...Jesus Freaks with Miracles...First of all if your going to see - TopicsExpress


...Jesus Freaks with Miracles...First of all if your going to see miracles you need to be a Jesus Freak...Just the may I see it...Five years ago and one month I had five difference diseases as the the Doctor said and that I will always be sick...So I went home not even knowing who or what the Holy Spirit was...I said I was saved but there was no evidence of it...I was not walking or talking it...Then, you know there is always a then, If you get out of the way and quit saying...Yes But. Then the THEN will come...I was watching this man on tv teaching on GOD WANTS YOU WELL It was a six week teaching, and on the Fifth week the man said lay hands on your self and command the sickness to go...And at that moment,not the next day or the next week...Im talking about at that moment it all was gone and I got filled with the Holy Spirit...I was on fire...I got my first miracle THEN...You got to understand before that miracle I stayed in my home for two years and got fat...I had fear...I wanted to die and I tried to kill myself and it didnt work...Im on FIRE and I dont know what to do...I just knew people needed to hear this about how good God is...I printed around 200 flyers and went to all the small towns around me and I put them everywhere I could...I was telling everyone what happen...And thats when I found out about persecution...People came down on me hard and told me I was crazy even a lot of my family...I didnt know much of the word at that time...But I didnt back down at all, I stayed on that rock and spoke the words of truth, words came out of my mouth that I didnt even understand...I just knew I was healed and I was on FIRE...So now what...I need to find a church I know they will understand and not put me down...How wrong was I...Persecution was worse in the first three churches I went too and they didnt ask we to come back...Persecution was killing my heart and I didnt know what to do...THEN, see I told you there is always going to be a THEN...The Holy Spirit put on my heart to get in the word...So I thought ok I will...I had no ideal how long this was going to take...HE had me in the word 6 to 8 hours a day, 7 days a week for two years...Then HE told me a woman at Wal-Mart that needed a healing...So Becky and I went...And there was a woman there that was in a wheel chair...He said that was her...So I went to her and told the woman that the Holy Spirit is going to heal you now...She started crying and said I have been in a chair for 20 years from a car wreck my legs and hip was clutched...I said can I pray and lay hands on you...There was people all around...After two years in the word here I am telling this woman she is going to be healed...I layed hands on here, I ask here are you feeling anything, She said her legs and hip is hot and its getting hotter...I spoke life in her body...Then I told her to get up and leave that chair behind you...She got up and started running and the people was freaking out...THEN,theres that then again, the Holy Spirit told me I give you the gift of healing...I have many testimonies that has happen in the past three years.....God is so good...I Praise him so much...Yes I may be a little crazy and a lot of people dont understand me...How about Paul...lol...I still get Persecuted all the time...I have the Full Armor of God...And I stand...Its not about me...So there words cant hurt me...If you dont chairs someones word, or there option means nothing to you, then you want be hurt...I go be the option of God and HIS word...I will share more testimonies some people need to hear then...Im a Jesus Freak and proud of it.....Its all for the Kingdom.....Dennis Coad...
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 14:47:20 +0000

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