#Insert_34 ********* Our lessons was on for more than two - TopicsExpress


#Insert_34 ********* Our lessons was on for more than two hours and we were really getting somewhere.. He gave me problems to solve while he looked in the book.. We would talk and I would try to get answers out of him and I would fail to do so, but get them correct by applying my own understanding.. He was a very good teacher, atleast I understood him better than any teacher that has ever taught me Math.. After three to four hours of just Math, something I wouldnt do in the past, he got us something to drink.. Kayla- Thanks.. Nick- You still think what we were doing was difficult.? Kayla- Uhm, ahem, you said the lesson was over.. Nick- Of course.. Kayla- So have you ever gave someone private lessons.? Nick- I used to, when I wasnt too busy with my studies.. Kayla- And did you charge them.? Nick- Yeah.. Well, they wanted to pay me so I couldnt really say no to money.. Kayla- So.. I must pay too, right.? I mean, it is only fair.. Nick- Did you ask me to give you some lessons, did you.? Kayla- I didnt, but it wouldnt be fair for me to eat you off like that.. Nick- Its really alright.. Kayla- Unless you want something else, something you wont get.. Nick- No man, Kayla, look.. Uhm, Im not a bad guy, Im really not a bad guy.. Kayla- I will come to that conclusion some day.. Just not now.. Nick- No problem.. We talked a bit more before my phone rang, it was my father.. I was moving and I forgot, all thanks to Nick and his Math.. I told my father to wait a few minutes.. Kayla- I have to go.. Nick- Your moving.? Kayla- Yeah.. Nick- But why.? Kayla- Its complicated.. Nick- So what is going to happen to your classes.? Kayla- I wont miss a class, I promise.. Nick- Is the place your going to live at too far from here.? Kayla- No.. It is not too far.. You know, your talking as if your going to miss me.. Nick- I am going to miss you, I mean, your sort of my friend who doesnt like me.. Kayla- I dont like you.? Nick- Really.? You didnt know.? Kayla- Yeah.. Nick- Well, now you do, Kayla, you dont like me.. Kayla- I dont hate you, Nick.. Nick- Your dad is waiting for you.. Kayla- Yeah, I should go.. Nick- Have a safe trip.. Kayla- Thanks and this conversation is not over, Nick Williams.. Nick- Bye.. I got my stuff and I walked home.. Half way to my house, Nate passed me, he was with Miya.. I guess they were inlove.. Not that I cared.. I found my dad, greeted him and hugged him.. His driver helped me with my stuff and we were done within a short period of time.. My mom came and I really didnt want to fight with her, atleast not when I was leaving.. She didnt make any noise, she was a bit calm and that made me feel better.. She even offered to make us supper but my dad already asked his chef to prepare something special for his daughter.. My dad invited her to join us for supper and she agreed, that means I was suprised.. She drived behind us to my dads house and we got there soon.. The house was huge and very classy.. There was a man working in the garden, the lady who cleans the house, the chef and the one who does the laundry.. Oh and the driver too.. My father was really doing his best to decrease unemployment.. He was that man who was always busy and thats the main reason why I wanted to live with him.. Because it will be more like Im living alone, something I need.. I was showed to my good looking room that I liked very much, it was en suited like the one back at my mothers house but this one had a study desk and a television set.. It was just right.. I put my stuff and the one who did the laundry started unpacking my clothes and putting the inside my closet.. The cleaner gave me a tour of the whole house and it was very nice.. Everyone was introduced to me and they all seemed nice.. They all went back to work and we had supper, for the first time, like a family.. My mom left after supper and I went to bath and sleep.. Thursday passed very fast and it was now Friday morning.. I finished packing my stuff for the camp, bathed and got dressed.. I prayed that it wasnt the kind of camp where we live in tents and make fire.. I had my medium suitecase, my medium bag and my school big.. When I got downstairs, I found another cooler bag that had some snacks and drinks.. The driver helped me with my stuff to the car, I gave my dad a big hug, he gave me some money and I left.. I found Jay by the parking with Chris.. I got off with my stuff, greeted them and gave Chris a kiss.. Jay- Ahem.! Kayla- Sorry.. Uhm, what time are we leaving.? Jay- The teacher who is taking us will be here in a few minutes, so he said.. Kayla- Ok.. Man, Im gonna miss you, babe.. Chris- Im going to miss you too.. But atleast we will talk on the phone.. Jay- And you can see each other Monday morning.. Kayla- Yeah.. The teacher came, Chris helped me put my bags in the car and Jay put his.. I said good bye to Chris and we were on our way.. I was at the back with Jay and he had his ear phones on, I took them off and we talked.. #Reh.OM.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 11:09:43 +0000

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