“I’VE-SEEN,…HIS,…SOVEREIGNTY!”… If we understand, - TopicsExpress


“I’VE-SEEN,…HIS,…SOVEREIGNTY!”… If we understand, God’s Sovereignty in our lives,…we; will begin to give less glory, to one another,…and; more Glory, to this God of Grace,…and: His Wondrous Plans. We are simply, an instrument,…in; His accomplishments. Many, are thirsting for the fullness,…of; the Spirit. I had longed, for over 12 years now,…to be filled; with the Holy-Spirit!... I’ve yearned, for the living-waters,…to; flow from my inner-most being. What causes, this deep sense,…of; need, and burning thirst?... Why doesn’t, this very same Spirit,…fall; in some of these, well known Churches?... It’s because, this Holy-Spirit,…operates; unfettered, and (not); by the natural brains of our Spiritual-Leaders,…and: their supposed, learnings. Our Heavenly-Father, has hid these things,…from the wise, and prudent; and has revealed them, unto babes,…even so: this seems very Good, in our Creator’s own sight!...(please see, Luke 10:21). Almighty-God, deals with me,…Sovereignly. He has hedged me in, so that I would pray and cry-out,…only; to Him. At first, He didn’t give me,…much visible success; hence, I gave myself diligently,…to; the study of His Holy-Scriptures, and the Spirit,…moving me, thus. His Providence, occasioned this fact. Many erroneous doctrines, have begun to spring-up,…among; all the Churches, today. This is why, there’s a True-Apostasy present. Therefore, my pen,…shall continue to write; to off-set these heresies. A Mighty, Spiritual-Wave,…is girdling; our globe, today. What is, the limit,…to; the Power-of-God, in a fully surrendered Life?... Dear readers, and friends,…all that God wants; is for you, to wholly yield to Him,…so surrender, your will: there-after, victory and success, will be certain. The God, of purpose and plans,…whispers into my heart; “Watch Me Work!”,…He says. Except, He builds your house,…you; shall labor, in vain. And, except He keeps your cities,…you watchmen; awake, but in vain!...(please read, Psalm 127:1). I refer, to these significant moments in my own Life,…to; show you, the absolute importance,…of waiting on our Saviour, (His Son, our Lord Jesus); and that, He acts,…Sovereignly. Most people act so quickly, and run so fast,…that; God cannot show to them, His Best. If I am, any blessing to you today,…it’s because; our Maker, brings me to you. Let me say, to every perplexed believer. “Yield entirely, to our Lord,…Christ-Jesus. Worship Him, with all of your heart. Wait upon Him, without fear,…or prejudice”… And here, too,…the Holy-Spirit; must help you. And He will, if you earnestly desire,…His; enabling. Let no one, bring you into bondage,…to; certain humanly-devised rules, of prayer,…so that; our Lord, can give you, His very Best answer!.... Amen. Your Friend, Izzy!...
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 17:32:23 +0000

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