# JodhaAkbar 25th August 2014 Written Episode Scene 1 maham is - TopicsExpress


# JodhaAkbar 25th August 2014 Written Episode Scene 1 maham is being taken to to her cell in jail, she recall how jalal said that he doesn’t want to see her face in his life, maham comes in her cell and looks on shocked, she takes water to drink and starts crying, she drink water. jalal says eid Mubarak to(99 eid greetings) to jodha, jodha says to tansen that make that kind of song which shoos away jalal’s anger. jalal greets atgah and mets atgah’s learner, he is the same guy whose marriage was fixed with rajvanshi, jodha says that I wanna say that rajvanshi girl doesn’t want to marry you, I am sory, atgah says no, you did right, jodha says this means marriage is not happening? jalal says no from this point, the story became little twisted, when this guy came to know that gilr doesn’t want to marry then he wen t to champagarh and met the rajvanshi queen, the queen realized that Mughals are not so bad and she gave her nod to marriage, jalal says tits strange that one queen knew about mugahls being good in 1st meeting and one queen(jodha) took year to understand this, jodha smiles. nigaar meets jalal and greets him about eid, she says to jalal that sorry I was so wrong about you, thanks for finding my mother, jalal says don’t say like this, she Is my mother too, I am giving you your states as per will and you can make your government there, nigaar says what maham di was so wrong, how can she be so cruel, I hope she doesn’t try doing something again, jalal gets sad listening about maham, jodha notices it Scene 2 adham comes to meet maham in jail, she is in tears to see him, adham says you wanted that jalal be alive and he doesn’t get killed and see now what he did, he gave you reward like this for all your service, he threw you in this cell, he forgot all your services, all your debts, now I wont leave jalal, now you cant stop me, I will kill him, I will finish him, maham says I wont stop you from doing anything, do what you want but remember that I don’t want jalal to get killed, jalal life is important to me still now, I don’t hate jalal even now, I love him. jodha says to ruks and salima thatjalal is hurt by maham but not showing it, ruks says jalal should not worry about her, salima says maham was like his mother, he gave her respect and what she did, jalal must be hurt by it, jodha says you are right but we should lift up his mood, we should plan some gathering, ruks says are you saying that jalal will do jashn in this mood? jodha says no I am not saying about jashn but what we can do is small family gathering, only family will be invited in it or we can plan some game playing gathering like chookan or sword fighting, jalal will like it, ruks says its a brilliant idea, jodha says great but remember we have to surprise jalal so its our secret, jalal should not know about it, we will plan things secretly. Scene 3 jalal praises atgah in court and says you always trusted me, you always do more than your duties, you always show me way, I wanna ask you what state you want as appreciation token, atgah says thanks for being generous but I don’t want anything, jalal says I knew it, you will say this, so I am giving you chief minister post, adham comes there and shouts that jalal you always do this, its my right on state and you gave him, jalal says adham how can you disturb court like this, you can be punished for it, adham says like you punished your mother like women, my mother, atgah says don’t forget maham has many charges on her, she kidnapped shahi wife years, she tried to harm jalal, adham says ok she should be punished for her misdeads but what about her services, what about her long days teachings to jalal, she still love jalal with whole her heart and soul, she love jalal even more than me, jalal looks on, he says to atgah that maham was given the post of chief minister, jalal used to take her advise in everything but then he stopped talking her and started following his rajvanshi wife, he took maham’s right from her so she did that. adham says you are responsible for what ever maham did, it was her goodness that she did not want to kill you, jalal shouts and says if I was so wrong then I would have punished you alongwith maham but I did not get any proof against you so I left you but today I will punish you, jalal says from now on you will work as servant, you will get pay like them, adham says I did not hurt you, jalal says by showing hand to your parents is a sin, you did that to your king, we will observe you for one month then we will decide about you, soldiers takes away adham, todar says you shouldn’t have left him like this, he can do any thing, jalal says no, he is very short tampered and he must be worried about maham jail thing so did all this but he cant plan anything against me, he doesn’t have brain, he is right I am responsible, maham gave her whole life to me on which it was adham’s right. I took her mother from him, jalal sadly goes from there. Scene 4 jalal comes in his room and recalls his childhood, how maham saved him in war, how she used to play with him, how she used to make him eat, he is in tears and goes to jodha’s room, jodha is not there, moti tries to hide about secret party, she says she went to some place with salima, he ask hoshiyar about jodha, hohiyar gets tensed and says I am finding her only. jalal goes to salima’s room and ask dasi about her, dasi says she is not her room for some time, jalal comes to ruks and she is missing too, jalal is confused. jalal thinks strange nobody is in harem, he meets Rahim, Rahim says I know what is in your mind and I know whats the answer, I am asked to not tell you anything, jalal says I have one question that where are all wives, Rahim says they are secretly preparing jashn for you, jalal says and I should act like I am surprised, Rahim says else they will scold me, Rahim says like ladies, we men should make a deal, jalal says ok we make a deal that I wont tell them anything, now hug my small man, he hugs him. SCene 6 jodha is making qoorma(Mughal dish) for jalal, she ask hamida to check it as she is making it for 1st time, hamida says don’t worry it will be good, she says seem like someone is making sweet, jodha says I will go and see, hamida stops her and says we decided that we will see dishes of other wives after they are prepared, its ruks and phuphi is making sweets, phuphi says strange, the ruks who used to vomit with kitchen’s smell is in kitchen, ruks has cloth on her nose, she says I had to come here, i asked moti about the dish, I don’t know why jodha eat this halwa(sweet dish). phuphi ask ruks that you are not making jalal’s favorite dish this time and making jodha’s favorite sweet? everything alright? ruks says jodha did a lot for me so I thought to do something for her today. adham recalls how jalal took away everything from adham, javeda comes there and says can I meet maham? she says all are enjoying eid and she is sad there so can I go to meet her, adham says she is suffering because of her follishnes if she did the right thing then I wouldn’t have to lose my position, I would have beed king of india, he takes javeda somewhere and shows her throne, she says its same like jalal’s, adham says yes, he sits on it, he says I made it earlier, I want to sit on this throne and to rule india, even maham doesn’t know about it as she was busy raising jalal, javeda says its same like you aren’t made for this throne, adham hurts her and says remember I am future king, he says I wont leave jalal, maham still tells me to spare jalal’s life but I wont leave him, I will kill him. PRECAP- jodha says you played chess with ruks, you lost times in chess and if you lose now then.. jalal puts hand on jodha’s mouth and romantically looks at her.. #NB
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:37:43 +0000

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