[Interview] 2AM Jinwoon, KARA Seungyeon Hope to Appear on Big - TopicsExpress


[Interview] 2AM Jinwoon, KARA Seungyeon Hope to Appear on Big Screen Someday 2AM’s Jinwoon and KARA’s Seungyeon are bringing the importance of family and nature to the big screen through animated adventure film “Epic.” The two talents voiced the roles of ordinary teenager MK (Seungyeon) and rebellious warrior Nod (Jinwoon) in the film, which will hit Korean theaters on August 7. During a press conference on Tuesday where a highlights clip of “Epic” was shown, the idol stars spoke about their first-time experiences of voicing an animated film. Q: What did you find most difficult about voicing the film? Jinwoon: Because you’re not actually acting, you don’t have eye contact with your scene partner. I recorded my lines while listening to the recording done by my scene partner. So it was tough creating that connection. Seungyeon: Delivering my lines in Korean, after hearing them in English, was a challenge for me. Some lines were like singing in English but when you said it in Korean, there was a slight difference in the meaning. Q: Yes or no to whether you knew that you’d someday land a chance to voice an animation? Jinwoon: No. Seungyeon: Yes! Jinwoon: Well, my voice is rather low and you need a high-pitched voice in order to voice an animation. That’s why I never thought my voice would suit an animated film so I was really surprised when they asked me to take part. Seungyeon: For me, it was the opposite of Jinwoon. I have a high-pitched voice. Our group member Kyuri voiced an animation before as well and she has a really clear and high-pitched voice so I always thought that I would get the chance to do so before I grow old. Q: Then what kind of character did you want to voice? Seungyeon: In animated films, the female characters are usually sweet and adorable. I really liked Vanellope who always follows Ralph around in “Wreck-It Ralph” (2012). Q: Another yes or no question – do you think you did a better job than Amanda Seyfried and Josh Hutcherson? Seungyeon: No. Jinwoon: Erm… Somewhere in between? Seungyeon: For me, it was my first time [voicing] so I couldn’t depict the character in a dynamic way. But everyone told me I did a really good job screaming. (Jokingly) I guess I could say that I am a better screamer than Amanda Seyfried (laughs) Jinwoon: Because it’s my voice, I only hear the flaws and to be honest, my voice isn’t that great. But then again, I do love my voice so I went for somewhere in between yes and no. Q: What parts in the film were you were able to connect to the most? Jinwoon: There is a part in the film where Nod runs away while avoiding spears and other threats. There weren’t any lines I had to say but I had to make panting sounds and that scene was recorded in almost one take. So I had to concentrate hard for it. Seungyeon: It was the same for me. There were a lot of interjections in my part. Like in the part where my character shrank or when she fell while jumping because she wan’t used to being tiny. There are expressions that are fine in English, but when you say it is Korean, it makes you cringe. But the director told me I need to absorb myself [with the situation] and it really worked. Q: Seungyeon, you were recently in the drama “Jang Ok Jeong.” What difference did you find between acting and voicing? Seungyeon: Well, the language for both “Jang Ok Jeong” and “Epic” are not modern which was difficult for me. But I was more comfortable with “Epic” because I could use my usual high-pitched voice while in the drama, I had to speak in a low voice which required a lot of practice. Also, because you’re in front a camera while shooting a drama, you tend to become self-conscious. You become worried about how your face and posture will look like depending on where the camera is positioned. But when you’re recording your voice, you can jump up and down and move your body freely. Q: Jinwoon, you were in drama “Dream High 2.” What difference did you find? Jinwoon: As a singer, recording in a studio is a familiar field of work. So voicing was more comfortable. But in a drama, you get to see who you are acting with. Q: Are you satisfied with each other’s work? Jinwoon: I had already read the script and watched the film when I found out Seungyeon was cast in the film. I was surprised because it was a perfect match. They also look similar. Seungyeon: Everyone knows Jinwoon and Nicole are tight. I heard Jinwoon’s name a lot so I felt like we were old friends as well. Jinwoon started recording a bit before I did. I was surprised at how well he acts and his personality goes well with his character. Q: Do you ever want to do a movie? Jinwoon: Yes, I want to very much! (laughs) Whatever it is. I watched Seulong’s “26 Years” and the film and his acting were so great that I really wanted to do a movie too. I also heard that shoots for a drama and film are very different so I really want to experience it. I like thrillers so I’d like to do one too. Play a kind-looking killer. A lot people tell me that I look kind when I smile but when I have a straight face, I look scary. Seungyeon: I too want to be in a film. But until the end of this year, I’ll pursue my activities as a member of KARA. Jinwoon: I thought you wanted to be in a thriller too. Seungyeon: Yes, I want to… I want to try out different characters. I was in a historical drama which was a lot of pressure for me so next time, I want to act out a character that is close to who I am. Reporter. Lee Eun Ah [email protected] Photographer. Gue Hye Jung [email protected] Editor. Jessica Kim credit : tenasia/archives/62568 via : karaholic
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 07:32:31 +0000

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