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Join us: facebook/thenwowillfail RUSSIA TELLS UNITED STATES CITIZENS NOT TO GIVE UP YOUR GUNS: WE LEARNED FROM EXPERIENCE FIGHTING ROTHSCHILD’S BANKING SCHEMES! President Putin Stamping Out The Rothschild Rockefeller Syndicate Maggots From Russia! In the corridors of Western power, Vladimir Putin is not popular. He has a disconcerting habit of getting things done. Putin, a Russian patriot, started to reshape covert geopolitical power structures when he and his colleagues moved to stamp out the influence of the Rothschild and Rockefeller syndicate maggots at work inside Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989-90. These parasites, mostly oligarchs, mummy-got-me-ready chess players, and P2 Lodge mafia proxies, were agents of the G7 Nazi continuum. Their aim was to secure Russian oil and gas to prop up the US petrodollar Ponzi nexus. They failed and, from 1998 onwards, Vladimir Putin made sure that they failed publicly. Just as the Soviet Union was deliberately collapsed by the G7 élite syndicates, it had been deliberately constructed to fail by a previous generation of those same puppeteers many decades earlier. The EuroZone was another bankster toy. Manufactured to launder unbacked fiat paper currency to Asia, it is now being collapsed by the very same banksters who set it up in the first place. In Western fractional banking, it doesn’t matter whether you build up or whether you smash down; you make big money each way and in the process you generate useful debt to control sovereign treasuries. After each collapse there is a fire sale. If you’re a banker, you don’t just buy the dips; you create the dips. Money is the mechanism which makes people poor. With China and one hundred and eighty other BRICS alliance nations, Putin’s Russia is teaching the G7 Nazi continuum a rather obvious lesson: fiat paper currencies are not money; gold is money. Read more here: Illuminati Exposed Radio - blogtalkradio/thenwowillfail Post by Kolohe Get Money Out Of Politics - March Against Corruption - November 2nd -https://facebook/events/413904625374273/
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 06:24:35 +0000

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