#JUMPSTART!!! So if youre anything like me, Mondays suck… The - TopicsExpress


#JUMPSTART!!! So if youre anything like me, Mondays suck… The weekends over, the alarm goes off, reality sets back in, and with the vibrant motivation of a drunken slug we slowly drag ourselves out of bed and back into another long and monotonous work week... only brightened by the depressing knowledge that next the next weekend is still 5 days away... But if youre anything like me, that lack of motivation is enough to not just kill your attitude, outlook and approach on the coming week, but its enough to kill your progress and everything you can accomplish if you dont check it come noon. So I wanna start something new to help kick both myself, as well as you guys, into high gear, and help maximize the week, cuz God knows I need it. Its called #Jumpstart. At the beginning of each week Ill drop a quick, inspirational, motivational and business driven post, to help give us all a little perspective beyond the grog of Monday morning, and push each other back into Dreamer mode to make the best of the week ahead. So when you see #Jumpstart, JUMP IN!!!! Comment back with what your goals are this week, some of the obstacles that stand in your way, and how you plan to tackle those obstacles. Hashtag #Jumpstart and lets crank up a Monday morning virus of inspiration and just see how a little teamwork takes driving towards our dreams to another level! So Ill crank it off! APPREHENSION IS THE BIGGEST KILLER OF PROGRESS! If I asked you today, are you truly where you want to be in life at this very moment? Chances are, 90% of us would say no… Why? Because no matter where we are, we all dream of something bigger, better and beyond the moment. Were programmed for progress, driven by an unseen, internal desire to move forward. So the question is, what keeps us from progress? Fear of the unknown, fear of risk, complacency, the uncertainty of whether or not we can actually achieve what were setting out to achieve, laziness, indifference… all of it summed up by APPREHENSION. The anticipation that something just might not play in our favor, and for most of us, that one negative outlook is enough to kill a million promising possibilities. SO KILL THE APPREHENSION! Today is a new day, the start of a new week, so I challenge you; Set one immediate GOAL that will take you a step closer to your ultimate goal. Take one RISK towards that goal that you were too afraid to take last week. Identify one TASK that will bring you a step closer to achieving it, and make it happen! Find the one MOMENT you feel like giving up, and make yourself keep moving forward. Its said that it only takes two weeks to form a new habit. If thats true, then tell yourself anything is possible, the dream is worth the risk and the path to success is just two weeks away.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 13:00:01 +0000

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