[Insert 82] On our way to town we were both quiet the whole - TopicsExpress


[Insert 82] On our way to town we were both quiet the whole time , only music was playin... He played my favourite song Guap - Big Sean he looked at me & I smiled... That song now reminded me of Usi, Nick_Nack & them .. Aww meyn I miss them.. :( Anyway we got to town , called Mumzo to direct us to where she was .. She told us to go to the hospital ... We got to the hospital then headed in.. On our way to the reception Bandile saw his old buddy I guess cause they shook hands & did the guy hug .. Bandile: Heee Sam fethu ndak gqibela nini? Hella bwoii .. Sam: Yho Ngqawa bethwa ziMeko fondini ... Alok laweii yalamntana yand fumana so ngok qho everymonth ndilapha. I was guessing ziARVs or something .. Shame man. :( Bandile: Kodwa nawe ntwana wabatyaza yeses.. Sam: Ja Ngqawa .. Oh yiweii yakho lena? Sajonga jongana noBandile & I shook my head ... Sam: Oh ... Hayne ndingu Sam kemnake .. Cela ubuza ungubani wena? Me: Botlhari. Sam: Ohh ndavuya ukwazi sisi ... *we shook hands* Umhle lonto *he kissed my hand* Bandile cleared his throat.. I quickly removed my hand & I looked at Bandile who was lookin at me _ Ebemhle shame ubhutiza qha ubethwa yimeko yoba ungumcinga .. Bandile: Hayne Sam ntwana ndavuya ukbona bhudda. Sure. Sam: Sure Ngqawa. Sam left & on our way to the reception I apologized to Bandile ... Bandile: Its okay. *he smiled* We got to the reception & we saw Mumzo ebehleli kwiWaiting ntoz-ntoz ... Me: Mumzo sizothini apha? Mumzo: Sinos about to give birth Me: Really? Mumzo nodded ... I screamed, jumped up & down ndayo huga uBandile ... Me: Really mama? They laughed & Mumzo nodded ... Me: But njani? Cause uye walunywa but then waphinda waRight njena & its only 8 months.. Mumzo: Yho haike andiyazi mntanam ndive ngoLethu nam.. I was so happy ... Oh my gosh kunini ndimlindile lomntana ... :D We waited anxiously ... I was so impatient bingathi abade bagqibe mntakabawo .. Finally the doctor came & we were called inside ... I was so nervouse yet excited at the same time .... We went close to the bed & I nearly got a heart-attack when I saw her, she was soo ... Oh my word ... So adorable . I was so jealous ... Me: Oh my word .... Shes so ... Tears streamed down my face for the first time this year .. Yes thats weird I know .. :v _ Lethu: Ukhalelani kengoku? Me: Mpaa tears of joy tyhii.. We laughed ... Mumzo: Hay ndoda usebenzile ... Mhle ufuze umamakhe .. Lethu: Haibo, mna? Mumzo: Kawume wethu Ndoda sisancoma asika fiki kuwe.. We laughed ... Mumzo took her wamteketisa the she passed her to me ... Me: So whats her name? Sino: well besingekal cingi .. Lethu: Actually we decided to give you the honours. Me: Who? Me? Sino: Yes Me: *I cried again* thats so sweet ... Oh my word ... Okay *we laughed* Well how about .. Um ... How about Zimyoli? Bandile: What does it mean? Me: Zimyoli indaba zobukho bakho Sino: I love it. What do you think babe? Lethu: If you love it then were good. Linjani mama? Mumzo: Hay limnandi mntanam .. Bandile: I think Inaye-intandos also nice. Lethu & Bandile fist bumped ... Lethu: I agree with you Bandile. Me: But I came up with the name first. Asizoliyeka cause bendinikwe iHonours ... We argued about amagama sabe sihleka & stuff .. We agreed that her namesll be Zimyoli & Inaye-intando :D _ we took a few selfies with the baby & all as a family .. Bandile & I left since we had to bring toiletries for Sino since shell be spending the next few nights here... We left sayongena eMotweni then drove off on our way besincokola & stuff ... Me: Oh my word shes so beautiful. Shes ... Bandile: Yeah she is , Lethu & Sino did a great job. Kushorta owethu ngoku.. *he said not looking at me* Me: Yeah, kushorta oweth- I looked at him wancuma ... Bandile: Gqibezela babe.. Me: Yeah .. Kushorta owethu We both smiled.. We got home & I went to Sinos room.. Packed her a few clothes, pjs, slippers & toiletries .. Gqiba kwam I went to the kitchen, made Bandile & I a sandwich then ndathatha iCan eziy2 .. I headed to the car then drove off.. Bandile: Usak thanda nangok ukutya? *he chuckled* I looked at him & shook my head worse naye ebesitya ke .. We got to the hospital then saphuma sabuyela kwiWard .. Me: Uphi uZim? Sino: Bayomvasa Me: Oh. Nazi things zakho babe. Sino: Thanks babe, youre a star. I love you. Me: I know. We laughed.. Sino: Awund thandi mna? Me: You know I do. Sino: Say it.. Youve never said you love me. Me: Really? Cmon Sino. Sino: Say it Panana yam.. Bandile: Hay elgama Lethu: Hey fondini We laughed.. Sino: Im waiting. Me: Fine, I love you. She screamed, hugged me & kissed me.. Me: Euww.. Okay thats enough now. Sino: Ncaww .. This is just thee best day of my life. We laughed_ Me: Bandile masivaye mntakabawo before andi rapee uMaka Zim. We laughed ... Bandile: Siyavaya kethina .. Lethu? Lethu: Hay nhe nzan landela brahz. Me: Bye maka Zim.. Please kiss her goodnight for me & tell her I love her.. Sino: Bye Panana yam. I will We left noBandile .. Saphuma sigonene _ On our way home Mumzo called telling me that uzobuya ngomso yena ... We got home noBandile saye kitchen. He made me supper ... So cute man .. :P :D ♥ _ We ate & I washed the dishes wazisula .. Gqiba kwethu I went to shower then changed into my PJs ndayobukela iTV .. Bandile came down with a blanky then wazohlala next to me, we cuddled then sabukela iMovie ... We were chatting here & there, laughing .. Kissed & stuff until he asked .. Bandile: Botlhari? Me: Yes? Him: Do you love me? Eyy lomfana thiixo .. :/ [Sorry for the Errors] [Thats it for this week. Ill try posting ngeweek-end but if andikwazanga just know I was busy.] _ :)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:42:24 +0000

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