“It is as though they (fossils in Cambrian) were just planted - TopicsExpress


“It is as though they (fossils in Cambrian) were just planted there, without any evolutionary history. Both schools of thought (Punctuationists and Gradualists)... agree that the major gaps (between animals) are real. The only alternative explanation of the sudden appearance of so many complex animal types in the Cambrian era is divine creation and (we) both reject this alternative.” – Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker 1996, Pp. 229-230 Dawkins once said, my personal feeling is that understanding evolution, led me to atheism. Well, lets dig some fossils here. Evolution is a deliberately fabricated scientific theory made to masquerade as truth. In short word, a hoax. For Christians and Jews, to disprove Evolution is to prove the existence of a Creator. And the only alternative here is whether to blindly accept the theory of evolution or to face the reality that you are born with a purpose. To put it simply, those who believe in a Creator believe that they share the same ancestor – Adam and Eve. Those who believe Evolution believe that they share the same ancestor – Primate. Some people say Well, I believe in God because the Bible says so. I also believe in Evolution because I read that in my science textbooks. You cant say you believe in God and you go to church every Sunday, yet you believe you descended from prehistoric monkey or say that life may have originated from the dark side of the moon and we, in the near future, will become intelligent mechanical beings that will be named Decepticons. Hmm. Not too comforting a thought. Many scientists believe in the theory of evolution. They believe that the existence of all matters today is a result of millions upon millions of thousands of years of process – making Evolution the God of all things. There was this nothing, it becomes something, this something exploded, it become beautiful galaxies, it become stars, it become moon, it become the earth, it becomes a great oak tree, it becomes a sunflower and it becomes this and that. So, if you ask a kid. Where does a mango tree come from? Where does the mango seed come from? And so on. Then the answer is likely – it comes from Nothing. Zero plus zero equals zero, it will always be zero. Can you make something out of nothing? If you can, you are out of your mind. As qouted above, Richard Dawkins, said that understanding the evolutionary process has led him to be an atheist. Let us investigate why. In the past, there are few fossil records so Charles Darwin made the Theory of Evolution. It states that long ago there was a single cell. Then it evolved slowly into the different kinds of animals we see after millions of years. So the Evolution tree looks like a cone with its tip facing down – few animals before, more animals now. However, since we have enough fossil records in the modern times, that is not what the fossils had revealed. Why? When we examine the fossil records, we see that supposedly transitional intermediates are completely absent. If Evolution were really true, then we should observe in the fossil record literally millions of mutated transitional species. Species between fish and amphibians, species between reptile and birds, species between apes and humans. And yet Evolutionists cannot point even one credible fossil example. Mind you, all of the so called ape-men found by Paleoanthropologists that is used to offer as their proof, such as the Java Man, Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man and Lucy have turned out not to be missing links at all. Long ago, theres a story about the Nebraska man. Nebraska Man was used by Evolutionists in the famous Scopes Trial in Dayton, Teness in 1925 to prove that macroevolution was a viable theory and must be taught in public schools. Williams Bryan, the lawyer for the Creationist side, was in there confronted with a load of experts who stunned him with facts regarding the Nebraska Man. Mr. Bryan had no retort except to say that the evidence seemed to scanty. The experts scoffed at his ignorance. But what what was exactly the proof for Nebraska Man? Did these scientists have an entire skeleton of a missing link? No, They only possessed one tooth. Harold Cook found one tooth in Nebraska in 1922. The top scientists of that day examined the tooth and appraised it as proof positive that a prehistoric race had existed in the American continent. Yet years after the Scopes Trial ended, the entire skeleton of the animal from which the initial tooth came was found. And guess what? It turns out that the tooth actually belonged to an extinct species of a pig. The experts who initially ridiculed Mr. Bryan were certainly embarrassed by this blunder. Yet little publicity was ever disclosed regarding this monumental error. Even today, some Evolutionists naively hail the Scopes Trial as a precedent to support why Evolution should be taught in schools when, in reality, the scientific theory of Intelligent Design carries with it much more actual, scientific evidence to substantiate its claims. Now back to Dawkins qoute. Can his atheism be proven as a good option? No way. As sir Louis Pasteur said, a little science estranges men from God, but much science leads them back to Him.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 00:58:34 +0000

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