"I’ll be perfectly, honest, I hate the amount of time a minority - TopicsExpress


"I’ll be perfectly, honest, I hate the amount of time a minority of people spend working themselves into an outrage about media bias in the independence debate. This isn’t because they’re always wrong but because rarely if ever does something constructive come out of it. We have 15 months to persuade the voting public that governing our own affairs is the right option and I’d rather our supporters were out chapping doors, delivering leaflets and sharing our arguments online than reacting to the unfair coverage our side of the debate receives in the traditional media. There are exceptions to this however and tonight’s episode of BBC Question Time is certainly one of them. As a referendum special the BBC has found an audience made up entirely of 16-17 year olds and for that they should be applauded. Their choice of panel however raises more than a few questions (and as it turns out, a number of official complaints). Earlier this week it was announced that on the ‘No’ side of the debate would be Anas Sarwar MP (Labour), Ruth Davidson MSP (Tories) and George Galloway MP (Respect) and on the Yes side would be Angus Robertson MP (SNP). The fifth panelist would be the excellent journalist Lesley Riddoch who is somewhat devo-ultra. As it stood this was a clearly biased panel with three unionists and just one Yes representative but yesterday events took a turn for the bizarre as it was revealed that UKIP leader Nigel Farage would be joining the panel. There are three major problems for the BBC with this situation."
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 21:07:23 +0000

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