~ Interactive Reading Time ~ Choose from one of the Animals below - TopicsExpress


~ Interactive Reading Time ~ Choose from one of the Animals below that you are most drawn too. Then scroll down to receive the message they have for you xo Deer, Zebra, Dove. * * * * * * * * * * * DEER. To have the Deer prance its way into your life today you are to be acknowledged for your gentle character and loving, understanding nature. Whenever you feel threatened, bullied or belittled, what do you do? Well, you have two choices, don’t you – act or react. By reacting, you run the risk of firing up and becoming just as threatening and belittling as the person facing you. Choosing to act, however, gives you room to move. It allows you to stand in your power without having to say a word. Acting calm, for example; being gentle, understanding and compassionate, will see you gain more ground than being aggressive. Radiating love and empathy toward the intimidating person facing you will see you confuse them; they will soon realise you’re not going to bite back, and they will quieten gradually, until all their bluster is gone. You will offer them no other choice but to stand still and quietly wait for you to respond. And when you do respond, it will be with a gentle heart. You may find that the person facing you may apologise or attempt to explain themselves. Perhaps they have had a bad day, or they have things happening in their private life that no one else knows about. Perhaps their anger and bullying ways are a cry for help, and perhaps by acting instead of reacting, you will be there to answer their call. Perhaps from confrontation a friendship may blossom. Who knows? Why not find out the next time your gentle nature is tested. ZEBRA. If Zebra has galloped into your life today, you are being reminded that you are unique and special – that you are NOT like everyone else, and that there is a good reason for that difference. By celebrating the fact that you’re different from every other person on this planet, you can and will make a difference to the world. You WILL make the world a better place to live in – just by being you. We are all born into this world with natural ability. Perhaps you have a natural ability to act, paint or draw? Perhaps you are good at dancing or singing, or playing a musical instrument? Perhaps you find mathematics easy, or spelling, or reading? Whatever it is, you are bound to be good at something … and that ‘something’ is what makes you uniquely special and different from everyone else. Looking, acting or sounding different to those around you makes you special too, because you stand out from the crowd. And instead of shunning this difference by trying to hide away or keep quiet, you need to celebrate it by announcing to the world, ‘This is who I am … deal with it’. Zebra’s message is simple. You are unique, gifted, talented and special. You are important and beautiful. Practise what you’re good at, and keep practising until you’re the best in your field, and then encourage others to celebrate their uniqueness too. Only by celebrating our uniqueness will others realise theirs, and surely that must make you feel very proud to be you. DOVE. To have the Dove land in your life today, is to be reassured that no matter what is happening in your world right now, you are loved; loved by Spirit, the Earth Mother, your friends and family - and more importantly (it is hoped), by you, yourself. The Dove comes as a messenger of hope and a symbol of love. You may be wondering, for example, if you will ever find true love. Well, the Dove responds with a gentle, ‘yes’. You may be wondering if the love you feel for another is real; the Dove asks that you enjoy the ride and allow the truth to reveal itself in its own time. You may be wondering if the love you have for another is strong enough to last, to which the Dove wisely replies, ‘Only time will tell’. The Dove is a gentle creature, who never pushes for anything to occur before its time or waits impatiently for the future to unfold. She sits gently, humbly and quietly, and trusts that her self-esteem will carry her through. The Dove knows that she is loved, nurtured by the ‘crop milk’ of the world around her. She knows she cannot attract true love until she first learns to love herself. So she lives a balanced, peaceful life, free of fear, judgement or jealousy, with the faith and commitment to know that what is meant to be hers will someday be revealed. She knows she is safe and protected. She knows she will be provided for. And she not only knows she is loved, she knows she is worthy of love, which is more important. And armed with this certainty, she knows she will someday find true love. And that is all she needs to know. Love and Light Mystic Guidance and Healing. From Creature Teacher Cards Animal Wisdom For All Ages by Scott Alexander King
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 03:38:33 +0000

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