“It is my opinion that many people have been brought into some - TopicsExpress


“It is my opinion that many people have been brought into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ but have not been saved.”- A.W. Tozer I believe this happens all over our nation in these seeker-sensitive churches. This seeker-sensitive methodology is found no where in scripture. The church does not exist to attract or draw unbelievers to its services, rather, the church exists for the equipping and preparing the saints for the work of the ministry outside the confines of the church gathering! When you use secular music, spend millions on stadium seating, lighting and sound, develop every program known to man, and refuse to preach Gods Word, that church may be advancing its own kingdom, but not Gods Kingdom. The whole idea that the church has to be culturally relevant to the world to attract the world, is dead wrong, and completely opposite from what we see the early church doing. Now, I understand as Americans we are pragmatists. The end justifies the means mentality. Even many seasoned Christians have said to me, How can you argue with the numbers? God must be blessing that church. The size of the church has nothing to do with its faithfulness to scriptures. If we were to judge churches solely on their size, we would have to conclude that Joel Osteen is the next Apostle Paul, absolutely ludicrous. And Jesus even warned us in Matthew 7:21-23 that most who profess Him as Lord, are false converts. So the logical question has to be asked, How are most of these mega-churches growing so fast? The answer is relatively simple. Methods of man combined with goat participation. What do I mean by goat? Unbelievers. When you utilize methods of men (entertainment, trendy advertising, motivation speaking, childrens playhouses, stadium seating) most true believers will see through this and leave the church and the goats will take their place. So what Im saying is this. The majority of people who attend seeker-sensitive churches have been brought into some kind of religious experience (that feeds the flesh) and may have even accepted Christ, but have not been truly saved. And then the mega-church teaches them how to look like a Christian on the outside, when they are full of dead bones on the inside. Saints, you know this is true! They are all over your town! They are your neighbors, people you work out with at the gym, the families you see at the library. They are more committed to their church then they are to Christ. Because they find life through their church and not through Christ. They call themselves Christians, but they have not been truly saved! And eventually over time, most of them will apostatize the faith and their families will be ruined by their false professions! Why did this happen? Because they attended a church which compromised Biblical teaching/preaching for the sake of attracting goats to its services. Get your family out of such churches! Heed J.C. Ryles words! True Christianity! Let us mind that word true. There is a vast quantity of religion current in the world which is not true, genuine Christianity. It passes muster; it satisfies sleepy consciences; but it is not good money. It is not the real thing which was called Christianity eighteen hundred years ago. There are thousands of men and women who go to churches and chapels every Sunday, and call themselves Christians. Their names are in the baptismal register. They are reckoned Christians while they live. They are married with a Christian marriage service. They mean to be buried as Christians when they die. But you never see any fight about their religion! Of spiritual strife, and exertion, and conflict, and self-denial, and watching, and warring, they know literally nothing at all. Such Christianity may satisfy man, and those who say anything against it may be thought very hard and uncharitable; but it certainly is not the Christianity of the Bible. It is not the religion which the Lord Jesus founded, and His Apostles preached. It is not the religion which produces real holiness.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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