@@JAI SHREE MANNARAYAN @@ JUST LOVE ME AND MAKE YOUR LIFE PERFECT ~ Krishna appears in this world to awaken a person to their real identity. He comes and says, You belong to Me. I am the Supreme Lord and you are my part and parcel. You have forgotten who you are and I am awakening you from your forgetfulness. Due to the influence of illusion, we have forgotten our relationship with Krishna and we begin to falsely identify ourselves with our physical body. We begin to think, I am Indian, I am American, I am Polish. Krishna says you are none of these. You are my part and parcel, spiritual soul, only temporarily in your body. Your true identity is that you are My eternal servant. You belong to Me. You are My child and servant but you have forgotten Me so I am here to remind you of your relationship with Me. Just love Me and make your life perfect. The human form of life is very precious so use it to cultivate your love for Me. Then you will be happy in this life and when you leave this world, you will come to Me. Thank you Krishna. Jai Sri Krishna
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:23:18 +0000

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