. Jews wars Dealers : - That all revolutions , coups and wars - TopicsExpress


. Jews wars Dealers : - That all revolutions , coups and wars that have occurred since the beginning of the era of tolerance for Jews , who over the centuries eighteenth nineteenth and twentieth centuries are almost made the Jews themselves, resorted to it pursuant to the teachings of the Torah and the Talmud , which urges the elimination of non-Jews, as could the Jews to that way , all the ways in which users arrive at their distant goals , which is to rule the world from Jerusalem the capital of their own as they claim . [ Snake Judaism in strongholds of Islam, p 9 ] . - The said Dr. Oscar Levy : We Jews are still here Vklmtna last has not yet spoken , our latter not yet complete , and the recent revolution have not yet . [ Hidden world government , p 100 ] . - To that end, the Jews before seeking recourse to bloodshed ( Algueyem ) and exterminate them to control them physically , culturally and spiritually to facilitate basic task to destroy them and eliminate them. - It is physically the Jews was able to possess the money and gold , and control the banks and non - Ha of financial institutions that control the economy of the European and American countries . And ( Al - Rothschild ) the kings of the money in the world - ordered them known to them has been a clear impact in these revolutions and coups , and is well known that the (Al- Rothschild ) were representing the Jewish money power in the world throughout the past three centuries. - And thus took control of the VIP world that can play a key role in pushing the country in the wars to be on their side , and this means : bestowal money , positions of prestige and scientific positions , and a means of deception in the religious aspects , then terrorism , The money is the weapon that humiliated and still humiliate senior figures of the Jewish world that could be purchased conscience and Aschrōha in the Jewish World Service , and does not work with the lure of money was bought by Jews titles scientific that Ogdqoha on a countless number of men West , استصدر the Jews of decisions Universities control. It is no secret that a large number of Jews received the titles of scientific way or another, to outwit the world بألقابهم scientific , even though they are in fact ordered them less peoples of the world note and created and civilian , with evidence that they did not leave thousands of years no trace of civil or philosophy if Kornoa any people from peoples of the world . Jewish and earns a team of international personalities through historical religious deception , Mohmin their victims that they are the chosen people who ruled the will of the Lord to return to own (Palestine) Promised Land. And earn a large number of other men of the Jewish world politics with terrorism , which threatens all free pen holder The San sincerity . And to Jews as secret terrorist associations what he believes in them the means to implement their threat to anyone blind peoples of the West , which has sought to died Bzfah the Jews encouraged to persist in their transgression and tyranny . - It was a result of tolerance Jewish engulfed the western world , and enable them to provoke wars and strife and revolutions after it took control of the economy countries Algueyem , and humiliated the senior rulers and politicians in the West thought blind . [ Snake Judaism , pp. 9-10 , quote . He declared ( Israel Zangwill ) of this league ( League of Nations) is the Embassy of Israel. Said Whelan - on 26 Azar 1922 in Chicago - The real danger to our republic is ( the government hidden) are كالإخطبوط which rallied all the city and state , and the leadership of this octopus small group powerful owners of the banks know in general ( the owners of international banks ) and the ones who are walking our government for their selfish ends . [ Hidden world government , p 161] . . Crusades and the role of the Jews : - Came the Crusades in the last century atheist century AD , and in the first round of which could Crusaders to take over Jerusalem, and on the narrow coastal strip , illustrated by a study of these wars that Jews were behind the Crusaders, and they are the reasons hidden that prompted the Crusaders to conquer the Holy Land , the Jews saw that they were unable to return to the holy land for themselves they tried to return behind the Christians . Has taken the Jewish money means to them, Vokhvoa religious feelings and national behind the money , since they represent the richest trade centers on the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea , aiding the Crusaders to do this adventure as Cross to open the trade route to the east through Palestine , but the logo Jew was in fact stronger than the Cross and more powerful than money. [SseThe Jemes by James Hosmerp> 137. Quoting : Judaism , d / Ahmad Chalabi , p 97]. As was the crusade - which has eight crusade - a reaction against Jewish Europeans, pushed them to ward off taking commercial بثأرهم , after the issuance of the advisory opinion of the church requires breaking Jewish monopolies in trade and currency exchanges in Europe . Fbzlt Christian countries millions of money and lives to fight the holy war , but who earn from behind those wars and enriched the obscene wealth but are the Jews . [ Freemasonry charts global , p 66, quote . - And I ve had the role of Jews in the French Revolution and clear , using the fake logo ( Freedom Equality - Fraternity ). So the slogan invented by Jewish Masons to fool the world, and eliminate the viability of the state and control their destinies. [ Snake Judaism , p 12, quote . When erupted fire of the French Revolution was addressed to a Jewish Torah Tlmoudaa , has appeared Spirit Talmudic in the plans of the revolution and the constitution moral is clear, in a document serious found among the papers ( Mirabeau ) seized in the house ( Madame Jay ) pair publisher of books ( Mirabeau ), and so on 6 October year 1789 . [ Ibid , pp. 14-15 , quote . Jews also had a clear impact in the Napoleonic wars . [See the expansion of : Snake Jewish , pp. 17-27 ] . Even in 1882 the Jews managed to يرسخوا their feet in the Russian economy so that Russia supervised bankruptcy when tried Zhzanhm for their place. Then set up by the Communist regime in retaliation for Russia, which destroyed the Khazar state . [See expansion : Talmudic plans , pp. 38 , 67] . - And before the impact of the Jews and clear in most of the revolutions of the nineteenth century, and his wars , after the success crucial role in the French Revolution and نالوه then from a prominent place in France and other European countries , which encouraged them to persist in creating dissension and measure plots and move the revolutions and the implementation of political assassinations and coups. [ Snake Judaism , p 27 quote . - I was keen Jews to overthrow the Islamic Caliphate fall of the Ottoman Empire, through the Jews of Thessaloniki who showed Islam, and called them the name ( Eldonmp ) and تزعمهم ( Sptaa sword ) and claimed in 1648 that the Messiah awaited by the Jews, have turned Eldonmp to destroy the Ottoman Caliphate in Turkey, after failing to carry ( Sultan Abdul Hamid ) on a pro goal , which informed him of the decision dismissed after that is ( Nagorno SOW ) Vice سلانيك Jewish They also called for the call الطورانية in Turkey to get rid of Islam and the Arabic language, and أنشئوا Party ( Union and Progress ) - who was the first to be called ( Rip and impairment ) ! ! Among them were ( Mustafa Kemal Ataturk) who had a larger role in the elimination of the Islamic caliphate . [See the expansion of : Snake Jewish , pp. 74 - 104 , Talmudic plans , pp. 96 - 104]. - Also had their impact in the two world wars is clear hidden nor Mgehod . Not only did the Jews بزج Britain in a bloody war included Europe as a whole, but bundled into the United States, in return for promises British achieving ambitions in Palestine , not only the Jews بزج America in the war, but prevented them from ending the war at the wrong time , which they set for its completion, and prevented the occurrence of any reconciliation during the war. - As well as Jews succeeded in preventing Turkey from the output before the war to defeat the final. - The United States entered the First World War under the influence of the Jews. The world has lost millions of innocent lives , and lost the exorbitant wealth , did not win anything , because the only party that won without a loss is a global Jewish . [See the expansion of : Snake Jewish , pp. 29 - 34 , plans Masonic World , pp. 85-87 ] . Then not only Jews, the results obtained after the first war , and took plotting to ignite the fire of World War II, and began to fight propaganda as usual against Germany, and declared war against Hitler and Nazism , which showed hostility to the Jews since it took over Hitler to power in 1933. How can we not succeed Jews in igniting the fire of the Second World War , in retaliation for Hitler and Germany , and they have in the ministry British 1929 a large number of Jews, or half- Jews or customers Jews - and notes that I overlooked France and its role in the two world wars , because the fact that France has become Jewish from the top of her head to the soles of her feet, has been Judaize gradually after the French Revolution, 1789, did not enter the first half of the twentieth century until the Jews were in control of the aspects of life as a whole, of the commercial, political , military and cultural , as stated in the protocols remember the French Revolution Odvina the recipe ( greatness ) Vosrar the planning we know we are , because it was entirely of our own making . - It is no secret the impact of Jews in the Communist revolution also as well as between communism and Judaism than many similarities . [See the expansion of : Snake Jewish , pp. 34 - 51 ] . Says the healthiest words : The Zionist conspiracy communism, communist Jewish conspiracy , no doubt that (Marx) wanted when he presented his theory of camouflage and deception that is not connected with Zionism or Jewish phrase, no doubt that communism is working to achieve the goal of the Zionist control of the world , and the teachings of ( Karl Marx ) and Frederick ( England ), and ( Lenin ) and ( Stalin) do not differ in many or few instructions foolish protocols of Zion , but the words and phrases and concepts that have been formulated by both communism and Zionism are identical similar . [ Talmudic plans , p 237 ] . We have focused Jews on Marxism as a way of uprooting Tsarist Russian retaliation , pursuant to tear the world into two theories متصارعتين are: capitalism and communism , have confirmed this on the book Western Many , of whom (Robert Williams ) in his book (the Jews in America) in which he said : (The Zionism communism and her mother s sister ). We look communism like an enemy of Zionism , but this scheme progress , they are twins , bore Jewish Talmudic , says Professor (Hamid compliant ): The communism is only the ideas of Zionism by ( Karl Marx ) long , and that everything he did he gather those ideas, and make her three rules at the time of the collapse of European civilization , and claimed that he re - built and but novelist manner , it is closer in vandalism, the three rules of communism . 1 - Fighting religions and unloading rights of every religious faith , and replace them with the teachings of and slogans theory of communism is in installed socialism Emtemrahlh the . 2 - alienation from each national affiliation of the individual remains a member of the central organizations of communist branches and different colors and masks that stem from a single origin and converge at the crossroads of one. 3 - Resistance preference degrees even those equal who know and those who do not know, and the abolition of the divine command , God Almighty has preferred some people to some degree , and his preference is the science elements , work and piety. [ Talmudic plans , pp. 70-71 , quote . Vqtaba Zionism and Communism share a Jewish اللئيمة , ( and Moses Hess ) Jewish fanatic known Ptpartyh , and ( Karl Marx ) Jewish heart , the son of a rabbi , and Rose (his father ) about Judaism, and Saboeh to Christianity but hypocrisy known by Jews in all stages of history , etc. was Saboe s father ( Karl Marx ) to Christianity, due to his belief in the correctness , nor in his belief in the invalidity of Judaism , but interest campaign on altruism Christianity to Judaism that had followers perspective them with resentment and hatred and detestation of what printed it from recipes اللؤم and shabbiness and treachery and greed and all ugly qualities . [ Talmudic plans , pp. 70-71 , quote . فالخروج on Jewish and Christian access were to get worldly spoils what was to allow him to nail her if it stayed on religion, forsook him to drag himself spoils away from the same disadvantages , [ Talmudic plans , p 75 ] . Says Professor Abdul Salam Al Omari : The fact that Marxism should not be separated from being thought a Jewish accidentally from behind (Carl Mordechai = Marx) , Jewish control of the world through the doctrine of intellectual destructive fights religion, morals and values under the banner of science , objectivity and determinism and historical . [ Ibid , 82]. Ive managed to Jews that they make Bgathm in Russia , and were able to separate Western Europe from Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century , and dug a large gap between them, dug hatred of Jews and maintained , and the authority of the Jewish world of the most things the power to mislead the world, and became the Jews control the everything has been eliminated (Lenin) his last days crawls on all fours in a room and screaming , God saved Russia and Kill the Jews. The 90 % of the important functions in the Soviet Union , however, the Jews . [ Hidden world government , pp. 149 - 151 Adapted ] . Call ( James Rothschild) to the Jews (1860) : The success of the Jews in the murder of Tsar ( Nicholas I) enemy of war, and improve customer invisible hand , ( Disraeli ) in England , and ( Napoleon ), third in France, and ( Bismarck ) in Germany, ( Mazzini ) in Italy, to the helm of leadership , encouraged ( James Rothschild III) to try ( American Revolution ) proposed by ( Dazraaila ), and it requires the mobilization of all the Jews , he decided announcement presidency secret government global Jewish supreme, and called it ( the alliance of the World Jewish ) and French ( Israeli alliance global ) . The re ( Morning News ) London statement to the Jews of the world , which reads in part : The Union, which we intend authored not the Federation of French or English or Irish or German but it is a Jewish world , peoples of other divided into nationalities , but we are not citizens of us , but our brothers in religion only. Will not be Jewish , under any circumstance, a friend of the Christian or Muslim before the moment that radiates the light of faith Jewish - which is the only religion based on reason - on science, and بتصرفنا between nations but we want to remain Judea Vqmutena religion of our ancestors do not know nationalism is so We live in a foreign land, and we can not take care of the interests of the countries of curious about us. Should be spread teachings of Judaism in the whole world , and however led us equally and in spite of dispersion We included all over the earth should consider ourselves element Mujtaba , if we consider the faith of our ancestors and patriotism only , and if maintained - although multinational that we carry - a sense of permanent that we are one nation , and if they believed that the Jews a nation represents the fact that only religious, political , and if this convince you , O Jews world فعليكم to listen to this appeal, and demonstrated its faith and approval. [ Hidden world government , pp. 167 - 168 , quote ] . The advocates of the Russian Revolution aspire to destroy Christianity and its moral system , and does not accept one of the Communist Party unless Kafr God. In each mass killing , we find the Jews are the instigators core , and the tradition of Christians to an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, but betray their children who will bear the results of cowardice , Jews - Mongols - sons of hell , and if we have masked this fact committed a heinous crime and Jews attending in the United States for a civil war , raise workers to the capitalists, Catholics and Protestants , and black on white , also attending to disputes between the owners of the doctrine of infallibility and between the advocates of the doctrine of evolution and then impose Bchfah the issues. [ Ibid , pp. 185 - 186 , quote . It proves what we have referred to from the mouths of the Jews themselves , and the mouths of poles West who believe that war and strife and revolutions were not only making the Jewish world , as ago the minutes of meetings of the Elders of Zion, on the necessity to ignite wars and strife and revolutions to come back benefit on the Jews. He admitted ( Herzl ) - Abu modern Zionism - in his book ( the Jewish state ) , saying : We Jews when we sink turn to the revolutionary subversive elements , and when we rise , rise up with us our terrible power to collect money in the world bank Jews. He said Marcos Roman Ravaj : we Jews from behind all Hropkm , although the initial war to achieve our control has on the world. The magazine said (lavielle france) in its edition dated June 15 , 1929 : There is a Jewish conspiracy against all peoples, they have the power of money everywhere, and two powerful fighting on two fronts : the front money and revolutions front . Said Oscar Levy: elements Jewish basis of capitalism and communism , we who invented the story of the chosen people , who we set ourselves sincerely to the world, and boast the exit of Christ of us , we are not today but مفسدي world Mkhest , the makers of discord in and جلاديه , we who promised to accompany you to heaven and happiness, your money actually to the new hell . He ( Henry Ford ): I am confident that wars are to benefit a party of them , though the party who benefited are always Jews cosmopolitans , they start wars propaganda by directing them from one country against the other, and the pre-war trade with arms and ammunition, and Jethro from behind the trade , and during the war Jethro itself from the loans they make to the warring parties , and after the war , put their hands on all the sources of wealth in the country ... [ Snake Judaism , pp. 29-31 , quote . Said William Jay Carr : The Revolution English was made Zionism , and the World War II was drawing its plan on the basis that arise as a result of conflict that arises between political Zionism and the Islamic world and eliminate the planned decree be driven this war and went in shatters the Arab world is behind the Islamic world . Author also spoke about the role played by the invisible hand in the delivery of ( Napoleon Bonaparte ) to the summit, and how strong those funded campaigns ( Napoleon ) to destroy the surrounding countries , France. Also spoke about the history hidden for the penetration of the Jewish in America, and how they were able to control the U.S. economy control of the Bank of England, and how that employers money world planned to assassinate the U.S. president ( Benjamin Franklin ) when exposing their goals and then have consolidated their hold on the U.S. economy today. The author says that after World War II has become the globe Kriqah Chess them pieces of people who imagine themselves as leaders and the leaders of major states , and the invisible hand movement ( Stalin ) and ( Churchill ) and ( Roosevelt ) until the war broke out , and ended and crashed Nazism, and established Israel and the race began terrible war did not end by virtue of conflicts on the ground as much as other areas opened to the conflict lies at the end of the recent movement in the international chess game . [ Stones on the chessboard , citing : Talmudic plans , pp. 219 - 121 , quote .
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 00:15:03 +0000

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