~ Jews SAYANIM Everywhere [Sayanim: undercover Jew spies and their - TopicsExpress


~ Jews SAYANIM Everywhere [Sayanim: undercover Jew spies and their proselytes loyal Only to FAKE Israel] by Texe Marrs ~ “Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined... They are the gravest threat to our national security.” — Admiral Bobby Inman, Former Deputy Director of the CIA We in the West have been the target audience of an Israel program, a subtle program that permeates our culture and indoctrinates us from an early age through religious training, public schooling and the media, to believe in the goodness of [FAKE] Israel and its right to existence as a well-deserved homeland for the Jews. At this very moment, throughout America, in every city and town of even moderate size, dedicated [Jew] undercover agents are hard at work. These [Jew] spies are everywhere, stealing classified material, filching “secret” documents, plotting terrorist attacks [just like they orchestrated 9/11, and devising new means of how America can best be conquered and its citizens subjugated. [The Jews conquered America in 1871 without firing a shot when the Jews in OUR house & senate changed our Constitutional REPUBLIC into their God-cursed Democracy, which is nothing but Communism, and weve been living under that ever since] !!!!! This army of enemy [Jew] spies is, surprisingly, not made up of Arabs or Iranians. They’re not Russians or Chinese either. They are the Sayanim. JEWS born and raised in America, who, regardless of the blessings and financial rewards bestowed on them as Americans, are turncoats and traitors. These Benedict Arnold-types willingly collude with a foreign power [FAKE Israel] and plot to damage America by serving that foreign power, the nation of [FAKE] Israel, as undercover spies, saboteurs, and intel agents. To most Jews, their origin of birth is of no consequence. They are Israel-firsters and are traitors. ALL JEWS are Provocateurs in peacetime, Saboteurs in wartime, and Subversives ALL the time !!! ~ B C ~ Since America has a Jewish population of 7.5 million, our nation is bulging with Israeli spies willing to steal, lie, cheat, or even kill if necessary for their chosen nation Israel. They possess no loyalty to their native born country, the U.S.A., but have, since birth, been propagandized and indoctrinated by fanatical Zionist parents, relatives, teachers, and rabbis. They are Zionist zealots through and through, and many are dual citizens of both Israel and the U.S.A. They Stole America’s Nuclear Secrets: In Texe Marrs exposé book, Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star, the reader discovers the names and damaging acts of the Sayanim (Hebrew for undercover spies loyal to Israel). For example, take Abraham Feinberg. According to FBI files, Feinberg, a wealthy American Jew from New York City who owned manufacturing and construction companies, led a secret cabal of seventy other Sayanim agents. Together, Feinberg and his underlings committed numerous acts of criminality. They stole nuclear material and uranium, sending it to Israel. It was Feinberg’s spying crimes in the late 1940s and early 1950s that enabled both Soviet Russia and Israel to develop atomic bombs. American Jews Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were Sayanim agents. These two heinously stole atomic bomb plans and turned them over to the Communists. With their help, Stalin and the USSR built its first nuclear bomb. Tried in federal criminal court for espionage, the treacherous Rosenbergs were found guilty and were put to death in the electric chair. Jewish sayan spy Abraham Feinberg is shown here looking over the left shoulder of First Lady Bess Truman. President Harry Truman is at left. Reportedly, Feinberg bribed Truman to have the United States recognize Israel’s statehood in 1948. Jewish Communist spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were found guilty of stealing atom bomb secrets and passing them on to Soviet Russia. They died in the electric chair. The Most Grievous Crime in the History of America According to FBI and CIA sources, the most grievous spy crime in the history of the U.S.A was perpetrated by a Galveston, Texas-born Jew, Jonathan Pollard. Working clandestinely for the Israeli Mossad, Pollard got a mid-level job at the Pentagon. Bold and audacious, he was able to steal over 10,000 top-secret documents. He gave this stolen material to his superiors—Mossad operatives working out of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. The Israeli government then sold these documents to our enemy, Communist Red China. As a result, tens of millions of American lives were instantly placed in jeopardy, because through this material, Red China had access to the launch codes of America’s nuclear-armed missiles and was able to track the location of every single one of this nation’s underwater submarines in the seas all over the globe. After discovering the full extent of Pollard and Israel’s monstrous crime, the U.S. Defense Department was reportedly forced to spend over 20 billion dollars changing and modifying defense systems to mitigate the damage. For his monumental betrayal of his native country, the U.S.A., Jonathan Pollard is today languishing in a federal prison cell. Rightly so. Yet, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu demands that President Obama release Pollard and give the convicted spy a full and complete pardon. Meanwhile, in Israel, the public lauds Pollard as a national hero! Schools and streets are named after him, and his wife and children are handsomely provided for. I am convinced that as the years have gone by since Israel’s founding as a militant, anti-Christian socialist entity in 1948, the influence and reach of the Sayanim has grown. Today, our government is thick with Israel first operatives. Among them, I believe, are: Senators Joseph Lieberman, John McCain, and Charles Schumer House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Governor Sarah Palin Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel CFR kingpin Henry Kissinger Fox News mogul Rupert Murdoch Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi New York’s Koch Brothers Texas Governor Rick Perry Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum Fed Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke 700 Club host Pat Robertson Democratic Party Chairwoman Debra Wasserman Schultz Note: Amazingly, both President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney are proven to be puppets of Israel and the Mossad. (See Texe Marrs’ The Evil Twins of Israel Tape or CD) Not every one of the above persons are of Jewish blood. But all are ardent, loyal Zionists in hock to the Jews [they are the Jews proselytes spoken of in Scripture at . Each puts Israel first over his or her native country, the U.S.A. [they are the Jews PROSELYTES spoken of in Scripture at Mat_23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees [Jews], hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. And Thousands More... Of course, this is only a partial list. To it we can add hundreds of thousands of other influential [Jew] Sayanim—from Zionist talk show personalities Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Larry King, and Rachel Maddow, to corrupt Wall Street crooks like CEO Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs and Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase Bank. Rich Jews own most computer communications, internet, and social media networks—ranging from Google and Wikipedia to Microsoft, Dell, Amazon, and Facebook. Just imagine all the surveillance these massive, Jewish-owned organizations are able to conduct over even the most minute details of our lives. From doctors, airline pilots, postmen, and lawyers to chefs, reporters, plumbers, police chiefs, and plain housewives, Sayanim are ready and responsive when they receive a phone call or visit from their superiors in the Mossad. Whether the assigned task is to steal nuclear secrets or to assassinate a designated troublesome “enemy,” the Sayanim respond. No other nation on earth except [FAKE] Israel is able to marshal and “multiply” its secret intelligence forces so quickly and effectively. A Plague of Parasites... They are a plague on all of us, these Sayanim agents. I have personally been victimized by these devils in human clothing [skin]. And so have thousands of other good patriotic Americans. The Jewish/Israel Sayanim are today the single most dangerous threat to our national security. It is no wonder that in country after country, these Jewish parasites, at first welcomed in as “fellow citizens” and “neighbors, are eventually found out and expelled. This is not true of Mexicans, Czechs, French, Germans, Italians, Argentines, Irish or any other ethnic groups and peoples. The time is coming when we, too, as patriotic Americans, must decide what we are going to do about the criminal [Jews] Sayanim inside our borders. To let them continue doing their dirty work and selling out our country is unacceptable. We must act now before it is too late—before the parasites, like so much cancer, have eaten away at the vital organs of our existence and leave behind only a shell of a once great nation. [Just like the Jews did Russia and Germany] !!! ~ by Texe Marrs
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 07:38:05 +0000

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