#Insert 90 ******** Doc- Your mother didnt loose the - TopicsExpress


#Insert 90 ******** Doc- Your mother didnt loose the baby.. Rea- What.? Doc- Yes.. It seems like our doctors made a mistake, Im sorry for for worrying your family.. Rea- No.. No, its fine.. Im just glad the baby is alright.. But, will she be fine, Doc.? Doc- We are doing our best to make sure she will be.. For now, we can only hope that she wakes up.. Rea- But what do you think are the chances that she might make it.? Doc- I dont really like speculating.. I will tell you this and then that will happen, Im sorry.. Rea- Ok.. Its fine, I guess we just have to wait.. Doc- Yes.. Thank you Mrs Bogatsu.. Rea- Thank you doctor.. (We hung up..) Rea- The baby didnt die.. BK- Wow.. Thats really great news, babe.. Rea- Yeah.. I guess.. BK- But..?? Rea- But whats the point of the baby being alive when she isnt.? What if she dies.? BK- Baby, she wont die.. Rea- I really hope so.. I dont wanna be an orphan, babe.. BK- You will never be an orphan.. Your mother will be fine.. Rea- Maybe I should take a gap year.. BK- What.?! No.. Rea- How am I gonna focus.? BK- You need to be strong, babe, for your family.. Rea- Soon you will be gone and I will be all alone.. BK- Baby, please dont talk like that.. Rea- It is true.. Im going to miss you so much.. BK- Im gonna miss you too.. But I think we should focus on your mother for now.. Rea- Im going to cancel my party for Saturday, I cant have a huge party with my mother in a coma.. I cant.. BK- Ok.. Just tell me what you want me to do.. Rea- Could you please tell the guests that I cancelled.? BK- Sure.. I will do that, is there anything else.? Rea- No.. The rest the party planner will do.. BK- Ok.. Rea, Im here for you.. Rea- Thanks, I really appriciate it.. BK- I think you should rest.. Rea- I dont wanna rest.. BK- But you have to, my love.. Just for a few hours.. Rea- You wanna leave.? BK- No.. Im not going anywhere.. Rea- You promise.? BK- Yes, I promise.. I will be next to you when you wake up.. Rea- Ok.. I love you.. BK- I love you too, so much.. (We hugged and we laid on the bed together with my head on his chest.. I fell asleep and woke up after a few hours.. He was still there, but he was sleeping.. He looked so peaceful and I didnt wanna disturb him.. I got up quitely, kissed his forehead and went downstairs.. I have to say, I was feeling much better than before I slept.. I found RT and Rori sleeping on the couch.. They looked a bit cute.. I ordered some pizza and it got here soon.. I put it in the oven and I went back to my room.. BK was still sleeping and I got ontop of the bed and put my head on his chest.. I fell asleep again and was woken up by him.. Well, he didnt really wake me up, I just heard him awake and I woke up.. We went down and had some pizza, Rori and RT joined us after a short while.. It would have been great if my mother wasnt in a coma.. We watched a movie and tried to make convesations.. It was really terrible.. It was like we were at a funeral or something.. It got late, I asked BK to sleep over and he agreed.. We slept together in my room, Rori and RT in his room.. We woke up the next day, bathed and had breakfast.. My father was already at the hospital and RT was going to join him.. I agreed to see mom the next day.. I think I did that because I was feeling guilty, I dont know.. I stayed at my house with Rori when BK went to change.. She went to her house and I was alone.. A lot of things were going through my mind.. I went to the gym and tried excercing the stress off but it didnt work.. I sat on the floor and looked around the room.. My eyes then landed on a rope.. Yeah, I was thinking of doing it.. But then I thought of my father, my brother and my boyfriend.. All my friends and everyone who cares about me.. I got out of the room before I did something that could hurt many people.. I sat on the stoep, I needed the fresh air.. Even though I was outside, I was still sweating.. I felt like I was about to exlode, I felt like I was about to loose my mind.. I closed my eyes, opened them, closed them and opened them.. I was swinging foward and backwards.. I kept scraching myself like I was some kind of drug addict.. That was it.! I was done, I was tired of living in pain.. I got up, went to the gym and tied the rope to my neck.. I then remembered that I didnt lock the door.. I untied it and went to the door, as soon as I held the handle, someone knocked.. Some people dont know when to visit.. I opened and found Bokamoso..) BK- Are you ok.? Rea- Yes, Im fine.. BK- Ok... Can I, uhm, come in.? Rea- Yes, of course.. Lemme get you drink.. BK- Thanks.. Oh, I see your keeping fit.. Rea- What.? Oh, that.. Uhm, I was just looking for something.. BK- Whats that.? Rea- Uhm, an old thing of mine.. BK- Rea.. Did you try to kill yourself.? Rea- What.? No.. BK- That rope and the chair.. What were you doing with them.? Rea- I used the chair because I was looking for that.. You know some skipping.? BK- You sure.? Rea- Yeah.. #Reh.OM.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 12:21:46 +0000

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