. Joseph Burkes said: The so called authorities have lied to us - TopicsExpress


. Joseph Burkes said: The so called authorities have lied to us for so long on so many subjects that peoples suspicions concerning conspiracies are enormous. In the absence of clear answers it is only natural that people will speculate and sometimes what appears to be wild speculation turns out to be true. The UFO field is a good example of this. But in the case of this aircraft tragedy attempting to link this mystery to the even greater mystery flying saucers may get UFO enthusiasts much negative attention. At one time I might have readily criticized MUFON State Section Director John Ventre for what has now become a public statement. Now I am not so certain about the role of negative publicity. In Hollywood they have an expression, There is no such thing as bad publicity. Just spell my name right. The UFO subject has been so marginalized, witnesses intimidated by ridicule, scientists blocked from studying the subject, and massive governmental denial, that one might take the view that since we are going to be made fun of no matter what we say or do, wild speculation and the negative comments it engenders may not be totally harmful. I know this is difficult to consider, but I have noted that our contact networks are weakest in nations that in my opinion are culturally the most shame based. I refer to Northern Europe. In the US and Australia my guess is that because of cultural reasons we are less fearful of ridicule than in countries like Germany and the UK. Perhaps we should not be so worried about being the target of ridicule. I think what John Ventre has done is put into writing what millions of people are privately thinking about but might never dare to say. Major Hollywood productions like the TV series, The Event seen by millions of views used the theme that he is openly speculating about. In that show ETs teleport a plane that is about to crash into the Presidents convoy and place the airliner safely out into the desert. The so called ETs take on a mythic aspect in the imagination of mankind, and no matter what the authorities say, they whatever this intelligence turns out to be, is not willing to go away.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 17:27:33 +0000

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