~Julia rallied her emotions in check. Knowing he could hear her - TopicsExpress


~Julia rallied her emotions in check. Knowing he could hear her call out she spoke, “Who are you wolf.” She could make him out through large cracks in the door. According to her own strengths she doubted that his eyesight were worse off than her own were. So seeing her where she stood was a definite in her mind. “I’m still weak so you can come in to talk and still be safe,” even as she spoke Julia reached behind her. Careful enough to let her body’s front conceal her grasp for a rusty colored nail that hung loosely from the wall. With this attempt to hide her betrayal, she was careful to word herself loosely on the truth. Besides, mostly her words had been honest enough. It was true that her body was still feeble from the change but it was not going to keep her from trying to flee. Apprehension grasped at her as she could see his feet closing the distance between them. Due to his closeness, she half-hazardly clutched at herself to stay calm. So thus hoping her focus on deception would not be revealed. Her only main objective was escaping. Above all she only hoped that he would assume her non-threatening so she could dive in attack and on to freedom. ~Thomas moved slowly upon the entry, every part of his body screaming in warning. He could feel the tension mounting from just beyond the door’s front. Sensing her in wait of him, Thomas knew that he would have to be quick to seize control. She might be newly weak at the moment but sleek and free to move quickly was well within her means. That had already been proven in the woods with her attempt at flight. It was then that he had barely been able to gain any stride over her. If she had not been so fresh to their world, her change would not have come on in such a way. As it was the smallest of things could trigger her unfurling, even the presence of another Werewolf. There could be no more hesitant moves in which to stall the inevitable on. Ultimately, he knew that the next few steps would take them both onward to their fates. The Were within him just hoped that he would be able to hold back the wolf from staking his claim to her. However, even with these last few heeded steps he felt weary of being able to hold off any response to her. As Thomas began to emerge through the fragile doorway, he was hit like a ton of bricks. No longer a comatose female being kept at bay by an unwanted unfurling. Now it was more like a she-devil with claws and what felt like a dull nail, firmly clutched between her thumb and forefinger. Moreover, her plummet onto him put their two bodies in a present tangle for dominance among the shattered remains of the floor. Of the two indestructible forces, Thomas achieved in the display of dominance as he now rested above her. Her nubile flesh lay writhing beneath his. It in addition to her arousing smell caused him a more than an appreciative friction. The effect was causing him a well-wanted shroud to his common sense. Virtually leaving him exposed to a maddening need. Stifling any of his current cravings of her would be like cutting off a limb to be free. Clearly the longer her heat rose up to caress him, the more he threw off any chance of thinking rationally. She was his and anything beyond that was not his concern. Holding her hands over her head, his grip became so tight that he could feel the blood coursing through her veins. As she twisted and squirmed to no avail beneath him, tightness in his belly began threatening to explode. Even as her teeth gnashed in frustration Thomas found himself answering with a feral growl. Similarly, the two squirmed across the floor, their pelvises pumping at whim into each other. Thus, they were left with one urging to control while the other remained desperate to be free. However evocative he found all her hostile and violent attempts, he knew that he would have to relinquish his temporary grasp of her. Although he was inclined to let up his own hold, he still remained determined to not allow her to leave. He could debate all he wanted on it being for her best interest. Although, Thomas knew his refusal was more than just for her safety. Moreover, it was his lust declining to resolve his ache on her. Nevertheless, her bombarding attempts at aggression dampened his will rather further than just one particular way. Besides Thomas’s thrill at her hostility, he was not a Were who could force his will on to another especially a female. No matter how much the repercussions of her body flailing beneath him promised.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 15:43:16 +0000

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