"JOY COMES IN MANY FASHIONS EMBRACE IT BEFORE IT DEPARTS" THE JOY OF LIVING By Allen Hackett apluszips On the outskirts of Little Rock, in the middle of nowhere, lay Backbite, Arkansas. It was a hard life for most people living in this dirt- poor town during the early 1970’s. It could be a tolerable, bad, or ugly existence just passing through, depending on three major factors in life, which were: ethnicity, gender, and who you were related to. If you were black, or a female of any race, you were at the bottom of the totem pole, and outsiders weren’t welcome. Fortunately, or not, Julie Edwards was a beautiful young, blond, white girl married to Ricky Joe Edwards. That entitled her to favor and respect. It also meant that the men of Backbite were to leave her alone. She was definitely off limits. The Edwards had the town on lock down, and controlled it all. Teddy Edwards was the sheriff. Murray Edwards was the banker and owned a few other businesses in town. T. Pete Edwards owned the pawnshop and the grocery store. Thomas Edwards was the realtor and bail bondsman. They were all shrewd, extremely dangerous, and vindictive men; crooks and killers, each and every one. Pete’s son, Ricky Joe, was a lush with a hot temper. On the weekend, he’d hit the local bars and get wasted on rum and coke. The bartender turned him down a few times and got slapped. Then he’d want to fight, knowing that most of the regulars avoided him. They all feared payback. So, he would humiliate them. “Lick my boot,” he’d order. Some of them succumbed. “That’s it, and now lick the other one,” he’d say and laugh. Then he’d kick them in the face, spit on them, and taunt, “You piece of white trash, only a nigger would do that.” He’d kick them a few more times and leave to make his rounds, raise more hell, then go home. Julia’s love for Ricky Joe wasn’t true. She married him for protection and status. Her family was very poor, but Julia possessed an inner wealth that money couldn’t buy. The Jackson sisters were the most gorgeous women in town. Ricky Joe loved Julia from the bottom of his heart, and couldn’t keep his hands off her. When he came home drunk, she became his punching bag. After he beat her up, he felt guilty and would apologize. She’d accept. Then he’d make impotent love to her and fall asleep. Julia would hide her war wounds with make up, and act like nothing happened, hoping things would work out. When he broke her jaw she knew it was time to get out. She left with the clothes on her back and nowhere to go. She slowly drifted around town in shock, blood running out of her mouth, and a black eye. She desperately needed medical attention. Nobody said anything, or attempted to help her out of fear. Ricky Joe let it be known, “When she walks by, you tip your hat without looking, and keep your lips zipped…else.” Everyone knew what happened, but they all looked away, and no one dared to help her. Julia had lost a lot of blood; she was feeling light-headed and weak. She stepped off the curb and collapsed in the middle of the street causing cars to slam on their brakes. A young black man jumped out of his car to help. Julia was in bad shape. The young man knelt down, checked her pulse and wiped her forehead. He was nervous and shouted out, “Call the ambulance. Somebody call an ambulance.” Everybody just looked on and kept silent. The black man stood up, looked around, and said, “She needs help. Call the ambulance now.” When nobody budged, he shouted, “What’s wrong with you people?” An old drunk, hanging on the light pole said, “You people. Nigger you better not touch that girl again!” The black man was infuriated, but he restrained himself due to the emergency at hand. “Call the police. This girl needs help,” he implored. No one said a word, except the drunk, “Yeah, somebody call the cops on that nigger, and lock him up. He’s not from around here noways.” The young black man was enraged, but he maintained his composure. He picked up Julia, put her in his car, and burned rubber taking off in his compact Ford Pinto. “You need a doctor. I’m getting you to a hospital.” Julia was semi-conscious and asked, “Who are you?” “I’ Robert, and who are you?” “My name’s,” she passed out before finishing her sentence... Excerpted from "The Joy of Living: Dark Urban Tales & Rhymes" by Allen Hackett. Copyright © 0 by Allen Hackett. Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 03:17:03 +0000

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