...Ive been payin real close attention to all of my musical - TopicsExpress


...Ive been payin real close attention to all of my musical influences and how(and why) it is that they influence me and my thinking and my emotions so much. Stopped watching tv a few years ago an noticed lots right away, but music I listen to is rooted far deeper in the fabric of my being....the muse itself may have a dog inn the race, feels like Im on the bridge but not manning the helm when these foreign thoughts turn to some pattern...I own my active conscious mind and it is pretty obtusely focussing on my will @agt, but my subconscious is a playground for whatevers in there, and those who play the rotisserie radio stations with constant regurgitation of the same tired mediocrity mandated by commercial interests would do well to remind themselves that very little positive and beneficial or even desirable qualities will be imparted upon the listener. Plus, there are more motives driving the corporations than just to sell you shit and generate profit and to entertain you. How do I know? Lemme just say I dont really know how to make this palettable: Angels and demons, or something equally as unsavory provide inspiration for creative people, music is the best example of this, not macrame or photography, or something but music. This is very well understood and this fact is as true now as wit was with the first man. All Im urging you to do is to accept the mere, remote possibility that things may work some type of way where demons exploit your good natured fondness for music. Give it thought and relax and observe, thats all. Anyway, you can really technical with quantization and qualification but we dont need to do a phd thesis on fire to shovel dirt and take away its oxygen. Straight up and down I am tryin to help us get right as we can. There is so much great music on this planet, this track is nice...Check out duke dumont if you dig it. Father, bless us all with undeserved kindness; let your will be done. One... Ps. Anyone looking to understand daash/Isis/il, or whatever, the Abu-bakr Baghdadi followers, check out the book: shell game. It was a whistleblower document penned by a 2Lt from the 11th psyops batallion. Do homework on UBS and booze allen Hamilton. Weve just seen the birth pangs of daash, so far... We should remember always that militants and terrorists and despots are also people. They need to stay in our prayers
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 09:33:20 +0000

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