(JUST FOR MEN) (FEMALE PLEASE DONT OPEN) SECRET OF BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP..... Be the man and take the lead According to Elliot Katz, author of Being the strong man a woman wants,a big number of men assume that the key to a happy relationship is being agreeable to everything their woman says. He adds that older experienced men in fact advise younger men that the key to a happy marriage is yes dear. A big fraction of men in relationships will play the sensitive guy who tries to please their women at all cost to the extent that when it comes to a problem which needs to be solved he seems oblivious and when asked for in put on decision making, all they can give is it is up to you dear. You have probably heard that girls are attracted to bad boys but want to settle with the nice guys. That’s probably true. We are talking about two extremes but then there is you. You can decide which side suites you. The point here is that this girl likes you, regardless of your preferred categorization. So it is up to you to organize your self into the man worthy of a woman like her. Happiness in this relationship will be a responsibility for both of you, but as a man you need to play the leadership role to make it work. It is a responsibility men took since the beginning of time when God created Adam and Eve, so there is no shortcut. Remember in any peaceful kingdom, there can only be one(capable) king. Whenever there is a situation, step forward and attempt to solve it. Make decisions and take full responsibility for any outcome. A man who cant decide is a total turn off in the eyes of many women. Dont be afraid to give your honest opinion on the matter, in attempt to please her. You will only frustrate her further. Even when it comes to deciding where and how the tow of you should spend the weekend, she needs your input and needs to feel that you are the leader and are capable of protecting her. This however does not, give you the right to strip her of all her freedoms and treat her like your possession for manipulation at your time of convenience. Studies show that 55% of all relationships break up as a result of one partner feeling trapped and losing basic freedom. The big question is how do you deal with this? It is important to remember that you have a life full of friends and family, beliefs, work, hobbies, dreams, likes and dislikes (and hopefully socially acceptable values). So does she.This is a very good starting point towards a happy long relationship. As the relationship unfolds and grows with time, all you need is to be yourself and live your life as she found it. (AND LET HER LIVE HER’S) Spending time with your friends helps you to avoid having all your mental energy invested into her.(see three signs of a successful marriage) Take your time, invite her into your world and let her explore, as you explore hers. You will both make discoveries. Allowing her to live her life not only helps you to understand her values and goals in life as you compare them with yours, but also empowers you with the confidence to walk into her world and cause some changes. This is important because this is the healthy phase in the relationship for open negotiation which must never be rushed. As time glides by, you will become used to each other enough for you to gain your assertive ground. She will start pointing out the hills, valleys and plains, gardens bushes and forests in your world. This is a good sign that you are progressing so Do Not Panic. Live it a day at a time as it unfolds. You will need your head as much as your heart in this phase because there will be need for compromise and a few changes to each of your worlds in order to forge compatibility. Through open communication you will learn what you are willing to accept and what you can’t take and its then that you can decide how far you really want to go with her. Never make the mistake of completely forsaking your likes and values for her happiness. You will never find happiness. Remember she is not a goddess like your silly heart is telling you. She is as human as you are. So she needs to value you as much as you value her.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:54:10 +0000

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