[Insert 95] We both lay there and no-one was talking - - TopicsExpress


[Insert 95] We both lay there and no-one was talking - complete silence , I love that ... Bandile: Awulambanga? I nodded He got up waphuma ngok enxibe loTowel .. I got up mna ndayozosula then ndabhinqa laTowel ndayomma kwiBalcony outside .. I needed the fresh air , to clear my mind , think .... _ Bandile came in after a while and I went back inside .. We sat on the bed satya sincokola and stuff ... Bandile: Whyd you let me do that to you? Me: What? Bandile: Muff you. Me: Well , I felt like I owed it to you . Look Bandile youve been a great boyfriend and I appreciate that so yeah .. He smiled _ After we finished eating I took his gown ndaynxiba ... Bandile: Nantsi laGown madoda. I giggled Me: Awusa diki .. He stuck his tongue out I took the tray then ndehla nayo ndadibana noAzu ePassageini whos face lit up when she saw me ... Azu: Youre okay? She hugged me Me: Hey hey the plates. Azu: Sorry sahleka Me: Im okay actually . Yeah my brothers death came as a shock to me but Im handling it great or maybe its because I still dont believe it and realityll strike me that hes really gonn when its his funeral? I dunno , hey . Azu: urgh! Dont worry , youll be fine . That , I hate the youll be fine line ... -_- If theres anything you need or wanna talk about , Im just ... She counted the doors ndahleka 6 doors away , okay . She pouted sahleka Me: urgh! Thank you. She smiled then ndahamba Azu: Oh before I forget . Can I take you out tomorrow? Ill actually need it Me: Yeah , sure . I smiled Azu: Great! She grinned ... I went down ndayobeka iPlates eKitchenii and on my way out I bumped into Maka Bandile - ndothuka nje kancincii Me: Oh , molo ma . Mama: Molo . uRight kodwa mntanam? Why does everyone I meet ask me that nah? Me: Ewe mama ndRight akhonto , kuwe kunjani? Mama: Hay kuRight sisi . I smiled uSure uba uRight kodwa? She gave me those eyes and I giggled Me: Hee .. Ewe ma ndiRight - suz worryisha. She smiled I left the kitchen and went back upstairs and Bandile was on his laptop . I went to sit besides him ... Bandile: Just got a call from work that Im needed by next-week something happened. Me: Oh. But I thought you were on leave njena. Bandile: Yeah I am but bathi its urgent. Me: Oh. Bandile: I hope you dont mind us leaving. Me: No , its chilled and besides I miss home. He smiled how do you do it? Bandile: What? He looked at me with confused eyes Me: Balance school work and work? Bandile: Its quite easy cause emsebenzini they know ndiyafuna so I go to school for my classes then come back and work .. Me: Oh . Nice. So whats your job there? Bandile: Im the manager of the architect(ure) side. Me: Oh wow. So young and already earning big bucks. Thats nice. He giggled Bandile: Yes , so that I can spend it all on you. Me: uhh anyway .. Sahleka your dad must be proud though. Bandile: Wish you can say that to him. Me: What do you mean? Bandile: He wants me to be a doctor. Ndahleka he was so angry when your mom gave me the job there since laNgqawa yaphana went over-seas , so they didnt have anyone and Mamakho decided to take me since yena noTata are friends and colleagues and she knew what I wanted to be and do when Im old. Me: Oh ... Yho but he should be happy now that you dont depend on him anymore . Bandile: I guess. Hehake Taka Bandile . I actually cant imagine Bandile as a doctor . Nah , it doesnt suit him - its not him .. Anyway I left him ndayo hlala kwiBalcony ... _ Wow , its been a rough half-year I should say , hectic one actually . My friends abandoning me , Vuyo saying shxxt about me to her mom , my parents divorcing , now Bandile decides impregnate a girl , now my brothers death ... Wow! Bandile: Babe , your dad. He shouted Wow , what a surprise .. I went back ndayothatha iPhone _ »PhoneCall« Me: S.D? Wahleka Well this is a surprise. Tata: Unjena kewena . Caba I cant call my daughter now without it being a surprise? I giggled Nana , Im sorry about your brother. The way he said it made it seem as if ayinguye umntana wakhe . Your brother? Ngeyethe at least Im sorry bout uLethu .. Me: Its okay dad . It was part of Gods plan anyway . Eventually he was gonna die. Its prolly for the best Tata: he sighed He left you a letter though. Me: A letter? I smiled and tears foarmed in my eyes Really? Tata: Yes , its in his drawer eroomini yakhe. Me: Oh wow. I was actually feeling happy , not that Im happy that uswelekile but I never thought about him leaving me a letter _ but no man , somethings not right .. But hold on tata . How did he know that he was gonn die? Did he kill himself? Tata: he sighed Baby I have to go. Me: Tata whats going on? Tata: Bye , I love you. He hung up and left me all confused ... Theres something that theyre not telling me though , what is it? But Im gonn find out . I called uSino »PhoneCall« Sino: Hello she said in a low tone Me: Hi , unjani? Sino: she sighed Im sorry Botlhari. She stared crying .. Hehake caba xandi phonea uzo khala Its all my fault , Im sorry .. Me: Its okay , you dont have to cry . But what do you mean its your fault? Sino: Im so sorry ... Im terribly sorry. She hung up _ Okay ... They always leave me hanging , why? I went back inside ndahlala phezkwe bhedi wand bona uBandile ndiConfused and somethings bothering me ... Bandile: And now? Me: uthi uTata uLethu left me a letter and ndabuza uTata whyd he leave me a letter and howd he know he was gonn die and uTata just hung up on me .. I called uSino and all she said was Im sorry Botlhari , its all my fault. Im terribly sorry. Then she also hung up on me . Theres something that theyre not telling me. Bandile: Yho! And I think Sinos behind all this . Maybe she killed uLethu , who knows? He shrug his shoulders Me: Hay Bandile . I cant believe you actually said that . Thats really heartless and cruel of you. Bandile: Im sorry but it might be true . Me: Mnxm Bandile can be mean xayefuna and why would uSino kill my brother? The father of her child? Like cmon .. She loved him and why would she wanna take away something that means the world to us? Why? I dont understand ... _ Bandile got up wathambisa then wanxiba chino shorts and a top wafaka iPush ... Bandile: Ina nxiba were going to fetching your clothes. I gave him that wtf look and he gave me a straight face Me: Why? Bandile: Uhh ... Lemme think . Youre staying here from now on and besides sesizo hamba . Im sure your stay isnt welcomed in that house anymore. I gave him that dont-talk-shvvt-here look he shrug his shoulders wabeka iLaptop yakhe ... I got up ndanxiba then sahamba ... We got to Nikos house ndangena .. Niko was in the lounge ehleli noKwanga ... Me: Molweni. Niko: Hey tshommie .. She got up and we hugged Are you okay? Me: Yeah wethu , Ive been surviving. Kwanga: But you dont look like youve lost a brother though. Niko: Kwanga! She gave him that death stare ... Me: Its okay . Really didnt have time for Kwanga & his BS I came to fetch my clothes friend . Ill be leaving soon cause Bandile has to go back to work. Kwanga: Hee kanti yasebenza laweii yakho. Uno sugar daddy? Ncncnc. He shook his head ... _ I left them boy2 then ndanyuka .. I started packing my clothes and Niko walked in .. Niko: friend Im sorry bout uKwanga . Andiyazi yintoni inxaki yakhe. Me: its okay wethu friend - Ill survive that. She helped me pack then gqiba kwethu we went downstairs sayo faka iSuitcase and my bag in the boot ... Me: Thank you so much for letting me stay for free my friend . Wahleka Niko: Ngade uthi for free tyhii ... Urgh! Its anything any friend wouldve done wethu. I smiled Me: Thanks friend. And tell your mom I said thank you for the warm stay and yes Ill call her. Niko: Sure friend. We hugged Have a safe trip and tell me xaniseni fikile ke. Me: Will do. She smiled I got in the car then sahamba ... Bandile: That wasnt hard , was it? Me: What? Bandile: Getting your clothes. Me: Mnxm . Yadika bonanje. He stuck his tongue out ndahleka ... Bandile: Umhle xawuqumbile. Me: woah .. Caba ndimbii xandinga qumbanga? Bandile: Tuu alok my love. You look like a fairy god princess. Sahleka Me: uWoah intozakho zimuncu .. Bandile: Yazi thanda dzoe. He pouted ndahleka We went to Nandos to buy Supper for the family ... Me: I dont eat Nandos meat my love. Bandile: Okay , Ill get you something else. He bought me that nice hot rice with spinach so did he for himself ... Me: Such a copy cat. Bandile: Please dont start. He rolled his eyes sahleka .. We waited for our order then wayoy thatha uBandile sahamba ... We got home wanyuka neBags zam uBandile mna ndaye kitchenii to khuphula everything in those nice tupperwear bowls then ndayobeka kwiDinner table... I called everyone , we did grace then sayotya ... Tata: Nyana nihamba nini kengoku? Bandile: Sihamba Sunday tata. Tata: Oh okay kaloku kukho laEngagement Party kaSphamandla ingomso omnye funeka kuyiwe kuyo. Bandile: Hay sabe sisekhona tata akhonxaki . Engagement party? Sphamandla? I didnt know about this ... _ we finished eating then Azu and I cleared the table sayovasa izitya ... Me: Is Sphamandla getting married? Azu: Yep to this annoying gold-digger of his. Me: Oh. After washing the dishes I went up to the bedroom ndafika ndanxiba iPJs zam ndavula iLaptop kaBandile ndabukela iMovies ... I mightve fallen asleep but ndiye ndothuka kudlala enye iMovie and Bandile wasnt next to me ... I got up ndehla only to find him sleeping on the couch ... I didnt wanna wake him up so I took a fleece-blanket ndamombathisa then ndayolala mna ... Following day ndiye ndeva umntu endivusa ndathi ojonga nguAzu ... Azu: wakey - wakey sleepy head , weve got a big day today. Me: Big day? Azu: Yes, were going out. So wake up and go shower , wear something short like a summer dress with sandles and Ill catch you downstairs. And pack your bikini She left ... Yho! I got up ndondlula .. I took out my white summer dress with a small black bow at the back and yabe ivulekile yenze uHeart and I took out my black sandles ... _ I went to shower then ndathi xandiphuma Bandile was in the room kwabe kukho the eye-catching peach summer-dress we saw at Donna Claire phezkwe bhedi .. Me: And what happened to my white dress? Bandile: its in my closet but youll be wearing this one now. He smiled Me: Oh. I actually didnt like the idea of uBandile choosing what to wear for me - didnt sit well with me _ I lotioned my body , wore my undies then ndanxiba lelokhwe ke ... Bandle: Wow! You look beautiful babe. He said smiling Me: Thanks but I feel like its too formal for going out for lunch with someone. Bandile: Yeyona eRight my love. He came wazond zipa emva then I wore my black sandles ... I combed my hair and let it loose , put my bikini in Bandiles small bag and some lotion stuff , took my phone gqiba kwam sehla ... Azu: Giiirl .. You look stunning . Thats a really gorgeous dress. Bandile: Mh-hh. Sahleka Azu: Dont tell me you chose that dress for her now , did you? Me: Azu are you ready , we have to go now. I said avoiding the topic sahleka .. Bandile: Lemme rather not expose my wife . My lips are sealed Azu. Sahleka Azu: Noo way . Its so gorgeous and it really suits you Bee . Urgh! Youre so lucky to have a man like Bandile in your life and please dont screw him over or Ill eff you up. Me: Okay , can we go now? Ndazenza irritated Sahleka ... Bandile: Bye ladies . Enjoy. We baby kissed noBandile , sahamba noAzu ... We got in her car - wabe ehamba ngeDodge ebomvu - looked brand new .. uWoah ubane mali kodwa . She put her shades on wand nika ezinye bezi pha ndanxiba nam mntaka bawo .. She put some music on then sahamba ke .. I dunno where we were going but we stopped at Bella Serenita Day Spa pha eBeacon Bay ... Azu: Were here. Me: Spa? Azu: Yes , but thats not all. Come masiphume. We got out then sangena ke ... Azu wabe thetha neReceptionist ... We were escorted to lendawo sizo tshintshela kuye sanikwa those nice white robes .. We changed then saya to the room where well be getting imassages zethu . We lay on this small beds - dunno what you call them , honestly . Zafika ke eza masseuses to massage us ... Me: Uhh .. This feels amazing. Azu: I know right . Feels like heaven , I come here every once a month just to clear my head. Me: Yho I should come more often . Ill look for one in Durban yho and maybe take Bandile with. She giggled Azu: uWoah lowo . I wanted to take him with but yho wathi no this for girls mntaka bawo ndamncama. I giggled Me: Uzovuma kesana kum ethanda enga thandi cause I cant go alone , yho. And Id actually take him out on a date ndithi yiSurprise size apha . Uh-huh? Sahleka Azu: Thatd be a good one. They carried on doing their wonderfull work with their magic hands .. Felt amazing .. After that siye sayo nxiba our bikinis then sasiwa kwi pool area where they put musks on our faces with those cucumbers on our eyes .. I actually felt like umlungu that moment .. Safumana netananyana ... _ they washed our faces then baz thambisa .. After that coctails and sandwiches , sweets ezi things zabelungu wethuu were brought ... We took pictures noAzu .. I decided to go for a young swim just to clear my mind , its been a while futhii .. After that I went back .. Azu: Yho girl yayenza into yoquba vah? I giggled Me: it helps me clear my mind wethu. She smiled Siye sancokola nje wethuu .. Azu: Asiphelelanga apha ke sana , masambe. Me: Im so tired . She laughed We got up sayo showerisha then wore our clothes saphuma ... We went to hemmingways saya kwaRjays .. We ordered then our coctails we brought sancokola ... Azu: So tell me . What are your plans noBandile? Me: What do you mean? Azu: Like are you planning on marrying him and having kids? Ndahleka Me: Arent am I still too young to be thinking about that and besides we dont know what the future has for us. I still wanna enjoy life. Azu: Oh. Watsho ingathi khona into angay qondiyo or udisappointed .. Me: And that Oh? Azu: No , its nothing . She faked a smile Me: Azu just say it , we both know theres something youre hiding. She sighed Azu: Look Bee , uBandile really loves you - Ive never seen him inlove nor happy like this before. Hes never brought any of his exs home nor let them sleep in his bed . From the way he talks about you the nigguhs totally inlove with you . He took you shopping , he even introduced you to his parents . Like really Botlhari? That man loves you with all his heart. Hes inlove. Me: I sighed Azu , I also love uBandile and he knows that so I dunno why youre stressing . Id never take his love for granted although he did one huge thing that broke my heart into a million pieces but I took iSuper glue and mended the pieces together cause I love him and I never left him so please relax , Im not going anywhere. Azu: What is that one huge thing he did to you? She sounded concerned Me: I feel like you should ask him that. She gave me that cmon-Bee look of hers ndahleka Fine , fine . Bandile cheated on me and the girl she cheated with is pregnant. Her jaw literally dropped and her eyes were wide opened Azu: What? Dont lie. Me: I swear on my brothers coming grave. She gave me that hay look Im sorry but I swear. Azu: My word . How could he be so stupid? My gosh .. I trusted him. What was he thinking actually? She shook her head - shocked Me: yeah thats Bandile for you but ke its chilled wethu - I got over it . Azu: yho! It mustve been hard for you , hey . Yho Me: Yeah ntwez njalo but now Im chilled bout it not 100% but Im okay . Akhonto ndinoyenza ekgqibeleni. Azu: Yho , Im sorry though. Me: Its okay Azu . Urgh! Enough about me tell me bout your fiance. She blushed ndahleka Oko sincokola until our food arrived , satya . Gqiba kwethu she paid and we left. We went to Old Khaki since she wanted a dress for herself for ngomso Sphamandlas engagement. Azu: So what are uu gonn wear? Me: where? Azu: Sphamandlas engagement you dweeb. Me: I wasnt even invited so no stress , Ill just stay at home. Azu: urgh! Dont be silly , of course youre invited , youre part of the fam now. Come lets choose something for you. Me: I ahh .. No Im fine , thanks .. Azu: Im not taking no for an answer .. I really dont want the Boois to get used to the idea of buying me clothes ingathi andina bazali or sipoor ekhaya . uBandile spoiled me enough and uAzu again? No , Im fine . Me: Azu , please . Bandile already bought me clothes so thanks . Azu: Dyou have a baby blue dress? Me: Uhh .. No. Azu: Exactly , so please let me buy you this one as a gift then . Me: urgh! Fine . Azu: Yho you are one stubborn little girl. We giggled ... We looked for a dress ke ndabe mna ndingena size kwenye ilokhwe ibintle pha but Azu yena decided to take it then saya kwa YDE where I found this gorgeous dress ibimfutshane .. Ibiyi lace elong sleeved but aphe mabeleni bingeyiyo - ibi gquma then yathii saa pha esnqenii and phantskwe lace bekukho into engathi yifaskoti ebaby blue aphemva yavuleka yenza uV from emagxeni to esnqenii .. Urgh! It looked baest .. Azu: I love it . I love it . I fitted it and it looked perfect on me , Azu paid sahamba ... We did a little shopping for Azu , sathenga neCosmetics zakhe , toiletries and we bought jewelry . She bought me this one gorgeous watch with earings and a necklace - so did she ... Me: Thank you. Azu: Anything any in-law wouldve done. I smiled , saphuma sahamba Shoes? Me: Ive got cream-ish heels I bought noBandile that can blend in perfectly with the dress. Azu: Perfect . Ive also got shoes , so now lets go do our hair. Me: What? Noo Azu , no . Its too much. Azu: Botlhari? Botlhari? Why cant you let me spoil you? Yhuu haysuka uyadika shame . Masambe and besides awunoya unjalo entloko . Ndahleka _ we left saya eOxford ... Azu: urgh! Ndiyay caphukela leendawo but this salon does a great job with my hair . Me: kuFilthy maarn apha and kugcwele . Traffic yalaphas on another level. Azu: Yho tell me about it. We giggled ... She finally found iindawo yoparka then saphuma sangena kule Salon . It looked shady judging from iStandards zika Azu , I expected something fancy and stuff but anyway who am I to judge ... We were attended to fast and quick ... I washed my hair then uAzu wathi mandifakele iBonding mntaka bawo , wathi mandifakele iLace weave ndathi unotshe bahleka they decided ke ndancamela kulena eshiya inwele ngaphambili , the brown one . I didnt want anything fancy ezondenza mdala and different . They did my hair ke band gqiba , I should say I looked nice - new look could do and shame they did a great job from what I expected ... Azu yewafakela loLace weave ke then she paid sahamba .. Me: Intle kodwa lento yakho - it suits you. Azu: Bendi gqibele ungay thandi . Thini nto yakho nah? Sahleka Me: Well not for me but for you alok mna Im still young and I dont wanna look old - I just wanna be natural. I flipped my weave sahleka Azu: Worse people your age do these kinda weaves and those peruvians ke nduk xelele. Me: urgh! Im not about that. Sahleka ... We went to the beach and stopped at Windmill for ice-cream then sayo parka and took a long walk by the beach ... Took pictures , sincokola and stuff ... Urgh! I should say I really had a good day . =) [Sorry for the Errors] _ :)
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:37:47 +0000

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