“Islam is a peaceful religion.” If I hear that lie once more - TopicsExpress


“Islam is a peaceful religion.” If I hear that lie once more today, I think I will throw up. Get real, people! This religion COMMANDS their followers to KILL infidels (infidels are defined as anyone rejecting Islam). The thing I can’t figure out is why so many Americans are joining their ranks? This is an excerpt from Yahoo News about a recent Islamic-related incident….in Oklahoma: “A man who had been fired from a food processing plant in an Oklahoma City suburb beheaded a woman with a knife and was attacking another worker when he was shot and wounded by a company official, police said Friday. The 30-year-old man, who has not yet been charged, stabbed Colleen Hufford, 54, severing her head in Thursdays attack at Vaughan Foods, Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said. Yes, she was beheaded, Lewis told The Associated Press before a Friday news conference. Lewis said the man then stabbed Traci Johnson, 43, a number of times before being shot by Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriffs deputy and the companys chief operating officer. **While questioning the suspects co-workers, investigators learned he had recently started trying to convert several employees to Islam, Lewis said.** Moore police have asked the FBI to aid in the investigation and look into the mans background because of the nature of the attack, Lewis said. Lewis said he does not yet know what charges will be filed, adding that police are waiting until the man is conscious to arrest him.” The ** emphasis is mine. Ed’s Notes: The Christian Church slumbers on (speaking as the ecclesiastical body of believers naming themselves “Christian”). Revelation 3 talks about the Church at Laodicea as being “lukewarm.” Not “hot” (actively serving Him) nor “cold” (disbelievers and mockers), but somewhere in the middle. One of my mentors, Rev. John Ragsdale once used this illustration: “I want my coffee HOT and my tea COLD. There is nothing worse than either of these two wonderful drinks being served lukewarm.” The Church is living out this scenario right now. Tolerating anything that people deem as “right behavior” as being acceptable, even though the Bible condemns it as sin. Turning our heads when sin stares us in the face and threatens to stifle the work of the Lord in our church and just allowing it to run its course. If we want to keep America free, we MUST fall to our knees and obey the plan for revival found in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Only then can we ever find any hope for revival in our land.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:54:52 +0000

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