“Islam” spread into Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey and Persia; - TopicsExpress


“Islam” spread into Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey and Persia; all of these areas are Muslim areas. So I ask you: Where is Sodom and Gomorrah? It’s in modern-day Palestine. Where are the people of Ad and Thamud that received the prophets Hud and Salih? If you look at all the prophets that are mentioned—even David, who the scripture says was given the zabur, meaning that he was given “authority to cry out even for the destruction of his enemies”; and then you have the prophet Solomon, right there in the Middle East; you have Zacharias producing John The Baptist, right there in the Middle East; you have Jesus in the Middle East; you have Moses in Egypt: They were all born in that part of the world! So, if Abraham is described in the scripture as “The Friend of God”: What was wrong, that God sends a prophet? What was going on in that area in particular 5,000 years ago; 4,000 years ago; 3,500 years ago—2,000 years ago?
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 23:25:56 +0000

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