Xawuzo sela uthi sizo hamba njani? Him: Suwara babe, Ill be able to drive. Me: Okay, masambe. I wanna leave now! Him: Okay, lemme finish ezBeer eziy 2.. Me: Cmon Chuma, its gonn take forever & you also know that! Him: Ndakcela babe! Me: No, we can take them with & ungaz sela pha eBnB.. We took iCastle Light zakhe, said our good-byes then savaya! We got in the car, started the engine then we left. [Sorry for the Errors if there are any] _ :)
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:37:00 +0000

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