-Interesting take on a subject thats not rocket science. I was - TopicsExpress


-Interesting take on a subject thats not rocket science. I was recently asked what I look for in a mate. I found the interest refreshing. A good majority of people avoid the topic like its the plague. In fact, tell someone that you want to do a relationship check-up and watch them cringe, run for the hills, or go radio silent. This was my response... I want a man who isnt selfish with his time. You should be at the top of the list. If someone tosses you breadcrumbs every couple of weeks, theyre just not that in to you. Who wants to be an effortless hobby? I want a partner who is enthusiastic about building intimacy. This requires face-to-face time- not the passive and disconnected world that lives in our phones and on our computer screens. Those mediums wreak of fake importance. If someone truly values and cherishes you, theyll want to spend actual time in your presence. If youre in it, be in it to win it. When you treat people like theyre an option, you make yourself an option. Teach a person to live without you and theyll do just that. The grass is greener where you water it. Be assertive. Confidence is intoxicating. Pursuit is key. Never stop dating your lover. Steve Harvey breaks it down into three necessities. We want our mate to profess(define and declare it to the world), protect(make us feel safe), and provide(emotionally and physically). I can finance myself. Just let me know that you have my back. In other words, show up and be present. Steve also writes that a person has a right to know, every step of the way, where things stand in the relationship. Time is precious. We often worry about scaring a potential mate off by asking to define the relationship. If this scares someone away, they most likely didnt see you in their future. A person who is serious about you, embraces the declaration. Theyre proud to be with you and they want everyone to know it. If you feel like your relationship is in the witness protection program... There is no short supply of single people in the world. Dont settle for a mediocre love. People typically put their best foot forward in the beginning of a relationship. If you dont like what you see at the beginning of courtship, the meat of the relationship will prove problematic. Love the ooey-gooey core of a person. Looks fade, hair falls out, people gain and lose weight, jobs end, and illness strikes. A big house wont hug you. Cancer doesnt care that youre a CEO of a fortune 500 company. Choose the great heart. Choose the person excited to see you- the person who longs to pass time in your company. Be patient. He or she is out there and theyll be worth the wait. Good luck! elephantjournal/2013/10/what-women-want-from-men-its-simpler-than-we-think/
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:45:32 +0000

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